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Huge thank you to @MJisawesome24838 for this request! You said you wanted heavy angst, and I am delivering it as heavy as I could.

I decided to kind of imply Logince because I'm just trying to embrace any multi-shippers reading this.

TW: Bullying, homophobic reactions, implied self-harm, panic attacks, throwing up/retching, physical abuse, sexual innuendo.

Roman flipped through the magazine. It wasn't a sort of magazine you'd expect him to flip through. Nail polish brands and the latest trendy clothing. He'd pretended he chose it at random at the store, when his friends told him to get a magazine as a dare. Roman loved how nice the nail polish colours sounded, 'Beauty of the Beast ' (A glittery gold with a brownish tint) and 'A Royal's cape' (a passionate red). His parents were pretty supportive of him, letting him buy whatever nail polish or hair dye he wanted.

He just stayed closeted. He didn't want his friends to abandon him. Roman was the highest in popularity terms, and even losing a few friends could drop him into the depths of the chain of popularity. He sighed, closing the magazine and staring gloomily at the picture of his brother.

Remus wasn't popular but he wasn't hated either. Yet he'd been the victim of an attack that left him in a-

No he had to stop thinking about it. Even if Remus was hardly awake, he was alive and he could come back to the house anytime he woke up. He felt the longing of the red lines. He traced his finger gently on a few horizontal scars up his forearms. Roman pulled the sleeve down again aggressively.

Time skip brought to you by Sorry not Sorry bout what I said.

Roman was racing his friends to school, when he got distracted by this H A W T dude on the swings, on his phone. He had dyed purple hair and he had a nice face, with a strange choice of eye-shadow underneath his eyes. What was the result? He slammed into a pole. He feel back onto the concrete. He brought his fingers to nose. It was bruised, but not broken. Roman sighed and hauled himself up, running after his laughing friends.

He found himself getting distracted by the other popular dudes in school. His friends caught him staring at another guy at lunch.

"Roman, snap outta it!" 

Roman blinked and responded "Yes?"

"Why were you checking out that dude? Y'know the one with the burn mark."

"Ah. Uhm. Funny sToRy-" He stammered, the thoughts were gnawing at him, whispering degrading ideas into his brain.

"You aren't...that, are you?" 

Roman's heart pounded rapidly and his cheeks coloured as red as 'A Royal's Cape'. His friends stared at him, their faces echoing their disgust.  His hands started shaking and the thoughts got louder and louder.

He bolted for the bathroom, his instincts kicking in. His sobs choked him up and he couldn't breathe. He stumbled into a stall and retched into the toilet. It brought back those memories from how he started. 

He felt a hand rest on his shoulder and he flinched. A boy with roun d glasses and a cardigan tied around his shoulder was crouched next to him, his face shrouded with concern for the popular boy. Patton Lovegood, he remembered. He pretty much memorised everybody's names and faces in the school. I mean, even if you're popular, you still gotta treat everybody the same.

Patton rubbed Roman's back and whispered words of comfort and breathing exercises. Roman's breathing slowed and his heart rate returned to a normal rate. Patton offered him a breath mint. Roman shakily whispered, "Thank you." before he chewed the mint.

Patton was always there for Roman. Trying to make him feel better and geeking over Steven Universe with him.

Another time skip brought to you by your favourite song.

Roman was pushed to the ground, his hands getting scraped. He backed up against the wall. He felt the fists pound into him. His shoulders and arms were covered in bruises by the time they finished. He heard laughter reach his ears as his friends left him there. He put on the jacket tied around his waist so he could hide the,

He staggered up and clutched the wall for support. His scraped hands burned. I'm gonna hafta disinfect that later he thought, staggering to his house. The lights were out and a small note was on the door. His heart thumped. Remus woke! He finally did!

Roman hailed a taxi and directed him to the hospital. The taxi driver did not give a fluff about his condition, he just wanted to go home and pass out.

Roman ran into the hospital quickly registering before running to his brother's private room. He threw open the doors. Remus was sitting up. Hair tousled, moustache visible and eyes open. Roman practically threw himself at his twin brother.

Remus chuckled and asked, "Suck anything while I was sleeping?"

Their mother frowned and whacked Remus at the back of the head, albeit softer than she would've before.

Although Remus was awake, they didn't discharge him, they still need to take pre-cautions.

Roman's life brightened a bit, meeting a new friend by the name of Logan Logique. They talked a bunch, and although they were radically different, became good friends. 

He was walking with Logan after a movie and a voice stopped Roman in his tracks. He turned slowly.

"Hey Princey!"

Roman flinched as the insults came flying at him. He took a few steps back, then ran. He kept going, running as they chased him.

Logan was by his side the whole time. He helped calm Roman down. But the last word he'd hear from Roman would be,

"There's only one way out for me.."

Roman Sanders One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now