𝗦𝗰𝗲𝗻𝗲 𝗢𝗻𝗲: 𝗝𝗲 𝗦𝘂𝗶𝘀 À 𝗟𝗮 𝗠𝗮𝗶𝘀𝗼𝗻

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i am home

the carriage halted at the familiar building, my heart almost jumped from my chest upon seeing Mr Laurence waiting with a smile at the door

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the carriage halted at the familiar building, my heart almost jumped from my chest upon seeing Mr Laurence waiting with a smile at the door. i remember the day he took me into his welcoming arms, at the age of 4 with no parents life could have been very hard for me, yet this man changed it all by raising me alongside raising his own grandson. i had missed him so dearly for the past two years, living in France with my Uncle was a brilliant experience, yet it did not feel right without the kind hearted man.

"my little flower," he smiled and i walked to him, he had his arms open for me to happily fall into, "i have missed you so dearly," i held him tightly, he had not changed a bit. "it is cold, let's go inside," he smiled, walking into the home felt so good. i had missed the comforting walls of this home. however one thing confused me, i had not seen my best friend yet. we spoke about my learnings, about how i had 'grown up so much' as he said, and about my life in France as a whole.

"where is Theodore?" i asked as we paused in our conversation, the old man look at me with a weak smile, he could see the upset on my face that he had not been there to greet me. "i must assume that he is-" Mr Laurence was cut off by the door opening. i turned my head to see a boy covered in snow, "Belle?" he looked shocked as he pulled his head up, "Teddy?" i smiled, i stood and walked over to the obviously freezing boy. "i was sure that you returned tomorrow, i am deeply sorry for not being here for your arrival," he had finished removing his outdoor clothing and pulled me into his arms. "a classic move from you Teddy, you have never been good with date," i giggled holding him close. we stepped away from each other and really looked for the first time in two long years. his features had sharpened and he looked more grown, he looked mature. his eyes scanned my pale blue dress, one especially made for me by a designer in France. i was yet to tell anyone about my modelling experiences in France, i did not want to let it all out just yet. we both snapped out of our dazes due to a harsh knock on the door.

i walked alongside Laurie to see who was behind it, his smile widened when he saw the red headed girl, whom i did not recognise, "Jo," he smiled and opened the door even more to let her in. she looked confused when her eyes met me, i felt almost embarrassed, alike i did not belong in my own home. "Jo this is Belle, Belle this is Jo," he smiled between us both. i held my hand out for the girl, which she took happily, "nice to meet you Jo," she nodded, "you too Belle, i have heard quite a bit about you from Teddy over here," she elbowed the boy. my mind paused when she used the nickname 'Teddy', the nickname i had given him as young children, it almost felt wrong hearing it from another's mouth. i decided to try and leave the awkward situation i had put myself into.

"i must go and unpack my things, i am sorry to have disrupted Teddy, it was nice to meet you Jo," i smiled and began to walk away, "no please, join us, we are going to the March household," he pulled me back, shivers erupted when i felt his innocent touch. "sorry Theo, i am extremely tired from my long journey," my smile fake and weak, he just nodded and turned to Jo. i could see his admiration for the strikingly beautiful girl, for some unknown reason to me, i had felt jealously. i proceeded to enter my room, it had been just the way i had left it. i smiled at the familiar setting, the one i had missed ever so much.

i fell onto my bed with exhaustion. i had spent the longest time unpacking and rearranging my things i almost lost track of time. the day had now turned into night and the stars were prominent in the sky. i sat upon the cushioned sides of my window ledge and looked out to the wide sky. while in France i looked out to the sky for comfort, i knew that my Teddy and Mr Laurence were also under the very same one. i was pulled from my thoughts by the squeak of my opening door. "Teddy?" i questioned the boy as he entered, he smiled and sat beside me, "i have missed you so dearly," he placed his head on my shoulder, "as i have i" i smiled down to him. "i am sorry i stopped writing, my time was somehow consumed," his words caused pain in my chest. i remembered the day he stopped writing, i thought he had forgotten about me, it was painful. "i thought you had forgotten about me," i sighed averting my eyes to the stars. "how could i ever forget about my best friend?" he sat with a smile and took my hands, "my very best friend," he added.

"i have a present for you," i smiled moving over to my chest of gifts. he followed me, "close your eyes," i told him, to which he did. i pulled out the book, "i know the Christmas season has just passed, however this is a first edition of an amazing British authors book," i explained as i placed the book into his hands. "A Christmas Carol," he read, his eyes almost glowing, "i love it Belle," he jumped and pulled me into his arms. "i brought back many gifts, some which i can give to Jo? does she have any siblings? i have things they may like. sisters? i have dresses in which are just an excess to me now," i rambled as i spoke, i realised that i was doing so and stopped in embarrassment. "you are just as cute as when you left," Laurie smiled, i blushed even more than before, "not too bad yourself Teddy," i giggled and placed my hand on his shoulder.

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