I shouldn't be cackling-

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This is random and I cannot help the fact this might be hard to read-

I'm crying and laughing silently because the fact that Janus wanted to protect Thomas' mental health, yet he makes Thomas' literal EGO and SELF-ESTEEM have a mental breakdown- (I'm pretty sure that was what Roman was having)

Like, please, Janus. You could've made the insult personal but not THAT much. Feed the information that there can be grey areas SloLWy PleASE to Roman. Don't go 'I WoUldN'T kNoW WhO ThE EVil TwiN Is!" when you know that's exactly what would break Roman-

I just saw somebody justify in a comment section that Janus' name was SUPER personal. I mean, ig? But then they go and say that Roman deserved the insult. 

Also isn't it strange that the more negative emotions Roman has, the less of a filter he has? Like, insults that or somewhat original? I've never heard anyone make a nickname like 'microsoft nerd' or 'What are you,a middle school librarian?'. Does his creative energy feed of negative emotions or what? That would be really depressing.

This just brings me to the question of: Why do names matter so much to Roman? I saw a tumblr post by 'meowthefluffy' that held the theory that Roman's name was originally Romulus. That he was technically one of the others at first, but he became a light(ish) side. That erhaps Patton or another side pressured him into turning into to end with 'an' or 'on' because that was a main trait. 

That theory would make sense, as the traditional tale of the two brother were Remus AND Romulus. This is random- please don't pay attention- I can't vent to my friends because they don't know what Sanders Sides are-

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