Having some fun

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Mike grabs his bike which was on laying on the ground. He goes on and helps me get on too. I wrap my arms around him so I won't fall off. I get this weird feeling in my chest and stomach every time I'm touching him, it's weird and definitely new so I don't know what's happening to me. We start riding to the arcade. Once we got there we get off the bike and lay it against the building wall. Mike opens the door for us to then walk into the arcade. It was filled with kids playing loud and bright games.
Mike- so what do you want to do first?
Me- I don't know. What kind of games are here?
Mike- shooting, puzzles, battles, racing, and some you can win prizes in
Me- prizes?
Mike- things you win for something I guess
Me- ooh. Do you want to do the racing one first? 
Mike- sure
Mike takes my hand and leads me to a game. I see the game has motorcycles in it and it has a real one for people to get on to play the game. But why?
Me- what's this?
I knew it was a motorcycle but why was it here? There is already one in the game
Mike- to get on. It moves and whatever you do with it on this one then the one in the game moves
Wow! So it is like the motorcycle is linked or connected to the game.
Mike- want to get on?
Me- to play? Yeah
I crawl on top of the motorcycle but it was moving side to side wobbling. I then scream a little because I think I'm going to fall. Mike grabs the motorcycle and makes it still, I didn't fall. Yes!
Mike- it's gonna move. You need balance for this race. Because you have to move side to side and use the handles if you want to go faster. The motorcycle will move and I'll hold it so you won't fall, ok?
Me- alright
Jeez he seems like he knows this game
Me- do you play this game much?
Mike- not a lot I'm more into like the battle games and some times shooting and puzzles
Me- after this, wanna play a shooting one?
Mike- sure. Ok so you have to pick your motorcycle, scene which is the place you'll be riding in, and wait till the girl says to start driving it with this handle. To drive, turn the handle upwards. To turn and stuff, that's why this motorcycle is wobbly. So try not to fall and lose balance.
He was showing me how to start, pick the selections and then he put two coins into the machine. The game started. He helps me pick what motorcycle is best and if I want I could decorate it. I put some light on the wheels. The countdown is starting.
3...2...1... Go!
I push forward on the handle and Mike was behind me moving the motorcycle so I'd make the turns and past people by.
Mike- Turn it more to go faster! Go! Go! Go!
I did what Mike said and in the game I was speeding through people. I see the place I was in. 8th..7th...6th...5th...4th...3rd
Me- am I winning yet?!
I'm yelling because the arcade was so loud and just for the excitement from the game.
Mike- you're so close!
I move the opposite way I was supposed to turn because it seems like a short cut
Me- it seems like a short cut
In the game I go up a spiral stairs, feel like it was never gonna end. Then I finally got somewhere and see a huge glass.
Mike- you can't go that way!
Me- watch me!
I make the motorcycle go to full speed. I lean towards the screen of the game. And I go... BAM! Right into the glass and it broke to tiny pieces and I was ahead the last player which was player number 3.
Me- told you
Mike- now try to get passed that guy in front of you
Me- alright, Captain!
The game is almost over and the timer was running out.
Soon I go past player 1 and now I see I was in its place. I see the finish line and press some buttons that made me do tricks on the motorcycle. I pass the line and I raise my hands in the air to woooo!
Mike- yeah! YES YOU DID ITTT!
He comes to get me off the motorcycle and raised his hand and I mirror him as he slaps my hand
Me- ow!
I look at my hand. Why did he hurt me? But he was smiling. Wait what just happened?
Mike- that's my girl!
I look up at Mike because he said "my girl". I'm his what? My eyes widen while he laughs
Me- w.. what did you say?
Mike- oh! I said you're my girl. Oh! Sorry you're not mines I was just saying like ya know you're my friend and you're a girl
He says as he speaks faster, I almost couldn't tell what he was saying, I see his face turn red again. But I heard it what he said
Me- it's fine...
saying with a small smile
Mike- ok
Me- why'd you hurt my hand? When I won the game, isn't that a good thing?
