𝗦𝗰𝗲𝗻𝗲 𝗧𝘄𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘆-𝗦𝗶𝘅: 𝗡𝗼𝘂𝘀 𝗦𝗮𝗹𝘂𝗼𝗻𝘀 𝗟𝗲 𝗥𝗲𝘁𝗼𝘂𝗿

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welcome back

i knew breaking the news to Léon would be hard, i had only just accepted his proposal of a date and we were finally getting into a somewhat relationship

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i knew breaking the news to Léon would
be hard, i had only just accepted his
proposal of a date and we were finally getting into a somewhat relationship.
"thank you for the meal Léon, it was
absolutely perfect," i smiled, he
took my hand into his and kissed the back of it. "now i have some news," i said
he nodded, "me too."
"i am travelling back to Concord for a short period of time, one of my dear friends Meg is marrying my old tutor,"
i laughed while saying the last bit, it still
baffled me that the man who tried to teach Teddy and i was now marrying someone whom i held so dearly to my heart. "thanks wonderful Belle, when do you leave?" his pearly teeth shone through his smile, "i leave tonight," i saw his face shift to a more confused expression. "tonight? so late notice?"
i nodded and he took a breath.

"i told him," i shouted through my house waiting for a reply from Louis. soon
enough he came sliding into the white marble entrance, i assumed he had been
baking due to the flower on his suit.
"how did he react?" Louis asked,
he was fond of him yet sometimes felt the the boy could be too 'full on' as he says.
"i think he was upset, he offered to come as my date but i cringed extremely hard, he is lovely but i would not want to bring him home after only one date," Louis laughed as i turned red.
"i told you he is full on," he chuckled and pulled me through to the kitchen.

"perfection," he smiled showing me the cookies he had baked. Louis was a good cook and an extremely good baker,
i enjoyed having him around just so i could eat his makings. i took
a bite into one and nodded to the boy stood like a proud school child in front of me, "perfection," i mimicked his voice before walking to my room.

i had packed everything i needed for my stay and the carriage was due to arrive in the next half of an hour. Louis
came and sat on my large bed and huffed,
"what am i going to do without you?"
he said and threw his arms into the air dramatically. "you are not going to mess up this place," i laughed, "yes Sir," he saluted me with a chuckle.
"do you think he is going to be there?" i asked in a more serious tone,
"maybe, he hasn't been home since leaving so i think it's only right," Louis said truthfully, my nerves heightened.
i did not know if i was ready to face him after he broke my heart, he promised not to forget me. "what am i going to do?"
i laid back onto my soft rug dramatically,
"honestly, i think you should just let him go, we know he chose Jo, we know he ignored you for this whole year, he didn't even write back when you first came here 3 years ago Belle. if you ask me he does not deserve you," i valued Louis' honestly, even if it did hurt, it was true.
"you're right Lou, i do not need him anymore," he moved to the floor and laid back with me.

"do not miss me too much," he smiled as i stepped in the carriage. "i will try," i smiled and leaned out of the small window to plant a kiss on his cheek.
"remember your worth Belle," his voice mellow and calm, i nodded, "i won't Louis," his words stayed in my head for the full journey back to concord.
i knew my worth and would not throw it behind me for someone he did not even care to contact me.

i opened my eyes from my long sleep after leaving the port and saw i was in a familiar place. i knew every single tree, i knew the owners of each mail box, i knew the names of the voices i heard from a distance. i was back in Concord.
i was back home.

pulling up to the front of the home i felt emotions fill my body. this was the very spot i last saw him. i composed myself and knocked on the door. i heard heavy footsteps coming towards me from the inside, the door opened to the person i expected least to see right now.
"Belle?" he whispered with a tilted head.
his curls still lay comfortably framing his face, his green eyes still perfect, his plump lips still the perfect pink, it was Teddy.
i remembered Louis words and took a breath. "nice to see you Laurie," i nodded before stepping into the home. it
took everything in me not to call him Teddy and pull him into my arms but that would mean i had just let myself go back to the hopelessly in love girl i was before.
i had found myself in the last year,
popularity teaches you to only trust yourself, and that's what i was going to do.

he stood in the door watching as i walked into the main room of the home.
there i saw Pops reading in his chair,
without looking up he shouted,
"who was it Theo?" i smiled at how engrossed he was in his reading.
"it was me Pops," i said, his head shot up as soon as he heard my voice. he got up from his chair and walked to me with speed and open arms. "my little girl," he smiled brightly as he wrapped his arms around me. "i have so much to tell you," i said as we sat down. Teddy had joined us
but i refused to look his way.

"and that's when i bought my new home, Pops you would love it," i said explaining my success over the past year to him.
he was so proud of my achievements i could see it in his eyes.
"Theo arrived back yesterday, he has just finished his final month of studying and plans to travel around Europe until he finds somewhere," Pops informed me.
"congratulations," i nodded to the boy,
he looked shocked that i even spoke to him. "thank you Belle," i could not help but admire him, but this time it was different. i did not love him like before, i missed him, i did not want to pursue something with him because i knew just how he felt. i just wanted my friend back.

𝗽𝘂𝗿𝗲 𝗱𝗲𝘃𝗼𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 // 𝗧𝗵𝗲𝗼𝗱𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝗟𝗮𝘂𝗿𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗲Where stories live. Discover now