𝗦𝗰𝗲𝗻𝗲 𝗧𝗵𝗶𝗿𝘁𝘆-𝗧𝘄𝗼: 𝗟𝗮 𝗙ê𝘁𝗲 𝗗𝗲 𝗙𝗶𝗮𝗻ç𝗮𝗶𝗹𝗹𝗲𝘀

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the engagement party

"are you okay Belle? you seem to be in deep thought," Louis said as we sat down

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"are you okay Belle? you seem to be in deep thought," Louis said as we sat down.
"perfectly fine, i was just thinking about how lucky i am to have you," i
kissed his cheek. i was lying. i was not thinking about him at all, i was thinking about Teddy. Thinking about how good he looked earlier, about the last time i saw him, about the words we shared, about the passionate kisses we shared, about the heartbreak we shared, about everything.
"how sweet," he smiled and pulled me into his arms. i felt bad, it was like i cheated on him, but i did not, i just looked at my best friend and thought of some things i shouldn't yet i was riddled with guilt.

"now, you go get ready while the staff get set," he kissed my cheek. it did not like it.
it was the first time i just did not want his attention, i wanted Teddy's.
i got up and walked to my walk in wardrobe full of gowns. i decided on a
baby blue gown with white and gold accents, white silk gloves, and light gold jewellery. i did my make up before i heard the doors open and chatter start. i assumed that the guests had arrived.
i did not even know who was coming, i did not know this was happening a few hours ago, for all i knew it could be a room full of strangers.

as i walked into the room which held the guests i paused. my eyes glider around the room, some people from the fashion event were here, some of my work associates, a few of my new friends i had made in the business, then it was the group that made my heart warm. Sallie, Ned, Harrison, Meg, Mr Brooke/John, Amy, and Beth all stood conversing with glasses of champagne in hand.
"and here she is, my beautiful finance," Louis shouted turning everyone's eyes to me. "thank you all so much for coming," i said before rushing over to the only people i really cared about in the room.

"Meg," i hugged her, "i have missed you so much," i felt so happy, as i held her in my arms. "Belle you are so beautiful," she smiled. "Amy don't think i did not hear of your engagement too," i pulled her into my arms and she nodded proudly, "we are going to be wives" she giggled but as she said it my heart dropped. i had loved Louis for these past years but seeing Teddy, it made me think about things, things i should not think about.
"Beth who let you become this pretty?" i smiled before enveloping her into my arms, "still a charmer i see," she joked making me giggle. "Sallie, i haven't seen you since the wedding," she pulled me into her, "i know, far too long," she whispered as we held each other.
"Ned, you better have been looking after her," i said to him making him laugh,
"yes sir," he joked. "Harrison, my dear friend," i held him close to me, he had been very supporting in these years, he had let go of his crush and used his fathers business to help me boost my awareness. "looking as good as ever," he smiled. "Mr Brooke, please don't tell my i have missed a lesson," he laughed,
"i am sure i told you to call me John," i shook my head, "sorry sir," i giggled.

as i sat with my friends having a great time i could not help but search the room for him. he told me he'd come.
well i suppose i couldn't blame him,
i know if he was marrying i'd be too upset to even step foot near him.
it was then that that door opened revealing a smartly dressed curly haired man. i quickly got up and wrapped my arms around him. "that was a nice greeting, do that to everyone as they walk through the door?" he mocked, i shook my head, "just for you Teddy," i placed my head onto his chest. his arms were wrapped tightly around me and the thoughts came back. i had Louis now i could not do this, but looking into Teddy's green eyes i just couldn't suppress the feelings this time. they were itching to come out.

i grabbed his hand and ran to one of the guest rooms. i knew it was foolish and i knew i shouldn't have done it but i just could not help it. i locked the door and he looked at me in shock. i look at at him and let out a sigh, "what am i doing Teddy?"
he shook his head with a smile,
"how am i supposed to know Belle?" he chuckled. i had waited to hear that laugh for so long. we just stood looking at each other with small smiles on our faces. i went and sat on the bed and he followed.
"i never thought i'd see you again Teddy," i took his hand into mine without thinking, almost like a force of habit.
"me too, i thought our story was finished, the book closed. i guess we were wrong," he smiled, i got butterflies just looking at him.

"so, Louis?" he asked, i nodded.
"you don't seem too happy considering it's your engagement party ma princesse," he knew what he was doing, he knew the nickname would make me feel things.
i looked up to him with a smile,
"i guess so," i replied.
"i think they will be looking for me out there Teddy, i have to get back to the party," i knew it was only right, i could not be in here with Teddy while my fiancé was outside celebrating us.
i stood but he pulled me back with our connected hands, "i think i know why you brought me in here Belle, and if so i feel just the same," he smiled sweetly.
i nodded to him and we proceeded to walk out together. we ensured no one saw to avoid any accusations.
my heart was throbbing.
what in the world was i going to do?

𝗽𝘂𝗿𝗲 𝗱𝗲𝘃𝗼𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 // 𝗧𝗵𝗲𝗼𝗱𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝗟𝗮𝘂𝗿𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗲Where stories live. Discover now