While The Sun Rises

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TW: Sexual references

Roman hummed softly, his nimble and slim fingers weaving the flowers into a crown. His white hair flew softly in the wind. He finished it and placed it carefully on his head. He watched the dark night lighten to the rising sun. He sighed contently and listened to the dragons roar and the birds chirp softly.

He loved the Imagination. He could escape to it whenever he felt stressed. He could forget about life and focus on the flowers around him.

"Roman." A voice mumbled softly somewhere. He paid no heed.

"Roman" The voice was more urgent, and he returned to the present by gentle shaking. 

The roars faded, the bird chirps replaced with a steady artificial beeping. 

He looked up at the nurse. She smiled apologetically and patted his bony shoulder. "You have visitors."

"Alright...bring them in." He said, mustering a smile as the hospital smell got through his nostrils. 

He smiled genuinely as he saw his best friend pop in through the door.

"Patton!" He cried out, before breaking into a fit of coughing. The nurse gave him some water. He gulped it down and weakly threw his arms open to receive a hug from his friend. Patton gave a gentle hug and started chatting about life and school. It may have sounded boring to anybody else, but Roman was not anybody else. He liked to close his eyes and try to imagine what Patton described.

He heard the door open more violently and smiled softly as his energetic and rat brother appeared. "ROMAN! GUESS WHO JUST GOT SOMEONE TO BANG?!"

The nurse glared at him. Nobody but Roman really liked Remus. Roman leaned forward excitedly. He felt the nurse steady his bony body.

"His name is Janus! He got vitiligo which makes him suuuuperrr hot!" Remus exclaimed sit right next to Patton, who shifted a bit away from him.

"Why are there so many visitors at this unholy time, Jesus Christ!" muttered the nurse grumpily. 

Roman listened intently to Patton and Remus. He could almost imagine himself there. Well enough to be at school. Fat enough to cover his bones. Healthy enough to screech song lyrics with his brother at lunch.

Soon they had to go. Which left Roman alone again. Imagining while the sun rises.

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