𝗦𝗰𝗲𝗻𝗲 𝗡𝗶𝗻𝗲: 𝗣𝗼𝘂𝗿𝗾𝘂𝗼𝗶 𝗟'𝗮𝗶𝗺𝗲𝘀-𝗧𝘂?

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why do you love her?

"Belle is loved in Paris, she has all of the boys chasing her

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"Belle is loved in Paris, she has all of the boys chasing her. well known designers want her to model their pieces, artists want to paint her, she is like a celebrity," Louis smiled telling the group about France. they eyes all went wide, "why didn't you tell us this Belle?" Amy said, i felt awkward in the moment.
i did not want to make a huge deal about my popularity in France, i just wanted my normal life back. "it just never came up," i laughed awkwardly. "i am friends with a star," Amy giggled, "i wouldn't say a star Amy," i began to dislike the attention drawn to me. "oh i would, she was asked to be the star in a new film but she denied the role to come back here," smiled Louis innocently. Laurie's eyes widened.

i switched the conversation and promised them to talk more a different time. the girls all seemed interested in my life
but Teddy seemed to be deep in thought due to the revelation of my status in France. we decided to pack up and get into the carriage for our return home.
once again Amy sat upon Louis lap with a red face as did i with Teddy. his arms snaked around my waist and he held my hands which rested on my lap. butterflies surged through my stomach.
"did you come back for me?" he whispered only for my eyes to hear.
"oh course i did Teddy, and for Pops," i replied to which his grip on my hands increased. i realised that Meg had watched the encounter and had a smile on her face.

"Louis you must come visit us more during your stay," Amy said batting her eyelashes, i could tell she had developed a small crush on the boy throughout the day. "Jo why don't you join us?" i smiled, the redheaded girl smiled and nodded. we dropped Beth, Meg and Amy at their home and then travelled to ours. we all sat in the library taking about our views on the world. "i don't want to marry, i want to travel and write," Jo stated, i high fived the girl and nodded. "i would like to pursue my dreams before marrying," i stated. the boys both looked shocked at our answers, "i want to marry, i want to spend the rest of my life with the love of my life. i would like to travel," Teddy stated while looking down, "that's sweet T," i smiled at the boy making him look up to me with a small smile.
"i think i would like to marry someone who i not only love but someone who is also a best friend to me. i want to work with them and have our own business," Louis stated in a daydream state, "that is the dream," Teddy nodded backing the boy up.

"you two must come to Paris and visit Belle and i when she finally returns," Louis laughed, Teddy looked at me with an arched brow. "i did not know you were going back," his head tilted to the side, i was yet to tell him that i was only spending a year back here then returning.
"i have my work there Teddy, i have to go back at some point, i was playing on next January," i felt a weight lift from my shoulder telling the boy. "i would love to come visit," Jo smiled fracturing the awkward silence.

"Louis i must show you my writings," Jo stated, Louis nodded happily.
"i will take him to my house and then i assure you he will be home safe," Jo laughed, i valued Jo's openness to my friend. as the two excited the home Laurie grabbed my hand and started to run pulling me with him.
"where are we going?" i laughed as the boys curls bounced due to his large steps.

"Teddy why did we have to run to your bedroom?" i said breathlessly,
he began to laugh at my reaction to slight exercise. "come here ma princess," he opened his arms. i jumped onto his bed and happily let him envelope me.
"Teddy, if i ask you a question please do be honest with me," i looked up to the boy who was playing with strands of my hair.
"nothing but the truth," he nodded in suspicion. i took a deep breath in and prepared myself. "why do you love Jo?"
his mouth fell slightly agape.
he looked to the ceiling, almost as if he was looking for answers up there.
"i do not know Belle. i just do. she is kind and smart and beautiful and well she's Jo," his smiled made me feel saddened. i was in his arms while he described another girl to me. i knew it was time for me to move on.

a knock at the door broke out silence, "come in," Teddy shouted, Louis appeared with a smile. "she is a funny girl," he laughed referring to Jo. in that moment i saw a new attraction to Louis that i hadn't before. he sat with us on the bed and made himself comfortable.
i climbed from Teddy's arms to embrace Louis. "i think i may return to France earlier than i planned," i stated to the two of them. Louis smiled and held me tighter while Teddy's face was only displaying his shock to my sudden change of plans.
"why?" Teddy's voice quiet yet ever so calm, i could see he was trying to hide some emotion, i just could not tell what it was. "i just feel that if i return i can truly build my career enough, you want to study Laurie, i would just be alone for the last few months of the year," i felt my choice was justified. Louis lips grazed my ear as he whispered "i think it's quite a good idea," i giggle which made Laurie raise an eyebrow.

"i think i will go to bed now," i tried to stand but the two boys both moved closer. "i will take you," Teddy smiles holding his arms out but Louis shook his head, "it is fine Laurie, you are already in your room, the journey would be unneeded. it's on my way. i will take you," Louis smiled. i felt a thick tension in the room which made me uncomfortable, the two boys stared at each other completely leaving me out of the choice.
"i am capable of walking to my own room," i got up and left.

i sat in my bed with confusion clouding my mind. Teddy had been sending me mixed signals all day, yet he admits his love for Jo to me willingly. Louis had admitted his feelings to me in Paris last spring yet i just did not feel the way i felt about Teddy towards the frenchmen.

 Louis had admitted his feelings to me in Paris last spring yet i just did not feel the way i felt about Teddy towards the frenchmen

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𝗽𝘂𝗿𝗲 𝗱𝗲𝘃𝗼𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 // 𝗧𝗵𝗲𝗼𝗱𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝗟𝗮𝘂𝗿𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗲Where stories live. Discover now