Corruption (Part 3)

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*Gasp* What's tis? A chapter to an almost-forgotten one-shot series I wrote? AmAziNg! I ManAged To Get It DOnE. More chapters(?) soon.. I should really just make a book for it at this pointtt.

Remus' P.O.V

I couldn't quite place it. It was like a slight gnawing pain in my brain. Like a maggot was burrowing into it, devouring my brain cells. Perhaps my brain is quite juicy.

But back to the topic of...Roman? Yes! Roman. He felt weird, like somebody asked him if he liked juicy butt holes. Uncomfortable? Disgusted? Scared.

I couldn't really feel his creativity radiating off of him either. That was weird. I chewed my bottom lip and rapped my fingers lightly on the table. I guess I should check it out. It's always a plus to visit my dear brother. I once popped in to see him staring at Virgil from across the room- bonus points in embarrassing him!

I was ready to announce my presence by slamming my morning star into RoRo's head. But I stopped mid motion. 

My brother was sitting stock-still, staring at me. At least, I think he was? It's hard to tell when he's got a blindfold on. Why was he wearing a blindfold. 

Mr Storm dude looked up at me from the side of the couch. He kinda look angry but scared? What is with this turmoil of emotions from these other sides?

Weird Roman scrambled away from my morning star, and tightened the blindfold. When he lifted his hands, I could see chains hanging from his wrists. When he tightened the weird blindfold thing, I was momentarily stunned by that weird power. What was it? Insecurity? 

"W-who are you?!" He stuttered, raising a spoon defensively. I mock bowed and grinned.

"Don't you remember me, dear brother? Lil old Remus, Intrusive Thoughts?" I announced, waving my morning star around dangerously. 

He blinked furiously in confusion. I mean, he must've, since the blindfold kinda went up and down just a 'lil bit. 
I poked him, and he stiffened. RoRo didn't even poke back, he just shuffled slightly away.

"What's wrong with Romano Cheese?" I asked, slinging my legs over the couch head rest thing. Virgil glanced anxiously at Romano before returning his gaze to me.

"He suddenly..changed? I don't know..we kinda just found him like that and he seems not to have any memory."



I clenched my morning star tightly. I faintly remember one being in the mindscape able to switch, split and change sides against their will. 

"I'm gonna pay a 'lil visit to the Switcher.." 

Oop! Cliffhanger. I swear I'll get all the one-shots series finished as best as I can. I tried grounding Remus to his canon persona. Peace out, Princes, princesses and non-binary faeries!

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