What's really going on

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(Reason for this song because it seems like it won't fit. This song is just like them thinking it's the Lab's and the upside down fault. They've both taking a lot from everyone of the main characters in the town and they want to stop it once more because if they don't, who else knows what would happen if the Lab succeeded and taken over? But the real question is, will the characters really finish the job?)

Me- guys I just saw Sev!
Lucas- ok lover boy we know you miss her and we all want to find her too but you didn't believe us. Sorry to burst your bubble
Me- no I actually did! I hugged her and everything
Dustin- heheh everything? Did you kiss her?
I swear I want to kill Dustin sometimes.
Me- shut up...
But I do get that vision of Sev and I kissing. I don't know if this kinda sounds weird or not but... her lips taste so good? Man I don't know how to really explain things
El- it's getting dark out. We should go back home
Will- yeah. Mike we will look for her again tomorrow after school, ok?
Me- ok.. cya guys
I ride my bike before they do. I get home after awhile of getting out of the woods and riding. I drop my bike on the ground and walk into my house with the keys. I see Nancy, Jonathan, Steve and Joyce in the living room. Why are they all here?
Me- um? Why are you all here?
Nancy- I told them about Sev
Me- you didn't have to we found her
Joyce and Nancy stand up and look so happy
Joyce- where is she? Is she at my house? Or with someone from the party?
Oh.. I realize we didn't bring her back. Damn it! I got their hopes up. I look down and say lowly
Me- we didn't get her.. We found her but she can't get out until...
I pause because all of them know and had experienced about the gate and upside down.. we all have, together
Jonathan- until?
Me- look I'm gonna be honest with you all
They all start to look concerned
Me- we didn't get her out because we have to close the gate again. Some how it opened back up and we all tried looking for her. That night she left, I looked around the neighborhood. I would've searched more but the party said for me to rest. Today we went to the lab and she became as El? Which confused all of us but it was really her and I didn't believe it. She was telling us how she was just stuck somewhere in a dark place and she can't feel her body physically but she can only use and see her mind. She went into Lucas's mind first and heard our conversation on the walky talkys. Then went into Dustin's and kept up with what we were doing. I saw Sev and we talked. I hugged her and all. We have to get her back. Her and El have to close the gate so she can come back to us... understand it all?
They all had their mouths dropped as if nothing made sense and saw a ghost. Joyce falls back onto the couch with her shaking hand covering her mouth, Jonathan trying to understand and Steve just looks completely clueless but it makes sense because he's never even met Sev
Steve- um yeah sure
Joyce- then we have to get her back
She looks at me
Me- the party told me that tomorrow after school we'll look for her again
Nancy- how does El and Sev close the gate again?
She crosses her arms
Me- El has to go in with Sev in her mind and they both do it I guess, I don't really get how it works but I trust them
Jonathan- right because Sev also has powers too
Steve- I don't know much about Sev besides that she's Mike's girlfriend and she's missing, seriously people in this town need to stop and be careful so they won't go missing, this has basically become our job
Everyone just stares at him, yeah I guess within  over a year, we've been through a lot.. WAIT DID HE CALL HER MY GIRLFRIEND? I quickly look over to Nancy
Me- Nancy! You told them?
I yell because that was no one's business but I should've known Nancy was going to say something I guess, everyone jus Has to know, right? Yes that was sarcasm
Joyce- aw you guys are actually dating?
Me- no... we haven't dealt with that. She doesn't know any of it but I just want her to enjoy, learn, practice, and experience all cool things
Steve- aw you're letting her wonder first. Dude you gotta get her before she starts feeling something for someone else
He says as he walks up to me and puts his arm around me. I look at him with "what the fuck?!" face as I look up to him
Jonathan- Steve, you'll make him worry
He walks up to Steve and I, patting my back a little
Joyce- boys stop harassing Mike about his love life
Oh my god! I can feel my face get hot either because them mentioning me with Sev in that way is making me blush OR getting me so mad that they are even trying to get in about my love life oh my god..
Me- well are you guys going to leave or?
Joyce- me and Jonathan have to get to Will
Jonathan- yeah cya Mike
Joyce and Jonathan walk out my house
I turn and still see Steve here
Me- why are you still here?
Steve- dude chill haha. I know you never liked me but I'm here for you kiddos as well. Im the father haha
He jokes but to be honest, he still sticks around for Dustin
Me- no you're Dustin's mom
I laugh because I just called him a mom. HAHA! Nancy looks at me annoyed. Wtf is she looking at me like that? She's the one who dated this guy and broke up or I don't know, they have their love triangle
Nancy- Mike, you should be getting ready for tomorrow
Me- fine
I walk up upstairs to my room. It seems so quiet and empty. Usually, I'd have my little sister with my mom, my dad downstairs sleeping or watching tv or just hitting it to be fixed, Nancy was always out or in her room on the phone... I go over to my bed and I go on it. Please Sev talk to me again.. I miss you. You shouldn't be the one there. It should've been me. I notice... have I changed? Like a lot? I wasn't this way with El before. Like yeah I become closed off, rude to Max and waited to get her for long time. But I feel different with Sev. I just want to rip her clothes and UGH JUST WANNA FU-! Woah.. umm hold up. Oh no.. I'm starting to get dirty thoughts. About Sev! With El I didn't want to go further or do much because I don't know how to fucking do any of that shit! How the duck (I said duck for a reason) am I supposed to know how to exactly do that shit? Ask Nancy? No that'll be awkward, she's my sister! Steve? Oh no not Steve he'll just might as well just make me get Sev pregnant. Jonathan? No he's too shy and that'd be kinda weird for ME to ask my sisters boyfriend and one of my best friend's brother, right? Who the fuck can I ask? Oh! Maybe Lucas might know. I walk over to my desk and grab my walky.
Me- Lucas? Come in. Over
I press the button to hear if he answers
Lucas- yes Sir. I'm here what's up?
Me- you know how to fuck, right? Or do anything with a girl?
Lucas- what the fuck!? Why are you asking me? Planning to do something with Sev once she comes back to show how much you looooooove herrrrrrr
Me- shut up! I have no one else to ask, I have no idea even what to do
Lucas- damn dude
Me- so answer the question. Do you?
Lucas- yeah I do and BEFORE YOU SAY ANYTHING ELSE no I did not learn it from doing any of that with Max so shut it
Me- oooh ok fine.
Lucas- alright see you tomorrow, over
Me- night. Over
I turn off my walky and walk over to my bed and lay down. I put my head on my pillow and cover myself with my blankets. I slowly close my eyes. I feel a tap on my shoulder. I open my eyes and see Sev again. YES! She's here.. I look around and notice we are back in the black place
Sev- hey....
Me- Sev? What's wrong?
She looks sad. She isn't looking at me, she's looking away. I cup my hands on her head.
Me- what's wrong?

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