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A/N: I relate Roman to the song Good Kid. I've seen a bunch of animatics with it being Virgil, which I'm sick of. Virgil got his arc, I'm fine with him doubting himself but I cannot imagine him as that mistreated character anymore. That role has gone to Roman and Logan, and even Logan is appreciated a smidge more.

Roman felt like a porcelain doll. Fragile and small.

He had tried so, so, SO hard. Yet, everything he did was wrong. 

He was a porcelain doll. Sitting precariously on a shelf. He had just fallen off, and the ground was fast approaching. 

He slid down the door and sobbed into his legs.

The porcelain doll had shattered and they had picked his shattered pieces and thrown them in the bin.

He threw off his red sash, which changed into a bright orange.

A hand had picked up his pieces and changed him into something new. His cracks were visible and they filled it with bright orange glue.

He ran his fingers through his hair, he felt different and strange within his heart but he pushed it down.

There he stood, on the table much to the original owner's horror. A strange new form with visible cracks.

And he wasn't sure why. This is what they wanted, right?

Roman Sanders One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now