
752 36 18

TW: Blood, Hanahaki Disease, deatH!

There's a sad and happy ending to this one-shot <3 

Roman always desperately wanted love. He would sit in his lonely tower, fantasising and drawing the knight that might save him from his caged lifestyle. He would gaze out and see the outskirts of villages that he longed to explore. He wanted to laugh with his brother. He only knew he had a brother because his guard told him.

He'd been sent away because of some kind of curse that was put onto him. The mere teenager had never once looked in a mirror. There was nothing to see what he looked like.  The boy watched his guard, the Dragon Witch, let out a warning blast of fire to anything remotely humanoid.

The troubles all began when he coughed up a petal. It was a purple rose petal. He may have had limited education, but the Dragon Witch gave him books to read. She wasn't as scary as one might think when greeted by her. She entertained the young and forgotten prince like he was her own child.

He knew what this was. Hanahaki. But he wasn't in love with anybody. No, he'd never met another living soul other than the vines on the tower and the Dragon Witch. He certainly wasn't in love with either of those. He coughed again. More petals.

Some people have the Hanahaki Disease if they so desperately want to be loved. They get it if the want to feel love. The Hanahaki can take years before it kills you. It can take days. It can even take hours. He shuddered. He could already feel his doom running towards him.

Sad ending:

A small thief called Virgil manages to slip beneath the Dragon Witch's radar. She seemed to be mourning. He climbs the tower to find a boy his age, sprawled across the floor. He had roses coming from his mouth. Purple in Virgil's favourite shade. The boy was actually quite handsome for his age. He could've grown to be a handsome guy, turning all of the straight guys gay. He approached the body. Tear stains ran down his cheeks. The thief nearly cried. He shut the other's eyes and met eyes with the Dragon Witch. 

A life so short, snatched up by the wind like a petal.

Happy ending

Roman wiped his mouth with his sleeve. He heard a thud behind him.A boy slightly older and taller was on the ground. He poked the boy and asked softly, "Are you dead?" 

The other boy gave a weak thumbs up, his face still planted in the floor. Roman hauled the other boy up, struggling. He didn't eat much so even though the supposed thief was light, it was still a challenge from the weak prince.

The thief, whose name was Virgil, visited regularly. The Dragon Witch turned a blind eye. Roman's disease paused when he met Virgil. It stopped it's progress. Virgil and Roman grew close over the years. At 16, Roman had fallen for Virgil hard.

The disease slowly returned. One day, Virgil asked Roman, "Can I try something! I wanna test it out!" Roman nodded absentmindedly. Virgil kissed him. Roman just felt all the flowers disappear from his chest at once. They broke apart and he gasped. He could breathe with ease. They smiled at each other. The Dragon Witch also might've kept that in her special memories.

A/N: His curse was that he'd never fall in love with a princess but a prince. Parents were disgusted, sent him away. When he kissed Virgil, the spell sort of broke down. He didn't kiss a prince but a thief, so I guess this doesn't make much sense but that's the only way I can explain it.

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