Hero and Villain AU (Part 1)

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Me? Having an addiction to Roman being a misunderstood villain? Ha ha! What gave you that idea? Roman's quirk: Making people sleep when he sings, Remus: Nightmares when he screams/sings. Virgil: Fear inducement.Patton: Compassion Aura. Logan: Logic Infringement.

TW: Mentions of death, unsympathetic and sympathetic heroes, Remus being Remus.

The five year old boy stood in line eagerly with his twin brother. The Shadow Master waltzed down the line, smiling and waving. Roman smiled and waved eagerly. The Shadow Master waved back. Roman's hurt almost burst with joy.

"SAVE THEM!" The twins screamed, watching the heroes fight the villains. They didn't even call for back up. They just fought one and left the villains to murder their parents. Roman summoned his quirk, but a hero slapped a hand against his mouth. Remus tried to activate his quirk but the hero silenced him with his other hand. The were seven.

"They did the best they could!" The hero yelled. 

"They didn't do anything for our parents!" Remus yelled, comforting a sobbing Roman. The hero sent him a withering glare. Remus and Roman walked away from the so-called hero.

The people had congratulated the heroes and asked the boys why they didn't help. The children tried to explain but the heroes always interrupted them. They were too worried about their reputation and money.

Roman swung his legs childishly over the building. He watched the heroes frantically try to get to him. He smiled and just sang out a lullaby. They fell to the ground sluggishly, and were snoring before they hit the ground. A screeching song could be heard, Remus could be seen waltzing past the sleeping bodies. He joined Roman in sitting on the building. 

"It wasn't that serious, yet most of the heroes focus on the villain rather than rescuing than civilians." Roman sighed, pushing a loose strand of brown hair from his face.

"Well, perhaps they were hungry.." Remus giggled slyly, watching the actual heroic heroes save the civilians from the rubble. They'd set a defective bomb in a hero's office. The bomb was hardly powerful enough to knock down the two story, but it caused enough flair and panic. No serious injuries. 

Roman snorted. He got up. The daylight was breaking and they needed to return home. 

Focus character switch brought to you by creepy crawly death dealers!

Virgil wanted to be a hero ever since he was young. His parents were heroes, as was their parents were too. It wasn't easy with his quirk; fear. But he'd learned to manage it. He fought with pride amongst other heroes.

"Virgil Nix- I mean Anxiety , here's your assignment. You'll be working with Compassion and Logic Breaker." 

Weird names, Virgil thought. But then he realised he couldn't really talk with the name Anxiety. He read the case. Twins. Unusual.

"The Prince and The Duke" A cold voice stated from behind him. The freckled boy next to him slapped his shoulder gently. 

"Introductions first, Logie!" He piped up.

The cold boy wrinkled his nose and stated reluctantly, "Logic Breaker."

The boy smiled brightly at chirped, "Compassion!"

Virgil smiled nervously and shook their hands, "Anxiety"

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