𝗦𝗰𝗲𝗻𝗲 𝗧𝘄𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘆-𝗙𝗼𝘂𝗿: 𝗡𝗲 𝗠'𝗼𝘂𝗯𝗹𝗶𝗲𝘇 𝗣𝗮𝘀

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don't forget me

"i can't believe we are going today," i sighed, "i know," Teddy closed the lid of his luggage chest

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"i can't believe we are going today," i sighed, "i know," Teddy closed the lid of his luggage chest. "i don't think i'm ready for the goodbyes," i sat on my bed for the last time in a while, "me too Belle,"
he huffed. i guess it was harder on
him since i had always left before.

"Pops don't cry today or i will cry and we all know if i cry Teddy cries," i said
as i sat down for breakfast, "that is a fact," Teddy smiled. "i will try my hardest," Pops chucked and held a hand to his heart. "the last time eating breakfast together for a while," i said with a heavy heart. "believe me Belle, now that i have found out about your house in Paris, i will definitely come for breakfast," Teddy laughed. "so she told you about the house," Pops smiled, "you knew before me," Teddy gasped. "he was the one who actually wrote me back remember Teddy," i flicked him. he just laughed, "you will be getting more than enough letters from me this time Belle," he nudged my shoulder.
"me too," Pops said with a smile.

"girls, don't all pounce on them at once," Marmee said as Teddy and i stepped into the March home. despite Marmee's words Teddy and i were pushed into a great hug with all of the girls. "don't go," Meg whispered as she held onto me tightly,
"i'll be back soon enough, i can't go too long without seeing my favourite March," i whispered back to stop the other girls hearing. she gave me a sad smile and we walked to the kitchen together and sat, the rest of the group followed.

"you promise you will be back," Amy said to Teddy and i, i nodded quickly.
"we will be back before you know it Amy," Teddy reassured the girl who's eyes had glazed over with tears.
"i am not one for all of this sad stuff Teddy, but i must admit i will miss you," Jo elbowed the boy, his face turned bright red, my heart hurt. i wanted that.
"Belle, i will miss you too, thank you for everything," she nodded to me with a smile, i nodded back and turned my attention to Beth who had a single tear gliding down her cheek.

"don't forget me," she said quietly, i pulled her into my arms, "i could never ever forget you Beth, who would i have played the piano with without you?" she smiled lightly and hugged me back.
"i wouldn't be able to forget any of you girls," i felt my eyes begin to well up.
"we won't forget you either Belle" Amy sniffled.

"i love you all," i said as i hugged them each. Teddy stood sadly watching Jo. it broke my heart that he did not know the truth but i knew i would never tell him Jo's secret. i lastly got to Meg and my heart began to crack. "thank you for being there for me Meg," i pulled her tightly into my arms. i felt the tears began to slip down my cheeks. "thank you for being
my escape," she replied. it hurt, i had finally found a sister and now i was leaving. "sisters," i whispered,
"forever," she replied.

Teddy looked empty as he said goodbye to Jo for the last time. i waved the girls off and walked back home with Teddy in silence as we both processed what happened. we saw both of our carriages outside the home waiting to take up to our separate ports. i almost froze as i saw the staff loading our luggage chests into the two carriages. it was really happening.
i was leaving again.

Teddy and i stepped inside to see Pops sound asleep in one of the arm chairs.
we knew he barely slept these days so waking him would be detrimental to his health. we decided to write him a little note.

To the best grandfather/pops in the world,
You were sleeping as we came to say goodbye therefore we felt it was best to write you a little note. We love you ever so much and will both write to you frequently, we promise. We would like to thank you for taking us both under your wing and raising us to become the people we are when you never had to. That just proves that you are the kindest man to ever grace this planet. Again, we love you with all of our hearts, and always will.
See you soon,
Bella and Laurie (your favourite people ever) x

a single tear slipped from my eye as i sighed my name. i would miss that man more than he would ever know. i turned to Teddy who's face held a sad expression.
"i will miss you Bella, so much," he wrapped his arms around my waist and held me close to him. i wrapped my arms around his neck and nuzzled my head into his chest. "i will miss you too Teddy, too much to even comprehend right now," i could here his heartbeat, it was calming, the only thing allowing me to keep my composure at the time. we stood in each other's arms, taking in the moment, savouring it.

"we need to get going don't we," i whispered sadly into his chest, "we do," he replied, his voice cracking. we
pulled away from each others grip and
looked each other in the eyes, i found
myself getting lost in his, like always.
"don't forget me because of all your famous friends in Paris," he laughed lightly, "Teddy, they could not make me forget you if they tried. Don't forget me while you are out there living life studying around Europe," i giggled. we both looked
at each other with sad smiles.

he took my hand into his and walked me to my carriage. the wind blew his hair softly as he looked down to me with a sweet smile. "i love you Belle, i really do," my heart began to swell,
"i love you too Teddy, always," i took a breath and realised how heart wrenching this moment really was. i was leaving my
best friend again. "always," he whispered before kissing my cheek lightly.
i watched as he walked slowly to his carriages and turned to me before opening the door.

"you will always have my heart ma princesse," he shouted before climbing into the carriage. "as will you Teddy," i whispered to myself as i watched his carriage began to leave. i stood in silence wanting to cry but no more tears would leave my eyes. "you coming Miss?" the horseman said snapping me out of my daze. "yes, sorry" i replied and got in.
my life was about to begin.

𝗽𝘂𝗿𝗲 𝗱𝗲𝘃𝗼𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 // 𝗧𝗵𝗲𝗼𝗱𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝗟𝗮𝘂𝗿𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗲Where stories live. Discover now