Mike- oh the high five? It's something people do to celebrate some times.
Me- well it hurts a little
I say as I hold my hand with my other one
Mike- oh sorry. I should've shown you how instead of just doing it
Me- it's alright, it wasn't too hard
Mike- wanna go to the shooting game?
Me- sure
He leads the way to the game. Everything we did at the arcade was cool and the word "fun" I've always heard so. If one of us won, we'd high five. It's like a clap high with one hand and you use the other person's hand too. If we'd lose, I'd of course be sad that we lost or sometimes angry because some times it didn't make sense of how we lose. But Mike would kick the machine that we'd play and lose from. And say "Shit". I don't know what that word is. Maybe I'll ask to what it is later. But right now I'm having a good time playing all these games with Mike. I laugh at every time Mike got mad and about winning the game we both cheered and celebrated. I felt my cheeks hurting because I guess I was smiling too much? He seems to be into them a lot and knows the ways of them. We now go to a box thing? I get a flash of the memory of me being in tank as I close my eyes. I quickly stop walking and let go of Mike's hand. In a second, he notices and turns left and right worryingly to find me until he looks behind and sees me. Seeing that I had stopped. He looks confused but also worried. He walks up to me and puts his hand on my shoulder
Mike- hey, what's wrong? Is it like from what happened before we left home? Want to leave?
Me- just reminds me of the tank..
I say looking down
Mike- oh Sev
He holds my hands with one hand and holds my face to look up at him, seeing his nice eyes
Mike- this is not like that, not like the shower either. This will make those memories go away by making good new ones right now. I promise this'll be worth it
Me- really?
I say lowly and feel tears almost falling but i don't want them to. He smiles and wipes my forming tears under my eyes and then puts his hand on my right cheek making me smile at his soft comforting touch
Mike- definitely
Me- ok
I say as I nod while looking at the ground
He lifts my head to look at him again
Mike- look, it'll be fun, I promise, Sev
I smile at him, telling him alright. He leans his head down and puts his forehead on mines as our noses touch while I close my eyes after he does too. I feel my heart beating fast and my stomach swirls again while my face gets heated. This feeling is the best feeling. I suddenly rub my nose up and down his a little. I smile as I feel Mike squeeze my hand real quick at my action. It's like it's just us and no one around. I open my eyes and see Mike looking at me already. We both smile. It's like talking without words if that makes sense, which it doesn't because none of us have that power like El.
Me- I'm ready. Ok so what is this anyway?
Mike- this is a photo booth. We can make faces or just smile and it captures that moment
Me- it captures moments?
Mike- cmon it will be fun
He grabs my hand and pulls the curtain from the box open. It was kind of tight but two people can fit. I walk into the box and so does Mike. There is a bench so Mike and I sit on it. There is a screen that I see myself it was like the mirror. I notice my hair was still kind of up from the thing Nancy did to my hair but it looked like a nice but still messy. I take out the thing that was holding it up from my hair and put my hand on it.
Mike- yeah. You're hair was kinda messy but it wasn't the worst
Me- I look bad?
Mike puts his hand on my cheek and looks at me in the eyes. His brown eyes. They were so deep it was like I could fall in. But does that sound weird? I don't know? But he moves a piece of my hair behind my ear. He uses both his hands to... I guess fix my hair? I don't know? But when I look at myself again in the mirror screen, my hair looks not a mess anymore
Mike-  better. Now so you look at the camera up here. Do any pose. And it makes a noise when it takes the picture
Me- ohh.. how many pictures?
Mike- ha we can stay here all day I wish
Me- no haha
Mike- well that's why we are gonna take quite a few
Me- alright
Mike puts about some coins into the machine.
Mike- first one, let's do just smile
Me- like this?
I try smiling but it didn't feel natural
Mike- haha! I'll make you smile
Me- how?
Mike- hmm?
