Where'd she go?!

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I walk out of Mike's room and to downstairs. The door was closed and I couldn't see Nancy anywhere. I walk around the house to find Nancy or something at least. But nothing. I hear something from the door again and I walk over to see what made the noise. But nothing again. I have a feeling inside that senses I'm not alone. I close my eyes and I can still hear the water running upstairs that Mike is showering. If he's up there and I feel something else here.... what could it be? I hear a noise come from back upstairs. I really have to walk back up there? Great! I walk back up but I notice the ladder to the roof was down. I look up the ladder and start climbing up to the roof. I hear echo voices in my ears. Filling my head, making my head hurt a little. I get on top of the roof and walk around trying to find the noise. I look from the edge of the roof. I thought I would see the ground, but all I see is black. Again just black. I have a quick sting in my head. I hold my head from the pain. Just a long loud noise ringing in my ears filling my head. I fall off the roof, I close my ears, curl up and scream
I am falling for awhile and soon enough I am knocked out. I can still think but not do anything or feeling my body. What is happening? Where am I? Why can't I open my eyes to see or do anything! I start panicking about it. Wait! I can get into someone from the party's head and try to tell them. Who's mind should I go in? I don't want to go in Mike's. I still don't want to invite his mind... just not yet at least. Maybe I should go in Lucas's mind. I concentrate to getting inside of Lucas's mind and see what he's doing. My visions shows of Lucas's mind and I can see what he's doing. I see him walking around his room.
Lucas- don't get so loud, girls!
Oh right his sister was having a sleepover.
Normal POV (tiny)
Sev can see and know what he's thinking and doing.
Lucas's POV
I walk around my room annoyed by my sister and her friends all loud in her room. Why could she have a sleepover on a weekday but I can't bring the party over? I hear my walky-talky sound turns on. I hear someone say
???- party? Anyone there?!
I notice it's Mike. I walk over to my walky-talky and answer him
Me- I'm here. What's up?
Dustin and Will also connect to me and Mike's conversation
Will- what's wrong?
Dustin- everything ok?
Mike- no! I can't find Sev! Is she with any of you guys? Or with El?
Me- you can't find Sev? She has powers dude! Did you check everywhere?
Mike- yes! I did! Lucas
Dustin- she's not with me. I haven't seen her since I left Will's house
Will- she's not with El because I'm with El right now and she's not with us so no she's not here
Me- where the fuck did she go?
Mike- I don't know! I told her I was going to shower and change but when I came back.. SHE WAS GONE! I looked everywhere IN the house and OUT the house! Where is she?!
I hear El in the background from Will's walky
El- she's missing?! Where'd she go?!
Mike- I don't know! El can you see if you can find her?!
El- yeah I'll try
Me- what the hell is happening?!
Dustin- everyone calm down maybe she is on her way to see Joyce at the school?
Mike- she would've said something, Dustin! I'm going out to look for her
Dustin- I'll come with you
Will- guys it's not safe out in the dark
Mike- WILL, I didn't give up looking for you! I never stopped waiting for El as well! I'm not giving up on Sev either!
Me- Mike, maybe she'll come in the morning?
Will- Mike do not leave your house
Dustin- but what if something happened to her?
I can tell Mike freaks out more through his walky.
Me- Mike, I'm sure she'll show up
Will- get some rest, dude
Mike- FINE! But IF something happens to HER, I'm never forgiving YOU GUYS for stopping me!
Mike leaves us. I can tell everyone is shocked because he doesn't get THIS mad unless it's SUPER important to him. Especially he doesn't threat our friendship with him if it's not important. So this means... woah he actually loves her.
Me- guys... she really means a lot to him
Dustin- I hope she's just going out for some random walk
Will- El, can you find her?
I hear Will say. I hope she found her
El- ....no.. something isn't right. I can't even get into her mind. Her and I can always link even when either of us is sleeping or far away no matter what..
Dustin- shit! That means something actually happened?!
Will- oh no..
Me- look it's getting late.. let's talk about this tomorrow. Everyone get to Mike's house early to meet him before he leaves his house to figure this out
Dustin- alright.. Night guys
Will- good night
El- night
Me- bye
