Fairy Tale AU

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This gem of a picture came up while I was browsing through Roceit fanart. I'm not completely sure that the other guy is Roman but whatever- I'm not a personal fan of Roceit. Roman is gonna be a white blonde in dis >:3 Just a one-shot that I'm putting in for no big reason-

TW: Implied homophobia

Roman was chilling out with his twin. Not a surprising event, as visitors were hardly allowed. The mood was gloomy. 

"Gee, Mother and Father really want you to be straight!" Remus chirped, biting a chunk off of his 'deodorant' (Just strangely textured marshmallows-). 

Roman shrugged. "You wanna go paint each others nails?" Remus nodded happily.

The brought out the nail kit. Roman was getting his nails painted a pastel yellow to match his hair when Roman's betrothed opened the door. She was a bit on the short side, red hair and hazel eyes. She sat down next to Roman and Remus.

"Hey Chasity." Roman greeted absentmindedly. 

"Hey Roman! How long do you it'll take to convince your parents we hate each other after we marry?" She asked cheerfully.

"I bet only a week or two!" Remus chirped, finishing Roman's right hand. Chasity nodded thoughtfully.  Once Remus had finished Roman's nails, Roman got out of the castle to the faerie forest. 

He spotted his boyfriend sitting on the riverbed. He plopped down next to him.

"Hey Dee!" He chirped. Dee automatically gave him a kiss on the forehead and drew him closer. Roman giggled, showing off his nails.

"Look great, Roman," Dee smiled. "Matches your hair!"

Perhaps Roman's parents would never approve, but he and Chasity were much happier without each other. Chasity wanted to be a knight. Roman wanted to just have a peaceful like with his boyfriend. 


Sorry-it's bad-

Roman Sanders One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now