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TW: Abusive relationship, toxic relationship, manipulation? Attempted suicide, abuse!

Cory is the human version of The Corrupter. Isn't that WONDERFUL? THis is TERRIBLE, I can NOt WrIte.

"I'm going to KILL you!"

Roman flinched. He had stayed in after school for drama club, he was trying out for a role in the gay rendition of Cinderella. He'd forgotten to tell his boyfriend, though.

He whispered softly into the phone, "Sorry, Cory.."

"Next time, Ro , tell me please. I'm sorry, but you need to be punished." His voice was softer, kinder and gentle. He was only looking out for Roman after all.


Roman hung up, and watched the rest of the students try out for different parts. Roman had decided that he'd like to be the prince, as he'd always fancied the wonderful and glamorous suits the princes wore. When the auditions were done, he practically bolted out the door.

He opened the door and saw his boyfriend sitting on the sofa. He sighed and placed his bag next to the door. Cory began hitting. Roman fought back tears as he told himself it was his own fault

Time Skip brought to you by the trouble I have starting Silent World (part 3).

Roman wore his jumper to hide the bruises. Good thing it was cold that day. He walked to school with his boyfriend. Roman excused himself to go check if he got a role in the play. Cory followed, surely just watching out for his boyfriend. He had a role! was the male Cinderella. Or rather Cinderell. 

Cory's face had darkened in silent rage. Not at Roman (for once) but at the name of the boy who won the role of the Prince. Virgil Nix.

The cycle became more frequent, come back late and be beaten, go to school the next day, then repeat. 

Roman tried on the outfits, looking at himself this way and that. (You can do the next best thing, look at the picture at the top and imagine Roman in it) He thought he looked OK. 

During one rehearsal, Roman was practising the dance with Virgil, an anxious boy who also liked Disney and mustered up the courage to try out. They chat during it, laughing. That was until Cory showed up. Virgil and Cory seemed to have a mutual hatred towards each other. Since Virgil froze and glared at Roman's boyfriend.

"Come on Roman, you don't want to be late!" He shouted. It sounded sweet, but Roman understood the sinister meaning underneath. 

The next day Roman missed school. Virgil Nix was actually a neighbour. Strange, considering he had a hatred for Cory. He knocked on the door. Roman had left it unlocked all day. He opened it cautiously. Technically he wasn't breaking the law, since Roman had set out a  string of times that Virgil could visit. He entered Roman's room, where he stood on a chair, in front of a noose. Roman froze, looking at Virgil.

That day, he broke down. He cried. He told Virgil everything. Virgil listened. He cared.


Roman smiled as it approached the end of the play. It was the wedding scene. Roman and Virgil kissed. It was more than just acting. Roman knew he'd never forget what Corey did. But it didn't matter now. He had his happy ending right in front of him. The one he deserved. Just like the play's CinderEll.

ngh. I can't write for some reason. This is all over the place. Idk why. HaLp. I can'T WrItE.

Roman Sanders One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now