Uncompleted Drafts (Just basically full of all the damn drafts I have)

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I- have drafts that may never see the light of day unless I put them here-

Red Dahlias Part 2

The former creative trait's body was starting to get cold, freezing actually. Doubt that seemed to not be his own flooded Remus' head. Remus dropped his brother. 

Insecurity barked out a broken laugh. That did not seem like a good sign. Roman seemed to be suddenly broken.

"Zeus' Beard! It was so pathetic of me to change my role because I felt sad!" Roman laughed, bitterness welling up within his voice. Virgil took a slight step back, he did not want to be in the way of a possibly mentally unstable side.

Remus poked his brother worriedly, earning a glare from the twin.

"Don't touch me!"  Roman hissed out, negative energy basically radiating off of him. Remus frowned and held his arms up with surrender


Roman hummed happily.

Red Dahlias Part 2 (;-;)

Shivers ran down Remus' spine. None of this was normal. And he was the definition of not normal. The look on Roman's face mixed with the strange form made him feel genuinely worried.

Roman's outfit flashed momentarily to his usual princely get up. His face with such sadness and betrayal, Remus wanted to club whoever hurt Roman with his morning star. Roman flickered 

Bad Luck, Prince (Rewritten)

Roman hummed softly, writing the letter in his perfect and neat handwriting. He knew Virgil wouldn't like anything too dramatic, otherwise, his anxiety might spike. He finished the lyrics with delight and began working on the songs and instruments. He decided a simple guitar would be all it took.

He worked on that song for a month, refining and editing it until it was finally perfect. He uploaded it as a QR code and printed it out. He slapped the code onto the end of the letter and called it finished.

Roman knew Virgil like the back of his hand. Of course, his hand was littered with faded lines so that was the perfect example. He sighed, rubbing his temples. Tomorrow was the day. He hoped that the self-proclaimed 'bad boy' would like it.

Roman switched off the desk lamp. It was pitch black. He shuddered and turned his constellation lamp on. He lay in bed and watched the stars on the ceiling. He slowly slipped to sleep.

Time Skippedy Doos, Remus wants your shoes

Roman inhaled deeply and stepped onto the stage.

"Roman Kingsley, auditioning for...Lydia?" The judge asked almost questioningly. Roman gave an awkward smile and said,


Spirit Animal + Mood + Soulmate AU

TW: Abuse, self-harm, mentions of bullying

Whenever someone is born, they can feel the mood of their soulmate as well as seeing their spirit animal. If you're lucky, you can see flashes of their life.

Roman's soulmate had been bullied early in life. When he saw and felt how sad his soulmate was, he tried to cheer them up by watching things he had gathered the other liked. He read articles on why spiders were cool. Anything to feel the happiness of the other bubble up in his chest as if it were his own.

If only things were so easy for Roman. He had figured out his spirit animal and was quite disappointed. A moth. As his father put it, "Weak and dumb".

That's why he broke down under his father's punches when he was younger.

That's why he hid his favourite talents like art and music.

That's why he felt so weak and pathetic.

These days, the only time he could help his soulmate feel better was when he read books about spirit animals. He had to do try. Never would he try to not make his soulmate happy.

Virgil scrolled through Tumblr and momentarily the world flickered to his soulmate's.

He was gripping a mirror and staring at himself. Bruises littered the tanned skin of the face. hair so light and blonde it almost seemed white in contrast to his skin.

Virgil dropped his phone onto his face.

"Ow!" He said, half out of surprise and half out of pain.

Did his soulmate get into a lot of fights? He did seem fairly angry when he was at school.

He shrugged it off, continuing to look through Tumblr. There was a post from a user named Princey_2.Oh_My_Goodness:

"Yesterday I told my therapist I wished the Earth was flat so I could yeet everybody I hate off of it. He got pretty concerned :p'

He snickered and liked the post.

"Virgil!" His father's voice rang out from downstairs

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