𝗦𝗰𝗲𝗻𝗲 𝗡𝗶𝗻𝗲𝘁𝗲𝗲𝗻: 𝗨𝗻 𝗩𝗿𝗮𝗶 𝗔𝗺𝗶

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a true friend

"so are you going to tell me who theletter was from? or do we keep secrets from each other now?" he said as we sat on the swing in our garden

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"so are you going to tell me who the
letter was from? or do we keep secrets from each other now?" he said as we sat
on the swing in our garden. "a friend Teddy, i have said this," i said with a sigh, he rolled his eyes. "well you see Teddy,
you know how you have Jo, and you love her and all the stuff. Well i had someone like that, but before i could even figure out my feelings i came back here, and i fell for you. which believe me blows my mind because you are so annoying,
but his name is Léon, he is the best.
a true gentleman who understands me," i said while day dreaming about the boy. he was just perfect to me. i saw Teddy's whole demeanour change once i compared my feeling for Léon to his for Jo.

"so you're going to marry him?" he asked as if it was nothing, i just looked to the clouds and huffed. "maybe, it wouldn't be a bad choice i guess," i hated the thought of giving myself to a man whom would not understand my love for freedom, luckily Léon understood just perfectly, alike Teddy. "i can not believe that this is our last month together Teddy," i took his hand into mine and held it tightly.
"don't go, come with me to study in Europe, you have enough of a high status in France that i'm sure you can easily get work anywhere near," he said looking me in the eyes. i shook my head,
"Teddy, i know it will always be Jo over me, so falling in love with you even and then coming back here for you to propose to her will break me, we both know it.
it will always be her," my eyes glazed over with tears but i ensured he didn't see.
i was wanted to be strong, but believe me
it hurt so much. he didn't say anything, just sat with a bowed head. he knew it wouldn't be right, he knew it would destroy me.

"i'm going to go and write back to Léon" i smiled and walked away. Teddy did not reply, he sat motionless on the garden swing. i went to my room and began to write.

Dear Léon Levitte,

I have missed you dearly. My time in Concord is soon over and I will be back over in Paris with you and the boys before we even know it.

I have had offers for some more modelling in Paris, as well as some other ceremonial work. Hermès, the fashion brand has asked for me to be the face of their new campaign which i just can not deny. I know I will miss my home ever so much but I miss my home in Paris an unbearable amount right now. I hope that you are still in contact with my uncle, he does adore you.

I will right again soon, only one month till I am back to you.

Isabella Montgomery x

i set the letter aside so i could send it off
when i got the chance. i heard a knock
on my door, "Meg March is here," a maid shouted opening my bedroom door to show Meg. she had a beaming smile, just
what i needed.

"i have news," she squealed and sat beside me, "me too," i smiled ready to tell her everything. if there was anyone i trusted over here it was Meg, we had a special bond. "i'll go first," she nodded and took my hands into hers. "he asked me to be his girlfriend Belle," her happiness made my heart swell, i could tell she was head over heels. "my gosh Meg! i am so happy for you," i held her hands tightly and jumped a little on my bed making her laugh. "now tell me your news," she asks raising her eyes brows. that's when i told her everything, my love for Teddy, Teddy's love for another girl (i did not mention her name but it was obvious she knew who), what happened at the after parties, the odd tension, Léon, and my return to Paris. she looked so taken aback by the sheer amount of information i unleashed but i saw her face turn sad.
"you're leaving again?" she whispered with a frown, i nodded slowly looking to the floor. this was the pain of leaving.
i would leave everyone i loved here behind to return to everyone i loved over there, and vise versa when i visited back here.

"i am so sorry i am being selfish.
i will miss you ever so much Belle, and i
can not begin to comprehend the heart ache and confusion of your situation," she pulled me into her arms. she held me tightly almost like i was leaving that very day, but i understood this is what love was, the love of a true friend.

we spent the rest of the day talking and making jokes together. something
i used to do with Sallie,
but since we grew older her mother
hated her having fun like a normal child.
that is why she always let loose when with our friends got together. i think that is why she appreciated me company so much, i let her be herself.

"i must be getting off now, it's getting dark," Meg said and stood. i pulled her into my arms and held her tightly.
"thank you Meg," i said, she looked at me with confusion, "for what?" she smiled,
"for being my friend," as the words left
my lips she looked at me with sad eyes, she knew the pain i felt, the loneliness.
"forever," she said before leaving.
the door closed softly behind her and i laid back onto my bed.

𝗽𝘂𝗿𝗲 𝗱𝗲𝘃𝗼𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 // 𝗧𝗵𝗲𝗼𝗱𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝗟𝗮𝘂𝗿𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗲Where stories live. Discover now