First night without Eleven

901 19 7

I start panicking and getting a feeling because Mike was taking Eleven away from me. I feel my face getting hot
Lukas- guys she might blow
Jonathan- Dustin make sure she gets to your house and not go crazy or something
Dustin- ok cmon 007
Me- NO! Not leaving Eleven
Quick normal POV
007 is starting sobbing and screaming. Begging Eleven not to leave. Eleven knew she had to go back home. She was a little hesitant of leaving 007.
End of normal POV
Joyce- it'll be alright we'll all see each other tomorrow
Nancy- yeah and I'll have clothes ready for you by then
Mike- let's go El
Me- no please Eleven don't leave me again
I run up to Eleven and hold her hands. Begging her to stay with me. She looks at me differently like I've never seen before. What is she thinking? I can't take it anymore and my heart is beating fast and I am panicking. All of a sudden, I blow off the door of the house. They all quickly look at the door. I look as well but I start to feel Eleven still looking at me.
Joyce- oh! My!
Nancy- crap she's getting mad we have to leave now Mike
Mike- El! Cmon we gotta leave now!
Eleven looks at Mike then back at me, I give her eyes I have never done before since I was first tested at the bad place. She wraps her arms around me. I don't know what it is but it feels a little comforting. She lets go and runs to Mike. They grab hands and leave with Nancy. I see them get on the "bike" they mentioned it was called that earlier. I run after them out to the street.
I yell but they keep riding. I run until I couldn't see them anymore. Where'd they go?! I look back at the house. My heart is pounding very loud. I see Lukas leave the opposite way of the street on his bike. I feel someone coming behind me.
Dustin- it won't be too hard to adjust. I know it seems hard and you might think she's the only person you have. Which is true. You guys are like sister. Heh. But you can explore this place, learn and understand things better. Study and try new things...
Me- but I have no one besides Eleven
I still look out into the distance
Dustin- you can make more friends and grow up and have a family of your own
Me- family?
Dustin- people you love and they are with you
Me- oh. So you have family?
Dustin- yes I do. Too many actually haha
Me- oh
Dustin- let's get you to my house. You've had another hard day.
Me- yes...
Me and Dustin walk to his house I guess. While we are walking he asks
Dustin- so? How old are you?
Me- I don't know
Dustin- you look a little older than El and she's gonna turn 13 very soon so
Me- how you know how old she is?
Dustin- when she first came she was 11. Ironic, right? Well yeah she's been here for awhile but not forever so
Me- I only know I'm a year older than her... so if that's any help
Dustin- so then you're 14. When is your birthday?
Me- birthday?
Dustin- a day when you celebrate your birth with family. Eat food. Have fun. And eat cakes
Me- fun? Cakes?
Dustin- wow you don't know so much as i thought considering you took word classes or something
Me- yes. Not the best but I could still learn and I'm willing to
Dustin- good. Ya know I'm sure some of my teachers would like a kid who actually wants to learn haha
Me- teachers? Learn?
Dustin- the adults who teach at school. And learning is discovering new stuff and stuff like that so yeah
Me- ohh
He stops and I look at him
Me- why did you stop?
Dustin- we are here
He walks up to the door and opens it. We both walk in. After he tells his "mother" about me staying for awhile he set up blankets abd two pillows onto the couch. Which I had to sleep there. Which I don't mind. I don't need much so.
Dustin- ok night 007
Me- hey um why is Lukas and Mike bad to me?
Dustin- they aren't bad but they have been mean to you. Maybe Lukas is mad cause Max isn't here and she won't be back for awhile. Mike... I don't know. Maybe he doesn't want El to be with you all the time instead of him
Me- who's "Max"?
Dustin- Lukas likes a girl in our party named Max. He cares for her and she returns the feelings too so
Me- why do you call Eleven, El?
Dustin- it's her name we gave her. We didn't want to call her a number really so we made it to El
Me- do I need a name?
Dustin- I mean if ya want to
Me- yes.. I don't like how they controlled all of us. They hurt us every time we failed them. It was so bad. They made us things we didn't want to. Some of them became corrupted and wanted to have more powers. Most didn't. So since my number is 007, what would my name be?
Dustin- Sev? Savannah? Savvy?
Me- we could ask everyone tomorrow..
I yawn. I feel my eyes getting heavy.
Dustin- ok it's night time. Night
He walks up the stairs and I lay into the couch. My eyes close. Black. Black was all I see for a couple of moments.
My eyes open back and I see Dustin in the "kitchen" I don't know I just hear people call it that so. Sit up and pulling blankets off me. I walk over to Dustin.
Dustin- morning. We don't have school Saturdays and Sundays so yeah
Me- Saturday? Sunday?
Dustin- those are two days out of the week
Me- week?
Dustin- 7 days in a week. Hey! Your name is seven haha
Me- days?
Dustin- days are 24 hours. And before you ask what are hours, it's 60min which is 60sec each minute. So if you see a clock or watch, it shows the time.
Me- ohh confusing but I guess I kind of understand
Dustin- we should get going to Mike's house. Nancy has clothes for you she said. And you'll get to see El
Me- do I have to call her "El"?
Dustin- whatever you want but it's faster and easier as El too
Me- ok I will call her El
Dustin- ok let's go

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