Beat me Black and Blue, Isn't That What You Do Too? (PART 1)

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I'm making this in the same AU, just a different story! Same quirks, too. Except Roman is mute. Haha-

Roman, Virgil, Jan and Remus are like...16? 17?

Roman and Janus are Ex-boyfriends, but they split on good terms \_( 'V')_/

TW: domestic violence, abuse

Roman avoided the search-lights, his face paling. He wished he could use his quirk at times like this. He grasped his phone, fumbling his phone out. He texted his brother shakily, 

'surrounded. sending location.'

Roman sent his location and waited. He could hear feet pounding nearby. He shrunk deeper into the shadows.

He heard a car rev, and he saw Remus waving him to come lazily. Roman rolled his eyes and bolted to the Volkswagon, throwing open the door. He slipped in and slammed the door.

"Got the stuff?" Remus asked, his eyes off the road and on Roman. Roman gave a fist and dropped it to his wrist, the sign for 'yes'.

Remus grinned and narrowly missed crashing into another car. The criminal huffed and refocused his attention on the road.

Roman gazed out the window, feeling the trinket bump against him.

Focus Switch brought to you by...MY LACK OF FLUFFY IDEAs

Logan turned on the T.V. He frowned and called, "Patton, I suppose you may want to see this!"

The T.V showed a hidden villain stealing a trinket from the museum. Patton came in, frowning. 

"Why target a museum? It's not the usual villain behaviour." Patton said, flopping next to his partner. 

Logan frowned, "We don't have enough information to deduct anything."

Patton sighed and watched the T.V with such a focus he almost looked like Logan. The door creaked open behind them. Their adopted son shuffled out, eyeshadow smudged and hair messy.

"Hey, kiddo! Did you just wake up?" Patton chirped, his eyes lighting up at the sight of his emo son. 
Virgil nodded and grabbed a cereal box. The emo child poured himself a box of cereal.

"More trouble?" Virgil asked, his mouth full of cereal.

Logan scowled, "Please refrain from communicating while chewing food"

Virgil rolled his eyes and chewed slowly and openly just to annoy Logan. 

Focus Switch brought to you by...My mum continually asking me if I have schoolwork

Roman fiddled nervously with his sleeves as he heard the yelling from downstairs get louder and louder. He heard his father storm up the stairs. He shrunk against his brother as the door flew open. 

His father's face was red and scrunched in anger. He fixed his deadly glare on the twins and grabbed them both. Remus screamed and fought like a rabid dog. Roman tried to fight, but the bruises along his arms and wrists prevented him.

Timeskip brought to you getting slightly frustrated at Grammarly trying to correct the right grammar- 

Roman sobbed silently into his legs. Everything hurt. The last time it was this bad was...well...when he became mute. His father had used his power against them. (It was a weakening power)

Remus shook him gently, wincing too. 

"Come on, adventure awaits..."

They met up with Janus or as he liked to be called, Lord Snake. Janus rushed over, eyes wide.

"He did it again, didn't he?" Janus asked, eyes filling with worry. Remus nodded, keeping Roman standing.

"And they call him a hero!" Janus scoffed, his snake tongue flicking in and out momentarily.

Roman sighed softly and got his bruises worked on by his ex-boyfriend.  Janus rubbed the ointment carefully, making it as effective and least painful as possible. Roman looked around the room while Remus had his share of bruises get worked on. He bundled up a few fabrics and headed to the design room.

He placed down a notebook he'd snuck out, full of designs for he, Remus and Janus' costumes.

Roman went to work. 

Within hours, Roman completed his own. He glanced at the clock, then at the window. Remus was chatting with Janus, supposedly coming up with a plan. Roman doubted they were planning, they were most definitely flirting, though.

He focused on Remus' design. He would get this done first, he couldn't afford any breaks.

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