𝗦𝗰𝗲𝗻𝗲 𝗧𝗵𝗶𝗿𝘁𝘆-𝗦𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗻: 𝗝𝗲 𝗟𝗲 𝗦𝗮𝘃𝗮𝗶𝘀

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i knew it

"how are we going to tell him?" i said pacing back and forth

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"how are we going to tell him?" i said pacing back and forth. he snaked his arms around my waist and pressed a kiss to my temple. "Belle, we have been together for almost a year and a half now, we have to tell him sooner or later," Teddy smiled innocently. "i guess," i looked to the floor shyly. "so we head back home tomorrow?" he asked, i nodded, "how do you think he will react? how to do think the girls will react? will everyone hate it?" he shook his head and pressed his finger to my lips.
"Belle, i think Pops has always known we would end up like this one day. i know Meg, Beth and Amy will be over the moon, i am unsure for Jo however. she has sent me a few letters recently, almost apologising for rejecting my proposal all of those years back," he scratched the back of his neck. my heart dropped to the
floor. apologising. did that mean
she wanted to say yes all these years later? did that mean she loved him?
"do you still love her?" i whispered, he looked at me, deeply. "Belle, i hope you know that you are the only woman i love and forever will. you are ma princesse, i am your Teddy. there is no breaking us apart after all of this. all of the things we have over came just to call each other our own, our love could never break now.
i do not love her, and am unsure if i ever really did," i smiled at his words.
he was right.


"i feel like we have been travelling for five whole decades," he said stepping out of the carriage onto the familiar path.
"Teddy we haven't even been alive for five decades if you combined our ages," i laughed. he laced his hand into my own and we walked through our childhood homes large door. we walked into Pops' study and he smiled. "i have been waiting for you to come," he got up from his chair and pulled us both into a hug. i adored this man, he truly did save me.

as we all sat down with drinks in our hands i took a breath. "Pops, Teddy and i have something to tell you," i smiled shyly, he lifted his head to look at the two of us who were seated across from him.
i looked to Teddy who inhaled deeply before nodding his head, "well, Belle and i are, we are, um, Belle and i are in a relationship," he said gaining more confidence as he spoke. Pops' eyes widened. i was scared for the reaction. he smiled widely making me nerves almost float away. "i knew it," he said, i rolled my eyes. "you see, ever since you were little kids i knew that there was something special, at an instant you were best friends, like you'd known each other years. something that doesn't happen very much may i add. you were meant to be,
i just know it," he said, my face began to redden as he spoke. "i love you Pops," i smiled, "i love you too my little Belle," he blew me a kiss.

"now the girls don't know you see coming, so don't be surprised by their reaction. i got them all home by telling them i had some news, Jo even came in from half way across the country," Pops said as we stepped onto the March families porch. the mention of Jo's name caused me to have a spurt of anxiety, her letters to Teddy, they scared me. what if all these
years she did love him? he loved me now, but maybe seeing her would change it, like when i saw Teddy after Louis had proposed.

the door opened and Marmee's mouth fell agape. "it can not be," she whispered, Teddy, Pops, and I nodded in unison.
"who is it?" i heard Amy shout, she walked into the door way and screamed, which definitely caught the other girls attention who came running to the door. within seconds of Meg seeing me she leaped in front of Marmee and latched her arms around me. "gosh i do miss your hugs when i am away Meg," i smiled,
"you are the only one that gets these hugs Belle, i call them 'the i have not seen my best friend i far too long and i want to squeeze her so hard' hug," she laughed, i broke out into a loud laugh. i forever did miss being with Meg, she was my best friend, my sister.

i looked to my side and saw that Jo had enveloped Teddy into her arms. i felt jealous at first but then realised, i am the one who is his girlfriend, i am the one who he told sweet nothings to every night with a abundance of hugs and kisses.
"Amy, i swear you get more beautiful every single time i see you," i sighed pulling her close, "as do you Belle, i can not believe how much i see articles about you in the magazines," she giggled,
"i know, i can not read anything without having to read some rubbish about myself," i laughed. Beth pulled me close,
"you do not even realise how much i miss you Beth," i said as we hugged.
"you are the only sane one around here i swear," she joked. then it came to Jo who i welcomed with open arms, even if
i was anxious, she had still been
my friend despite not seeing her for the past 5 years. "i need to tell you something later," she whispered, i nodded and we all walked into the home.

after all catching up and laughing about the past memories Teddy stood. "i have something to tell you all," he said with a smile. Jo leaned closer to me,
"i think i love Teddy," she whispered into my ear. i froze.
"Belle and i are in a relationship," Teddy said with a smile. he took my hand and pulled me to stand with him. Jo looked at me with wide eyes. i just looked to the floor. as the other girls hugged and congratulated us Jo just stood looking at me. i tried to smile but all i felt was
nerves, she really did love my boy.

𝗽𝘂𝗿𝗲 𝗱𝗲𝘃𝗼𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 // 𝗧𝗵𝗲𝗼𝗱𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝗟𝗮𝘂𝗿𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗲Where stories live. Discover now