SwapSides AU (Part 1)

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TW: Anxiety attack, anxious roman boi.

The personalities have changed slightly, Roman's probably the most, considering he switches to anxiety.


Roman: Anxiety

Remus: Phobia (And lies) 

Virgil: Creativity

Deceit (Who we'll call Dee for the sake of the story): Bad Creativity/Intrusive thoughts


Patton: Logic

On to the story!

Virgil wasn't very outspoken, but he could generate ideas as quickly as you run away from angry wasps. Pretty fast. Of course he also had a belt of nicknames for the people he didn't like or was enemies with. 

Patton might've been Logic, but he always made puns about something. He was smart and edited Virgil's ideas to fit. He baked cookies and loved animals, and watched a lot of animal documentaries.

Logan, Morality, found it hard to be as emotionless as he'd liked.He was the heart so he couldn't hide his emotions for long. He would sometimes burst into lengthy explanation why something wasn't moral or right.

Thomas had been having a few panic-attacks lately, and Virgil set this as his task. He shouldered on his red, white and gold jacket. Wherever this fear was coming from, it was certainly cold. He found his way to an almost plain door. If you looked closely, tiny crowns were adorned all over. He opened the door slowly and a whole wave of fear rushed over him. He promptly turned invisible. These could be enemies.

There were two supposed twins, chatting. They didn't look scary but they produced an aura of fear. The first had a purple sash and princely outfit. He had slight dark circles around his eyes. He was always fiddling with his sash or looking at the ceiling. The other had snake scales on his hands and around the edges of his face. His outfit was similar, with a darker shade of black (Somehow that was possible) and a yellow sash just like the other. He was trying to paint the other's nails, but he kept squirming and fiddling.

The room wasn't hat scary either. There was a bunk bed that was draped in breezy fabric. Suddenly the snake twin froze. He turned in the direction of the open door. The other twin looked at the door anxiously, as if an open door could attack him.

"I can sensse you!" He hissed excitedly, flicking a snake tongue out. "Can smell you too!"

Virgil tried to back out, but somehow the guy disabled his invisibility with a wave of pure fear. Both twins got up. Virgil summoned a katana, the only thing he could think of.  The purple twin stared at it in wonder. 

"Who are you guys?" Virgil demanded, brandishing the blade.

Yellow twin cackled, sending waves of fear again.

"I'm Remus! My twin over there is Roman!" He giggled, flicking his tongue out. 


"I'm phobias AND lies! My brother is-"

"Anxiety.." He heard the other mumble, his fiddling with the sash worse than before. He looked slightly up and Virgil just knew. This guy was causing Thomas' panic attacks.

Ha! Crap writing and cliff hangers! I hope this was a good chapter.

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