Opposite! Side AU (Part 2)

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Totally unrelated to this one-shot, but I've just bought and started reading Hans Christain Anderson Tales. 

Oh, look, a part 2 to that one-shot because I have to continue at least one.

Focus Character: Opposite/Other! Thomas

Thomas woke up with a blinding headache. He had no idea where he was, his house was the same yet totally different. He looked around and he felt a side rise up.

 He turned to the spot Remus would usually stand and was surprised to see a red and clean-shaven version of him.

"Good Gorgons! Thomas what has happened to you!" The side shrieked, dramatically placing a hand over his chest.

"What? Who're you?" Thomas asked, confused. 

The side raised an eyebrow, "Your Creativity? Y'know, Prince Roman?"

"The only creativity I know is Remus, what are you talking about?"

Roman frowned and called out, "Logan! Thomas is being super not dank!"

A cold-looking side rose up, brow furrowed, "'Dank' is not a word Roman."

"Whatever, pleeb- I mean, Logan. Sorry." Roman exclaimed, and Thomas could only think about how similar but different he was from Remus.

Logan surveyed Thomas up and down. 

"What is my role?" Logan asked, a slight downturn to his mouth.

"I dunno. I've never seen you before."

Logan's frown became more prominent. "This isn't satisfactory."

"I think we should call the others, maybe Virge and Pat will know how to help...maybe"

Sorry, it's short, I've been procrastinating over stuff today.

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