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Mike- Nancy?! Um how long were you standing there?
Me- um I'm gonna wait for you in your room, Nanc
I walk near outside of Mike's doorway to his room. To hear him and Nancy. She walks in his room.
Nancy- you like Sev?
Mike- Nancy, how long where you standing there?
Nancy- um well when you first said "do you remember about the cute stuff?"
Mike- dammit Nancy. That was a lot! You heard it all then
Nancy- yeah hehe aww my little bro got a girl?
Mike- Nancyyyy stooop
Nancy- haha.... how you holding up?
Mike- what do you mean?
Nancy- I was in your head when you were with El...
Mike- .... I just didn't like how I hurt her. She's a good person but... I didn't really have those feelings for her anymore... and I
Nancy- mike shut up heh. I know... I didn't know you think that much
Mike- yeah... well know you know so
Nancy- but in the back of your thoughts... you think mom and dad are going to divorce?
Mike- I think so some times yeah...
Nancy- well that is not happening so get that out of your mind. No one is leaving
Mike- ha we'll see about that
I heard mike getting into bed.
Nancy- Mike... it'll be alright
Mike- night, Nancy
Nancy- mike if you ever just want to talk I am al-
He cuts her off
Mike- Night! Nancy!
I go into Nancy's room. She comes in and close the door.
Nancy- ok um.. you'll be sleeping down on the floor if that's alright tonight..
Me- yes. It's perfectly fine.
Nancy- ok well goodnight, Sev
Me- night
Nancy turns off the lights and gets into her bed. I get into the floor with blankets and pillows. I lay down for awhile. Just staring at the ceiling from my back. No thoughts were filling my head. I close my eyes. I see Will. Why was Will in my mind right now? He comes up to me.
Will- do you even KNOW him?
Suddenly Lucas comes
Lucas- he deserves better! All of a sudden you show up? Ha! He'll get bored with you in no time
Dustin comes
Dustin- 007? More like 0 haha
The worse part I didn't see coming was El standing behind me. I turn to look at her. Her eyes are all blood and dripping down her face. She has cuts and scratches everywhere. Her clothes are ripped. But I notice something off. She has her hands and arms behind her
El- you did this to me... now you will be dead too
She takes out her hand in front of her and screams. She is ripping every bone in me. Blood starts coming out through every hole and place from me.
Everything starts to fade. Blurry. I see Mike coming to me. I fall to the ground. He drops on his knees next to me. He was... crying? I close my eyes again. I open them again and am breathing very heavy. I see and feel Mike shaking me.
Mike- SEV?! Sev, wake up!
Me- HUH?!
Mike- you were screaming in your sleep...
He breathes out heavily once
Me- I'm sorry... just bad things happened when I closed my eyes.
Mike- like a nightmare?
Me- I guess so
I look down..
Mike- what happened? In the nightmare...
Me- I was in a place.. I don't know where. First Will appeared, the Lucas then Dustin and then El. But El was... killing me. From my bones and blood was coming out of me everywhere. Then I fell and you came crying running...
Mike- .... wow.
Me- they were... saying things about you.
Mike- huh? Like what?
Me- you don't deserve me... you'll get bored with me soon... Dustin made fun of my name..
Mike- don't listen to "them"... they are not real. None of that was real. You're just paranoid with... being with me.
Me- but I like like you. Why would I be "paranoid"?
Mike- are you doubting yourself with being with me?
Me- no I like like you.. a lot.
Mike- are you scared?
Me- .... kinda
Mike- why?
He holds on one of my hands as I look down at my lap
Me- I don't know. Maybe I am not much human for you to like like me?...
Mike- I like like you... ok? You don't have to be normal. Don't change..
Me- alright... did I wake up Nancy?
Mike- yeah.. she came running in my room about you screaming in your sleep. I came in here and told her to go back to sleep and I'd take care of it.
I look up at him because I felt scared
Me- El was... killing me. She said I "did this" to her. She was covered in blood and scratches... but I'd never hurt El..
Mike gives me a hug. He is rubbing his hand on my arm to make me feel better. It was working slightly. He starts to make me feel safe. Just him. I let go. I sniffle and look at him as we pull away. I wish I could just hold him longer though.
Me- you can go back to sleep. Sorry I woke you up.
Mike- it's alright.. can I sleep here with you? If you don't mind...
Me- oh um yeah alright.
I lay down on the area with blankets. So does Mike. I am on one pillow and he is on the other one next to mines. I face the opposite away from him.
Mike- Sev?..
Me- yes?...
Mike- just asking but... do you mind if someone touches you?
Me- um like a hug?
Mike- kinda...
Me- I like the hugs... so I do not mind
I say while my mouth opens and I take a deep breath then close my mouth again
Mike- you tired?
Me- heh how did you know?
Mike- you yawned what do you mean how did I know? Haha
Me- oh that's yawning? Ohh... well yes I am tired
Mike- go to sleep...
Me- what if I have another nightmare?
Mike- I'll be here to make sure.. Also can I say something?
Me- alright... what is it?
Mike- I'm really sorry for being really mean since I met you...
Me- you just did not want El to leave with me. You were... scared.
Mike- yeah... and I didn't know how you were because I didn't try to or want to really at the time... but once we talked, I liked it
Me- oh...
I yawned again
Mike- go to sleep, Sev
Me- goodnight, Mike
My eye lids were closely and slowly falling. I feel something go around my arms a little. Just enough to have my own space but still around me. I feel myself being pushed closer towards Mike. I turn over to see Mike's face has a smile and he has his arms around me. I just turn back my way and enjoy his presence. I close my eyes for a second then I feel something on my back. I look over to see Mike's head laying on my back.
He is like giving me a hug just from the back. And I see his face onto my back. He seems.. peaceful. I like it too. I close my eyes to sleep. No feeling. No thoughts. Then I feel something bright hit my face. I scrunch up my face because it is blinding me by the brightness. I open one eye to reveal Mike staring at me with a light smile and eyes with a strong feeling of some sort. I need to figure all this out soon. I get the pillow and put it on my face

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