How The Tables Turn (Part 1)

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Set after POF ^w^

New Head cannon: Roman's name is actually Romulus.

Based off a tumblr prompt that I cannot find anymore-

Roman cursed under his breath, slicing at another thorny vine. The imagination usually reflected his emotions, but it seemed to have gone out of control. The vines snared his legs and tore his clothing. The Dragon Witch's eyes glittered maliciously as she approached the struggling prince. Usually the Dragon Witch would make it a fair fight, but his negative emotions seemed to send her into an actually evil state.

He growled and cut himself free, blocking and dodging the Dragon Witch's attacks. He raised his shield to block her tail, and went hurtling into the thorny vines. He gasped, thorns started digging into his body, and he felt dizzy and faint. What were the thorns again? Poison? No, sedative thorns.

He struggled before he felt his eye-lids getting heavy, his limbs numb and his muscles relax. Roman hadn't slept in ages. Sleep and relaxation seemed nice. So nice. He shut his eyes and fell into a deep sleep.


It was time for a new video. Thomas did the intro, somewhat lacking enthusiasm.

"What is up guys? I've gotta say, I feel really weird!" He exclaimed, throwing his arms open for emphasis.

"How so?" Janus and Logan simultaneously ask, both popping up in different spots.

Thomas frowned and rubbed the back of his neck. "I dunno. I have ideas, but I..can't..find way to express them?" He worded it like a question.

Virgil popped up and immediately hissed at the sight of Janus.

"What is he doing here?!" He hissed, pointing an accusatory finger at the snek boi. Janus looked offended and Patton rose up.

"Hey guys, anyone seen Roman?" Patton asked. His eyes glittered with concern. Janus shifted uncomfortably at the mention of the creative trait's name.

"What happened last episode?" Virgil asked icily, his tempest tongue slipping in.  

Thomas shifted uncomfortably. Was he lying when he told Roman he was his hero? He frowned and rubbed his eyes irritably. 

"Why don't we just, I dunno, summon Roman?" Thomas asked tiredly, he felt quite sleep deprived even though he slept quite well.

"Great idea, kiddo!" Patton exclaimed and he attempted to summon Roman. Nothing happened. He frowned and tried again.

"He couldn't have..ducked out..?" Thomas said, "I still feel good creative energy!"

"We should check his room! It's always pretty cool in there!" Patton chirped, and they popped into Roman's room. 

Disney posters spanned two walls. Unfortunately, the last time Roman had altered his room because a side visited was a long time. The bed was a mess of notebooks and crumpled papers, as was the whole room.

"Uhm, this is fun?" Thomas asked, picking up a few crumpled papers nearby. They were diary entries, the writing shaky and some messy. The edges were jagged, as if pulled out from a book.

Patton frowned and picked up a few discarded notebooks.

"It usually doesn't look like this? That's weird." Patton said, flipping through the notebooks. They were filled with detailed drawings, a lot of them looked to be vents. Patton closed the notebook and carefully placed it back down. 

"Where does that door go?" Virgil asked, finally tearing away his glare from the very uncomfortable Janus.

The door was open and a whole another world was there.

"That must be the Imagination." Janus stated, adjusting his gloves.

"It is not wise to go into pure Imagination-" Logan started, cut off by Thomas sticking his head through the door.

"WoaH! It looks really weird and spooky!" Thomas yelled back, before promptly falling into the landscape.

"ThOMAS" The sides exclaimed, rushing to him. 

They checked on Thomas, when the traits felt hot winds blow into them. They slowly looked up, coming face to face with a huge dragon. It cackled and said "Oh, you must be those sides Romulus always talks about!"

"Romulus? Who's he?" Virgil asked, "Is that the King?"

The Dragon Witch started cackling harder, wiping a tear delicately with one of her sharp claws.

"Did he give you a false name? I would think the little prince knew better than that!"

"What do you mean?" Thomas asked

She snorted again, claws digging into the ground.

"Think about that myth, little Thomas. Remus AND Romulus." The Dragon Witch hinted. "And let's just say, I kidnapped the founder of Rome!"

She swiped at the sides, narrowly missing Thomas. Thomas yelped and scrambled back. She flew off,but not before taunting them one last time,"You might need to find the brother to help save your little Prince!"

Patton and Logan seemed very uncomfortable. Janus seemed very interested in his gloves.

"Excuse me but what the ever-living FACK  do you guys know that Thomas and I don't?!" Virgil yelled, his tempest tongue slipping in.

Roman Sanders One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now