Hogwarts! AU (continued)

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Okay, so like spoiler alert, Virgil and Janus will be here too, just thought it was better not to throw them in in the Hogwarts AU straight away.

Remus: Gryffindor (Because he doesn't really give a damn about opinions, that's brave-)

Patton: Hufflepuff (For obvious reasons)

Virgil: Gryffindor (Just 'cause somebody has anxiety doesn't mean they aren't brave)

Logan: Ravenclaw (Again, obvious reasons)

Janus: Slytherin (Not just cuz of the snake, Slytherins are ambitious, which Janus definitely is-)

The hall was quiet. Roman awkwardly stood up from the chair, did a dramatic bow and shuffled to the Ravenclaw table. He sat down at the table and was very aware of the shuffling away. He guessed it's because of his love for the muggle performances. Maybe because of his passion for art too, he wasn't sure.

He watched the people get sorted. It was mildly uncomfortable having another consciousness float around your head, but hey, it's a world of magic. He wondered what they had been wondering in their heads.

He felt surprised when he noticed the cold guy from earlier sit next to him. 

"I do not think we were acquainted properly earlier. My name is Logan Jam." He said, pushing his glasses up his nose.

"Uhm. Romulus Kingsley, but just call me Roman

" Roman almost stuttered, shaking the outstretched hand. This boy was peculiar, but Roman wouldn't question it.

Patton was sorted into Hufflepuff while his brother was sorted into Gryffindor. A strange slouching boy shuffled to the seat.

Whispers on the table indicated they thought he was a Slytherin, but the talking hat announced, 


Ah. A fellow controversial one.

Strangely, a boy with some sort of green paint on the side of his face went to sit.

Wait. Not paint. Scales.


Cheering erupted from Slytherin as they welcomed their new member.

Honestly Roman felt curious about the boy with the eyeshadow and the boy with scales. He could already imagine a fairytale with the two. He took out a notebook and quill and began writing.

That's all I could think of-

Roman Sanders One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now