Broken Wings Can't Fly (Part 2!)

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Warnings/Triggers: same as last chapter, heated kissing, might add a Remus P.O.V next part. Also Unedited.

A/N: I probably should turn this into a separate book the way I'm writing this. Also, I just woke up. It's kinda crap.

Roman's P.O.V

I woke up drowsily. Did I fall asleep in the bathroom? I forced my eyes open, and I was in a sitting position. The second thing I noticed was my shirt, where'd it go. I became very aware of somebody behind me. I turned my head and got distracted by a handsome face behind me. It was somebody around nineteen, pale skin and warm brown eyes. I realised this is the guy that probably took off my fancy excuse of a shirt. But..if he took my shirt off, and he was facing my back-

I scrambled away. Father always told me never to trust 'my kind'. He told me they were manipulative and violent. I stared above his head, where two other boys looked at me in confusion.

I'm so screwed.

Virgil's P.O.V

The boy had scrambled away. I mean I can't blame him, a stranger just took off his shirt. Patton walked towards the Prince and stooped low to greet him.

"Hello, Kiddo!"

Prince Roman stared and tried to hide himself. I approached, my wings fluttered nervously. I'm not good with people, and am pretty untrained into talking to a friggin' prince. I crouched next to him and he flinched, as if expecting me to hit him. 

"I'm Virgil Agnes." I started stupidly, can I help it? His eyes are a green-ish hazel. Very distracting. I offered a hand 

He fidgeted, and accepted it, shaking it weakly. Logan awkwardly just handed him a Disney shirt. He stared at it and asked, "What's Disney?"

What the frickety frack?! How does he NOT know Disney? You would think any old parent would plop their kids in front on a screen and play a Disney movie. It hit me, although Disney can promote danger in villains having power, it can also promote that magic is good, strength is good. My blood boiled.

~Time skippedy doo~

This kid eats almost nothing, even when Emile tries to offer him nicely. He's become friends with me and everybody else on the team. The king never came, only told his sad excuse for a kingdom his son Roman had been 'assassinated' by magical beings.

For the past few months, I have to admit that I like him. But he still won't answer questions about what happened to his wings. He won't even tell or show us what his power is. I've even shown mine, Moon Magic, to him! I know he likes it here, but he's still very jumpy. 

One night, I woke up and heard sobbing. It was coming from the bathroom. I approached the noise and to my horror, it was Roman, throwing up again. I crouched next to the prince,

"What happened, Ro?" I mumbled comfortingly. Roman wiped his mouth and clutched onto My shirt like his life depended on it. He sobbed, choking out words to explain.

"A prince has to look handsome and powerful and thin, I'm t-trying to make it better but the p-pain in my st-stomach j-ust gets worse. A-and I just want to b-be good so y-you'll love me.."

Is this what he though he was? Fat? What the hell-you can see all of his ribs. I hugged him tightly.

"Ro, you aren't fat, you're practically starving yourself, you could die! And I don't want you to leave me!" I responded, still hugging him.

He broke away from me and did the last thing I was prepared for. He grabbed my hoodie strings and kissed me. My mind went on auto-pilot. I slung my arm around him and drew him closer. What seems like a short time and eternity, we broke apart. He snuggled into me, falling asleep quickly. I kissed his forehead gently. I'm going to protect this guy no matter what.

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