𝗦𝗰𝗲𝗻𝗲 𝗦𝗶𝘅: 𝗝𝗲 𝗣𝗲𝗻𝘀𝗲 𝗜𝗹 𝗟'𝗮𝗶𝗺𝗲

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i think he loves her

"come on Belle," Meg pulled me into her bedroom

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"come on Belle," Meg pulled me into her bedroom. "i have a secret i need to tell you," she whispered, i nodded, intrigued and happy that she trusted me. "i have quite the crush on yours and Laurie's tutor Mr Brooke," my eyes widened.
"Mr Brooke!" i repeated shocks, she quickly put a finger on my lips,
"don't shout it about Belle, this is serious," i nodded. "i guess i could help," i smiled to the girl. now i had to help Meg and Laurie, gosh you may as well call me Cupid.

i returned home to help Laurie in his math lesson with Mr Brooke, i knew it was the perfect time to help Meg.
"so Mr Brooke, do you like any girls?" i asked, "that's not really got anything to do with math now does it Isabella," i rolled my eyes. "i think you do, i can see it in your eyes," he looked down smiling, "oh he does," Laurie stated making me smile. "do i know this girl?" he nodded his head, "you mustn't let her know, i trust the both of you. i quite like Meg March, she is so beautiful, smart, kind-" i cut into his list before he could continue, "gosh," i whispered with a smile. Teddy noticed this and jabbed my side. "hey you little pig," i jabbed him back making him laugh. "i think that Meg might just like you back," Mr Brooke looked to me with bright eyes, "really?" his happiness prominent, i nodded making his smile grow. "you just ask her on a date," Teddy said making me nod in agreement. "we won't tell Pops, go ask her," i winked opening the door for him.
i knew Meg would be overjoyed which brightened my mood ever so much.

"now Teddy, we are now learning Index laws," i stated pointing to some writings i had made prior, he huffed. "i really don't want to, can't i just go and tell Jo i love her and get out of lesson like Mr Brooke did," he laughed, obviously joking however it still hurt my heart. "go for it," i said with my brows furrowed, "i was only kidding Belle, i love learning with you" he placed his hand on the small of my back seeing my upset. "no Teddy it's fine. go and spend some time with Jo, i am going for a wonder," i stood up and walked away from the boy. he sat in confusion as i walked with tears brimming in my eyes.
he would never understand.

i sat upon the hilltop reading peacefully. 8 enjoyed the quite days in the sun, it reminded me of the days i did not worry that i was being replaced. in France everyone loved me, it was almost alike i was a star, i had been spotted for autographs many a time. now all i was stopped for was when someone needed my help. "Belle?" i turned to see Amy walking to me, i smiled to the pretty girl "hello Amy," she sat beside me and pulled out her sketch book and began to draw in silence, i appreciated her presence, she did not want me to do anything for her, she did not want to leave for someone else, she did not want anything from me, just company. "you are really talented Amy," i smiled looking at her sweet sketches, her mouth opened slightly,
"you really think so?" i nodded and she held her book to her chest. "thank you Belle, not many people really take interest around here, seems like they all have bigger and more important things," i knew exactly what she meant.
"i have never agreed with something more," i sighed and looked to the blue sky. in the distance i saw Jo and Teddy running up another hill, jumping around and seeming to be having fun.

"that used to be what Teddy and i would do," i said to the girl pointing to them, she looked at the two and a sad expression appeared on her face, "upon our first few months of knowing you he would talk about you a lot, or when he showed us something new he would. then as time went on he just began to talk about you less," i valued her honestly however it did make me sad. "it seems that Jo has taken my place in his life," i began to fiddle with the grass i sat upon. "he and Jo have been ever for close, i think he loves her," she sighed. "me too Amy," a single tear of mine fell into the ocean of green grass under me.

we sat on the hilltop cloud gazing for hours. the tranquility was unreal, i truly did find sanctuary in nature. "let's go back to my house, we can paint together," i smiled to Amy, she quickly nodded and we travelled back to the large home. we entered my bedroom and i pulled out my art supplies, her eyes widened over the specialised paints and brushes i had revived from my artist friends.

"this has been the best day in months," she stated as i walked her back to her home, "i must admit it was rather fun being with you," i smiled, as we entered the home i saw Laurie and Jo play fighting, i must admit i did feel a tingle of jealousy however i was getting better at handling it. my mind was switched when i realised that the month had just turned into March. "oh Amy, i have a dear friend of mine travelling from France in the coming days, i am sure he would love to meet you and teach you some skills," i stated growing excited. "a friend?" Teddy raises his eyebrows "yes, his name is Louis Beaumont, a lovely man i assure you, only a few months older than you Teddy," i smiled. Louis had been like my Jo while i was in France, apart from i did not fall for him. only a slight crush.

𝗽𝘂𝗿𝗲 𝗱𝗲𝘃𝗼𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 // 𝗧𝗵𝗲𝗼𝗱𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝗟𝗮𝘂𝗿𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗲Where stories live. Discover now