Just A Villain

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This is lightly based on the start of an RP-

Set right after Putting Others First. *UNEDITED*

TW: Just a very sad chapter(I guess)

Roman cross-legged sat on his bed, sobbing into his pillow. He'd tried SO hard to be Thomas' hero, protecting him from anything harmful. Now he was treated like he was harmful influence. Maybe he was. 

He remembered bitterly all the flirtatious compliments the Reptilian Rapscallion had given him. Roman had realised that he was just being manipulated to do what Janus and, admittedly, he himself wanted. 

Then the deceitful snake had the nerve to show himself and claim he admired Roman and then point the blame to Roman.

Roman loosened his tightening grip on the pillow. He'd just repeated what the others said. So why did he feel so isolated? So attacked? So antagonised

Why was he just a villain?

He heard the door crack open and Virgil popped his head in. "You 'kay? Just finished Just Dance and I heard crying."

Roman's eyes struggled to focus on Virgil's face through the blur of tears. His throat burned and he felt so tired. The make-up had washed off from his tears like how the ocean washes away footprints in the sand. The dark circles under the princely trait's eyes rivalled Virgil's eye-shadow. Evidence of all those sleepless nights where he maintained Thomas' dreams to be peaceful and happy.

He struggled to speak through his tears, shaking and shivering violently. He dully wondered if this is how The King felt when he started to split. Virgil sat next to him and rubbed his back calmly. 

Roman managed to explain through choked sobs. Virgil whispered words of comfort, then he popped in The Black Cauldron. Roman managed to choke out "Seriously? No songs?"

Virgil chuckled softly as they watched the movie play. Roman tried to focus, but one thought kept bouncing in his head.

Maybe he was just the villain. 

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