As he makes a thinking face
Me- I don't know
Mike- remember when we were playing the games.. you seemed to like them too
Me- yeah they were fun and cool
I feel myself start to form a smile
Mike- ok so just think of good things that makes you smile and then I'll press the button to capture it
Me- alright
I see Mike smile. His smile was bright and wide. He seems to be liking the time at the arcade a lot I guess. His smile was contagious? I think that's the word? But when he smiled, I smiled.
Mike- wook at dee camewa
He says in a weird voice. I look at the camera and FLASH! A bright light came on for about tiny seconds. I blink my eyes to make sure I could still see.
Me- wow. That's the thing that captures it?
Mike- yup. Now let's do aaaa?
His face then looks like a light just popped up.
Mike- what did the interrupting cow say?
Me- cow?
Mike- yeah what does the interrupting cow say?
Me- i think it goes m
Before I could say anything Mike yells
Me- what was that? I was gonna say the cow goes
I was a little confused and he does it again
He starts laughing. I don't get it he's interrupting me... oH! I get it the INTERRUPTING COW! He's interrupting me before I could say the answer. I start laughing so hard. Me and Mike were just laughing. I see Mike press the button again but i didn't really notice because I am laughing.
Me- oh yeah! I get it now! You interrupted me as the cow saying "MOOO"
Mike- yeah! You understand my jokes haha!
Me- yay hehe
Mike- now a silly and weird one
Mike makes this weird face I couldn't even believe he could make that face he is making.
Mike- ok can you make a silly face?
Me- silly face?
Mike- like it's supposed to look ugly and weird silly but funny to look at
I have a face I could make in mind. Once I cross my eyes to make it seem like it was looking in the middle, stuck my tongue out and put my hands on my face like I was shocked but only my hands. It's confusing how I'm explaining this. I don't know. But once we both make a face, he takes another picture.
Mike- now a serious looking one..
Me- ok
We take a few more poses.
Mike- now a sad one
Oh I could make that face easy. No matter what I could just imagine a bad thing and be sad. That's probably most I've felt when I'm around El or the other day when I first met the boys. Mike looks very sad and I make a sad face and put my head onto his shoulder. He takes another picture. FLASH!
Mike- nowwww I want one of you and your face when it goes red
He tries to hold back a laugh and big smile I see
Me- how? Unless I can try to make myself mad enough to make my face red
Mike- no I know how to
Me- ok?
Mike- ready?
Me- sure?
What did he have in mind? Was he gonna make me mad? Out of no where he kissing my cheek. OH! My face is heating up again. FLASH! The picture captured that? I look down and he lifts my face with his hand
Mike- don't worry.. it was cute
He smiles. I smiled a little. I could still feel my face a little heated
Me- can we do a hugging one?
Mike- sure
I hug Mike and he hugs back. I smile as I dug my head into the crease of his neck. FLASH!
Mike- now hm? What else face?
Me- angry?
Mike- ok!
Mike was very happy and excited I could tell. Was he enjoying this more than I was? Heh if that may be possible then it seem like he is. But I don't know what he's thinking.. I could but that would invade his privacy. I see him make  angry and weirded out or a annoyed face. I made my eyebrows go together kind of to be mad and made a disgusted and angry little face. FLASH! All of a sudden I felt hands around my waist and lift me up onto a lap. I looked and saw it was Mike. What was he doing? He layed his head onto my shoulder and hugs me. He is very cute right now. His everything is just making me feel all warm and nice inside. My brains kind of hurts some times if I think about him too much. I lay my head on his and smile more gentle with my eyes close though. FLASH! He hugs me tighter.
Mike- ready to see them and go?
Me- alright
I smile at him and get off his lap. He gets out the box and I followed him too. He looked at the side of the box. What is he doing? He's just staring at the side of the box? Then I hear Click noise. He reaches into a part of the box. Oohhh there's a whole there? He pulls out pieces of "papers"?
Mike- let's look at them
He comes towards me and shows me the pictures of the ones we just took I guess

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