Broken Wings Can't Fly (Part 3!)

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A/N: It's finally here! Procrastination and lack of structure are my worst enemies. If you have any triggers, I advise you not to read this chapter. It's just violence the whole way through. HOW ARE THE VIEWS JUST SHOOTING UP SO QUICKLY THO- THIS IS A CRAPPY EXCUSE OF A ONE-SHOT BOOK- *UNEDITED*

jokes on you- this isn't the last part. I should just make a separate book, honestly.

Triggers: Gore, {stuff from first chapter}, Remus.

Remus' P.O.V

I adjusted Ro's crown on my desk. It'd been months since my twin was supposedly assassinated by the OTHER side. Knowing what father put him through though, I'd say that he killed Ro himself was more likely. 

Although I love gore and all that juicy stuff, that doesn't mean I like seeing it inflicted by my own parent or somebody I'm friends with. 

{Warning: Domestic abuse up ahead}

Roman clapped his hands, and sparks flew out of them. We both stared at wonder at the black and red sparks.

"That's so cool! We should show dad! He liked when I showed him my powers!" I exclaimed, bouncing up and down in excitement. Recently I'd found my green and white sparks were magic, and Father enjoyed my 'light magic'.

Roman and I ran up to Father.

"Father! Look!" He wiggled his fingers and the black and red sparks appeared. 

Father's face darkened. He slapped Ro hard across the face. I could actually hear it.

I stood there, shocked. Why did he do that? That was the complete opposite of his reaction to mine.

Roman had a red slap mark against his left cheek. He stepped back, tears spilling from his eyes and down his cheeks.

"Mutt!" He screamed, "A child with dark magic is no son of mine!"

I ran and hugged Roman, trying to calm him down. 

"Move out of the way, son!" He growled at me. I shook my head. He pushed me away and started beating Roman. I tried to stop him, but I was only eight. He trained with lions for Satan's sake. Once he was done, he threw Roman into his bedroom closet and locked it. 

Roman was afraid of the dark and small, tight spaces. Father knew this. He refused to let him out when I pleaded. My and Roman shared a room, and i could hear his muffled sobs. I couldn't do anything.


I shook my head out of the memory. My wings needed exercise. I opened my window and flew out, my colourful wings flapping.

(FYI: Remus wings are like Australian Ringnecks! Roman's are of a Crimson Rosella!)

||More Domestic assault/violence-Gore too||

Roman flapped his black and red wings in wonder. I mirrored it, checking out my wings. They were brilliant shades of blue and green. We flapped around throwing tennis balls at each other, giggling like children we are should. 

Father spotted Roman and yelled at him to come down. I flew down with him. His fear was practically radiating off of him. Father grabbed him by the arm and dragged him to the dungeons. I followed and watched through the barred door, unable to do anything.

He had a sword and started hacking off Roman's wings. He screamed, the bloody sword hacking into them until they were stumps. He sobbed, and Father kicked him for good measure. I ran to him as soon as I could. We were only eleven.


I sighed, and slung my bag on the front of myself. I had a feeling he was still alive, just somewhere on the other side. If dad wanted an heir, he was in bad luck. Porta-potty bad luck.

I flew out, flying through the trees. I closed my eyes and summoned a tracking spell. All I had to do was picture his face. It lead me to a small village on the other side, magical beings running and flying around. I landed, startling an emo-looking guy. He had dark and messy brown hair, pale skin and all that emo clothes. My first thought was that Roman would probably fall head over heels for this guy. But not me. This Gothic dude was NOT my taste. I returned to the spell, and the goth guy looked panicked. Wonder why. I approached a door and kicked it open. Who the {censored} knocks any more?

Roman looked up at me in surprise. He got up and ran to me. He hugged me hard.

The gothic dude appeared behind me and yelled, "YOU DON'T JUST KICK MY DOOR DOWN-"

That was before he noticed Ro was hugging me. He looked at Ro and I could feel the {censored} tension. Ro said quietly, "My brother.."

Goth Guy invited me in and immediately sat next to my twin, slinging his arm casually around his shoulders.

"I'm Remus, Ro's slightly hotter twin!" I introduced myself with.

"Sure. I'm Virgil." He stated, as Roman laid his head on the Emo Nightmare. I smirked.

"Do you guys smash or what?"  I asked, pleased that both of their face turned red. Welp. They're definitely smashing. I bet Ro's a bottom. He never was good at responding to flirs and pick-up lines some village boys from the kingdom told him.

Virgil filled me in on the few months. He kidnapped Roman apparently. Smooth motherfu-

So Father did lie about this. Virgil proceeded to give me a place to sleep, but probably only because Ro made him. 

Hopefully I'll meet the love of my life soon too.

AHah. You will, Remus. You will.

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