Red Dahlias (extended & Part 1)

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What's this? Insecurity! Roman mixed with my own prompt? 'tis impossible!

They used to be common dahlias, not yet bloomed but wrapped around his door like vines. They were pretty, everybody thought. They represented Creativity as a whole.

But after Selfishness vs Selflessness Redux, they bloomed into a bright red. Nobody really understood why. Roman didn't come out of his room. Janus would knock on the door occasionally and would recoil at the coldness of the door. Logan would knock and the dahlias turned a violent red. Patton could not knock at all, like the door was repelling him. Virgil and Remus seemed to be the only ones to be let in.

Remus and Janus seemed to be on bad terms too. Virgil obviously was not pleased with Janus. Patton was confused on the terms, but Virgil seemed to turn down the fact that Janus was an OK person. 

Focus Character: Roman brought to you by the mini panic attack I had today-

His head hurt. Roman chewed his bottom lip and scribbled down ideas. He wouldn't duck out, he couldn't do that to Thomas, but he was going to stay in his room. 

Tears splotched the page, and the princely trait furiously wiped them away. He could not afford to disappoint Thomas like he had already. 

Roman hadn't meant to sound malicious. He was so confused at the sudden turn Janus took, he did the only thing that came to mind. 

He joked.

He thought it wouldn't hurt anybody. Just a small joke that he makes when he's uncomfortable, scared or confused. The smile had faded off the creative trait's face quickly after that. Why did they trust the person they sought to exploit? The very reptilian rapscallion 

Roman checked his phone. Yet another jabbing comment made by a fan who had every right to hate him. 

His head ached, he needed some aspirins or something to ease the pain in his head. Maybe he would go out for a little bit. He didn't have enough creative energy to summon any. He opened the door and stumbled out, the pounding was unbearable.

Roman managed to go down the stairs, narrowly missing Virgil sitting there. 

"Roman!" Patton squealed, running towards him.

 Roman ducked under the hug, mumbling, "Not right now Padre.."

Logan raised an eyebrow and Janus looked genuinely surprised to see him out of his room.

Focus Character switch: Nobody

 Roman managed to open the cupboard before he collapsed. The sides all ran to him in alarm. He was shuddering violently, hair fading to a white, the healthy glow draining from his skin. His sash faded to a black, and the gold accents turned to silver. A blindfold wrapped around his eyes, and broken chains encircled his neck, wrists and ankles.

It was as if all the creative energy drained from his body.  Remus popped up at that exact moment, brandishing his morning star and screaming, "WHY CAN I FEEL PEacEFUL THINGs?!"

The princely trait seemed to wake up, sitting up. He scrambled backwards, away from the other sides. 

"Who are you all?" He demanded, his voice softer and more timid, yet his accent intact. Virgil reached for him, but the trait tightened his blindfold, sending waves of insecurity through the sides, momentarily freezing them all except Remus. 

Remus pounced at his brother, invoking a scream from him. Remus picked up his brother like a dead body. Roman screeched louder, pushing against him. Remus frowned and carried Roman to his door, despite his screaming and flailing. 

Roman stopped and seemed to look at the flowers on the door. You couldn't really tell, though, he had a blindfold on. The next thing that came out of his mouth surprised the other sides.

"Red Dahlias- symbolising betrayal."

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