Ready for the mission?

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I turn quickly to Lucas's face. His mouth drops, eyes widen and he seems like he just froze. I look at Dustin and Will.
Max?- hey Joyce, right? Will's mom?
Joyce- yes
Lucas and I run to the door. I see a girl with red/orange hair, blue long sweatshirt, two holes in her pants, a skateboard on one hand and a bag on the other, and a grey winter cozy hat. Yup that's Max! She smiles as she sees Lucas. So does he. She drops her skateboard and bag. They rush to each other and hug. They soon let go and laugh. Laughing about what you ask? I have no idea but they are happy.
Max- hey!
Lucas- you're back
Max- yup!
She looks beside him and notice me
Max- sup
Me- hey
El and Will come to us. Her and El hug tight and she hugs Will after. Then Dustin comes and they hug. We all group hug. After we all let go she notice everyone in the living room and had a confused face
Max- did you all know I was coming back?
Dustin- oh Max we have a story
Lucas- long story short, we found a new friend and she's like El and she went missing so we have to get her back
Max- another disappearance? What's happening
El- the gate opened again
Max- oh.. so do we really need to get her back or is she apart of the party as well?
Dustin- we are gonna have her in the party once she comes back because she can handle us and can fit in
Max- cool so we have to have another adventure?
Lucas- yup
We all walk into the living room with everyone else and we all sit back down
Will- since Max is back we should be even
El- Steve and Dustin, Lucas and Max, Joyce and Will, Nancy and Jonathan, and lastly Mike and I so we can both be able to get to Sev when we do
Max- where are we gonna be positioned?
Joyce- El, you and Nancy should go to your house and get the guns
Nancy- alright. El we can meet them there
El- We'll see you guys at the Exit in the back of the lab. Hopper should have plenty of guns so we can all have one
Joyce- be careful
Jonathan- hurry up too
Nancy- ok cmon
They run out of the house and go to El's cabin to get the guns.
Lucas- Nancy and Jonathan will be patrolling the front and left side of the lab from outside. Will and Joyce will be patrolling the back and right side of the lab from outside. Max and I will patrol the first two floors of the lab. Steve and Dustin will patrol the third and fourth floor of the lab. Mike and El will be in the room we last saw Sev in. Alright? Anyone have any comments, excuses, or questions about this?
Dustin- um yeah how will we know what's happening with each other
Me- walkies duh dude
Dustin- oh right
He says in a 'feels stupid to ask that' kind of question
Steve- so everyone of us should have flashlights, walkies, guns, and we have to stick with our partners. No separations AT ALL
Joyce- right
Dustin- Joyce and Jonathan can you both use your cars for all of us and stuff?
Jonathan- yeah
Joyce- of course
Will- we will meet them at the back of the lab
As he confirms as to when El said it
Max- what does she look like?
Me- she'll most likely be the only person there so you can't miss her basically
Max- smart ass
Lucas- Max
He leans closer to her ear and she listens. He whispers something to her and she smiles while she looks at me. What did he tell her?
Lucas- so we all ready?
Steve- yeah um what are the options of things that to go wrong?
We all look at each other
Me- she won't make it out alive...
Steve- oh.. so how can we prevent that?
Will- it's all up to herself and El
Jonathan- got it. We all ready?
Dustin- yeah
Lucas- yup
Max- yeah
Joyce- yes
Steve- yeah
Me- yes

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