I put my walky down on my bed. Why is everyone always leaving?! I pick up the walky and throw the walky across my room hard. A piece of it breaks but I don't really care. First Will, then El then Max is on vacation and NOW SEV?! Why can't we just put an end to people leaving?.... No we need to stay together.. or should we? Mike and I have been best friends since forever. I know how we both have gone through everything besides when we fought that time about El. We both argued about El before but now that they broke up, I don't really have an issue with him I guess. And it's not like Sev because Mike and I both were against her but now that he isn't arguing with me about her, I trust him enough to accept her. Oh well I'll see the party tomorrow to sort it all out. I sit on my bed and lay down. I pull my sheets over me because it's still winter but if it was spring or summer I wouldn't use my blanket. I suddenly have a headache. I feel... dizzy and have the feeling I'm not alone in my room. I sit up on my bed and look around my room. Nothing out of the ordinary. Strange. I close my eyes because my body starts to hurt. Pain just shoots up my hole body.
Back to Sev's POV
Lucas couldn't handle me in his mind. Before I start to hurt him more I get out from his connect and mind link. How will I find out what's going on there with them? Mike was... worried about me. I feel bad that I left without telling him. But yet again, I didn't know I'd be stuck... wherever I am? Should I go in Dustin's mind? Yeah, he trusts me more, right? So I can be able to get to connect and link without hurting him. I connect and link to Dustin's mind and his vision.
Dustin's POV
I can tell Mike is worried. For Sev to leave like that? I can tell she wouldn't do that. She can't even walk outside without being confused or one of us to be with her. I put down my walky and get inside my bed. The feeling in my room was weird and different. I slowly close my eyes. I open my eyes and see....Sev? Is that Sev? I run up to her and spin her around to see her. Yes, it was her! It's really her! She seems to be in pajamas. She must've changed while Mike was just showering before she disappeared. But we around in a dark room but I can still see her anyway
Me- Sev! Where'd you go?! Where are we?
Sev- Dustin I'm in your mind and I can see what you do and think. I fell into this black place and I can't move physically but I can still use my mind. I was just in Lucas's mind and u heard all of you guys on the "walky". Is Mike and you all ok? What's happening?
I take in what Sev tells me. She didn't just leave, she got trapped in here.
Me- Mike is so worried about you. We are going to look for you, ok? We'll find you. Wait so you can see what I do and think of?
Sev- yeah I've linked myself to you and that's how we are talking now. I'm gonna have to stay connected with you so I can see you all and see what you guys are doing.
Me- wow that's cool! Are you ok though? Are you hurt?
Sev- I can't really see my body and I can't feel anything.
Me- we'll get you out of here!
Sev- I can't hold this much longer you have to go back there... don't tell them that we spoke, alright?
Me- why not?! We are all worried sick about you!
Sev- I don't want to give you all false decisions... what if I can't come back to you all?
Me- ... you mean like you're dead and you can still connect to us? No! You are not dead. We are coming just stay here
Sev- where can I honestly go? Ha
Me- true haha
Sev- well I'll let you sleep..
Me- cya and I'm glad you went into my mind instead of Mike's.. you'd freak him out
Sev- yeah... night
Me- night
I close my eyes and I open them to see I'm back in my bed. I turn over and see light from my window. So that means Sev can know what I'm doing and hear everything I'm thinking? That's ok with me heh. I get up and change. I walk out my house onto my bike and head to Mike's house. As I park my bike in front of Mike's house I see Will, El and Lucas just coming behind me as well on their bikes. We all walk up to the door and knock. Soon I see Nancy, who opens the door. But wasn't she supposed to be on a trip with Jonathan and a friend or something?
Me- Nancy?
Will- my mom told us you were on a trip with my brother
Nancy- we were but then Mike called me from the house phone crying and told me to come back. So I'm here and Jonathan is sleeping in my room because we came late so.
El- where's Mike?
Nancy- in his room. He may be still asleep but you guys can check and wake him up
Me- thanks
We all walk up to Mike's room. His door is closed. Lucas opens his door and we see something we've probably never seen from Mike

Next Chapter⬇️
What did Mike do? More importantly what happened to Sev??🤦🏽‍♀️😬

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