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I see Mike's facial expression make me laugh. He captured each expression good haha.
Me- hahaha
Mike- yup I love these
Me- I like them too
Mike- I'm going to keep them
He puts them in a hole in his pants
Mike-  Now what else? Want to play some battle games?
Me- sure!
He takes me to some games. He teaches me and directs me about how to play, what not to do in the game, how to win, and while I start playing, he tells me about the game and it's story. After playing about a couple of games. I see everything starts getting dark out and only the lights in the arcade were flashing.
Me- Mike?
Mike- yeah?
Me- it's getting dark outside
I turn around from the game which was still playing. I see a door in the back swing open. I start walking to the door, slowly and carefully. Every sound around me was slowly fading from my hearing. Then I feel someone grab my hands. I guess it is Mike because he must know what I'm seeing too, right? I look back and see... Papa?
Papa- it's ok 007. Papa is here now!
I scream at him and close my eyes. I feel him shaking me.
Me- no no no! GET AWAY!
I fall down onto the floor.. No. he is NOT going to take me again! All of a sudden I hear..
Mike- Sev?
Says in a soft and low voice.
Me- huh?! Mike?
I open my eyes and I am against the door and I am sitting on the floor. My vision comes back clear and I see Mike kneeling down to me. He is holding my shoulders. Worried and scared in his eyes I could tell
Mike- SEV?! SEV?!
Me- Mike?
I put my hands on his shoulder while looking around for Papa
Mike- what happened?!
Me- I saw... Papa..
Mike- bad man?
I shake my head up and down. His face turns all serious
Me- I saw this door behind me. I opened it and I went towards it.. I felt someone grab me. It was him. He was gonna take me! He was gonna take me away again... I don't.. I don't wanna
My voice cracks a little. I start crying again. Jeez I feel like such a baby when I cry. Mike hugs me. He is hugging me so tight and a hand on my head while I put my head under his. I just cry..
Me- he's gonna get me, Mike! I don't want him to get me!
I say angry, scared and still crying. Mike opens the door behind me. He picks me up under my legs and carries me. I haven't been carried this way for a long time but I seem to over grown it, right? He walks into the little room I guess the door was for. He closes it behind him.. yet he's still hugging me
Mike- Sev... shh. It's alright
How could he say it's alright?! If any of this means Papa and the corrupted are ALIVE?! We are ALL in danger! I push him away but I fall because he was just holding me. I don't care about the pain right now I just... don't want to leave and be taken into that HORRIBLE place. Oh no! He'll get El too! Ugh stop all of this. Mike walks towards me
Mike- I know I know, Sev.. I'm scared as hell right now. Please..
Me- Mike
I say crying more. I'm mad about all of this and sad but I'm crying more because I'm crying. I've always only cried with El some times when me and her were not tested for awhile. But besides her, I cried by myself. I don't like people see me cry. Shows weakness. The corrupted are weak that's why they've been corrupted. Mike goes down to my legs on his knees.
Mike- Savanna?
Me- what?
I look into his eyes
Mike- look I don't want to give you false hope if they are really gone or not because I don't know. I don't have the amazing ability you have to find out anything. If I could, I'd do it right away so that I know you are all safe. But right now.. we are together and NO ONE is separating us, alright? We will go through this together
Wow Mike.. he's very caring about the party and everyone that's not bad. He's right. We are together and nothing can stop the party so. I'm sure we are capable.. I hope
Me- heh.. thanks Mike
He wipes my tears from my face
Mike- no worries, Sev
He smiles and leans closer. He lifts up my chin up a little to look directly at him with his hand. His eyes are slowly closing. He kisses me again. I close my eyes too. It makes me smile that I feel happy when he calms me down. I feel his hands on my waist. I feel him pulling me closer. He holds my hands and we both stand up. I kiss back.. He goes more into the kiss. Wow I don't know but right now I feel like it's just me and him. The kiss got.. what's the word? Passionate? Yeah I think that's it and uh? It just feels very right and nice. I walk backwards trying not to break our now locked lips. He put one hand on my cheek and a little was on my neck, while one is still on my waist. He follows me and we stop walking backwards because I feel a wall behind me so my back was on the wall. I put my hands on his chest. He starts going a little more fast and into the kiss. I can't BREATHE through my MOUTH! Wait ah! I can breathe through my nose. I can feel both Mike's and I's breath. I was liking this. Heh I was very much so enjoying this. I have this urging feeling to push Mike onto the wall instead of me and take control for once. But I don't because in case I don't want to hurt him or make him feel like he's not controlling it anymore? I think? I can't tell time like Dustin said but I know me and Mike were kissing for... QUITE awhile. Soon though, we both pull away
Mike- yeah
He breathes out a long and heavy breath. I look down and smile. He wraps his arms around my waist instead of just holding one hand on it now.
Mike- what's so funny?
Me- not funny. I just liked that
I look up at him to see his eyes. Such great eyes to fall into
Mike- so did I.. wow
Me- hehe
I quickly look back down smiling crazy
Mike- you alright? Seem very happy
Me- yes I'm great
I look up to him. We give each other a little smile
Mike- now.. wanna get out of this room?
Me- heh yeah

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