𝗦𝗰𝗲𝗻𝗲 𝗘𝗹𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗻: 𝗠𝗼𝗻 𝗣𝗿𝗲𝗺𝗶𝗲𝗿 𝗕𝗮𝗶𝘀𝗲𝗿

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my first kiss

"they will be here soon," i said to Louis as we sat in the library of my home

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"they will be here soon," i said to Louis as we sat in the library of my home.
Teddy smiled and took a seat, "i am so excited to get the group back together, and introduce some new faces," he nodded a glance towards Louis and Jo who sat beside us. Jo already partially knew Sallie due to her friendship with Meg but other than that, she did not know our childhood pals. the door flew open and i was enveloped in a hug by the three of them. "Sallie, Harrison, it has only been two months since i had last seen you," i laughed, "well not me," Ned smiled holding me tighter. "right everyone sit down," Teddy laughed as the nostalgia rushed over me. it had been so long since the five of us had all hung around together, like the friends we were.

"this is Jo," introduced Teddy as Jo sat with a smile on the arm of the chair, "and here is my friend Louis from Paris," i ruffled his hair causing him to laugh.
"what are the plans for today then?" Harrison jumped and sat next to me then wrapped his arm over my shoulder. Ned sat beside Sallie on a separate chair with shy looks in their eyes. i realised that Louis and Teddy were both staring at Harrison and i as Jo stared off into nothingness. "i propose that we should do it like the old days and play a good old game of truth or dare," Ned said making the group all nod in agreement.

"Harrison, truth or dare?" Teddy's smirk prominent on his face, "i will go with truth." the group all looked around at each other until Ned's head shifted towards the boy, "do you still have a huge crush on Belle?" Harrison's face instantly turned red, along with my own. "well, she is a beautiful and kind girl," his voice quiet making the other boys laugh, "you 100% do Harrison," Teddy clapped his hands together with laughing. "let's move on," i said swiftly trying to avert the attention from myself and Harrison, "Teddy truth or dare," i added, he looked to Jo who nodded, "dare." we all looked around until i came up with a good idea, "i dare you to jump in the fountain," his eyes widened as Ned high fived me.
"no backing out Laurie," Sallie stated as Jo pushed him to the glass doors. within seconds he was submerged in the water making the whole group burst into a fit of laughter.

the game continued and some embarrassing stories were revealed for example Louis entertained the group with the story of when we got lost trying to travel to Italy and had to get in a old richman's carriage, he constantly flirted with the both of us. "Belle, truth or dare?" Harrison poked my cheek, "i will go for a dare sir," i poked him back. "i have an idea," Ned smiled, secretly i knew it was coming. "i think you should finish the dare from years ago," Jo and Louis has a look on confusion on their faces while the rest of the group all had different opinions. "what is the dare?" Jo asked Ned, to which he told her the story of how Teddy and i nearly kissed but where drawn away before it could happen.
Harrison looked rather uneasy while the rest of the group seemed to have smiled on their faces, apart from Teddy. i could not read his face, "go on then," Sallie said making me walk over to Teddy.
"we don't have to do this if you don't want to Teddy," i smiled as i sat beside him, i could not help but feel awkward. he had Jo on his left, the girl he loved but the girl that didn't move him, and then me on his right, the girl who loved him but he didn't love her. "a dare is a dare," he shrugged.
i looked to Ned who had a smirk on his face, i noticed that his and Sallie's hands were interlinked making me smile.
i turned my attention back to Teddy and we nodded to each other.

i placed a hand on his neck and began to lean in. i closed my eyes as the gap between us got smaller and smaller.
before i knew it my lips were touching his, his hand moved to my face as i followed his rhythm, i could smell his fresh pine scent and taste his sweetness. my heart was racing inside of my chest, i could feel fireworks erupt in my stomach, then i pulled away with a bright red face. i was truly speechless. i had dreamt of this moment, and i can confirm, it was a million times better in real life. i looked to his green eyes and sent him a sweet smile, however i could not help but feel awkward in the situation. i quickly moved back to Harrison and stared out of the window. Ned and Sallie both had proud smiles spread across their faces.
"are we going to continue the game or?" Harrison said breaking the silence,
"of course we are, do not be too jealous Harry," Ned joked making the boy blush.
i could not help but feel awkward as i sat down continuing to play. i couldn't not bring my self to look at Teddy.

"this is getting boring," Sallie huffed making Jo and i nod. "i have to go pretty soon, how about we do something tomorrow? the beach?" Harrison asked making the group collectively agree.
Harrison offered to take Jo, Sallie, and Ned home in his carriage and they all accepted. we said our goodbyes and then the group left.

"thank you for introducing me to your friends, i really do appreciate you allowing me to be one of you and accepting me," Louis pulled Teddy and i into a hug, i could not help but smile so brightly. i had done what Louis had done for me while i was in Paris. "you fit in perfectly Lou," Teddy patted the boys back, this made me feel at ease, Teddy had finally accepted my friend properly.
"i think i am going to sleep now, it has been a long day," Louis announced. "goodnight Louis," i hugged the boy once more, "goodnight buddy," Teddy smiled.

Teddy and i walked to our room together, i could not help but still feel awkward.
i opened my door but he just stood, i took this as i sign he wanted to come in so i motioned my arm. he walked in with a smile and jumped onto my bed.
"oh Teddy, it was so good to get the group back together," i sat beside him with a smile, he placed his arm around me and pulled me close to him, "i must agree," he nodded. "i am glad that Jo and Louis fitted in," i held his hand in my own, he brought me comfort.

"are we going to talk about it?" he whispered, instantly my nerves rushed through my body, "about what?" i asked trying to avoid the situation. he rolled his eyes with a smile, "you know what ma princesse," he giggled. i buried my head into body before i finally prepared myself for the coming conversation.
"it doesn't change anything does it Teddy?" i was in fear it would effect our bond for the worst, something i would ever want. "no of course it doesn't," for some reason i could see a small frown on his face, it really did confused me.
"was it really that bad?" i asked him trying to avoid eye contact, he shook his head, "it was a good kiss i must admit Belle, you can tell you have had some practice in Paris," he giggled, i began to laugh and nudged his arm.
"well actually Teddy, if i must admit it, now would be best. it may or may not have been my first kiss," my face was bright red, his eyes widened,
"i feel honoured," he held a hand to his chest with a smug smile.

𝗽𝘂𝗿𝗲 𝗱𝗲𝘃𝗼𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 // 𝗧𝗵𝗲𝗼𝗱𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝗟𝗮𝘂𝗿𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗲Where stories live. Discover now