Shackled and flightless

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TW: Physical harm, trauma ig, kind of U! Janus? Not really tho. Torture, kind of graphic imagery.


I myself have questions on this AU. Does Virgil still duck out? Would Virgil actually get an arc? Probably ig.

What if rather than being called 'The King' for the fusion of Roman and Remus, he was called 'The Emperor'. Because y'know Roman history kind of vibes?

Romulus closed his eyes and bundled on the couch. He had been right.

They'd taken them both.

Now Romulus was so so alone.

What did he do?

What should he do to be better?

Why bother when Remus only visited because he needed PG ideas?

Romulus flinched, hearing the door slam open.

Oh no.

Janus was drunk. Again. This usually happened when something very good, or very bad happened. Romulus figured it was a bit of both.

"Deceit? Janus?" He asked softly, the shackles tightening slightly. They tightened whenever he had the urge to use his powers, and he supposed there must be burn marks under the shackles. They burned when he did use them, and it hurt like hell.

Janus stumbled over drunk and angry, grasping Roman's wrist tightly.

"Why'd you make fun of my name Remus?!" Janus hissed, terrifying Romulus.

Romulus stuttered, "N-not Re-Remus!"

"Can't...trick me!" Janus slurred, his eyelids drooping and grip tightening.

He yanked Romulus, causing the side to stumble. The side desperately tried to prise of the fingers using his extra arms.

He flapped his wings desperately, and Janus tried to stop them, his fingers brushing the wings lightly.

Roman froze, and his wings stopped flapping.

He shrieked. Loudly. 

It was an ear-piercing shriek, he released a torrent of his full power onto the deceitful side.

Janus' eyes widened, and he stumbled to the ground, clutching his head.

Romulus shrieked again. This time in pain because the shackles burnt him like never before. He ran into his room, locking the door. 

He guessed it must be technically ducking out. He doubted Thomas would be affected other than a boost in confidence.

He hesitantly took the micro key from his dresser. He unlocked the shackles to check his burns.

His wrists were bright red, blistered and hurt like somebody had run a knife on them...and he knew what both felt like. 

He'd never taken the shackles off before. He decided he should probably put burn ointment on all the spots, especially his neck. He sighed softly, thanking the world for magical burn ointment.

He closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.

Focus Switchedy doos, Remus wants your shoes!

Virgil was becoming agitated. Thomas had spent way too much time playing video games and hardly doing anything. Even Janus at this point was getting nervous. He scowled at the name.

He was nervous about when Romulus would pop up, and he knew Remus was too.

But it's been way too long for him not to show up.

Roman Sanders One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now