𝗦𝗰𝗲𝗻𝗲 𝗙𝗼𝘂𝗿: 𝗧𝘂 𝗠'𝗮𝘀 𝗢𝘂𝗯𝗹𝗶𝗲

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you have forgotten me

 i woke up with a smile plastered on my face

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i woke up with a smile plastered on my face. Meg and i had plans today to go to the town, it had been so long since i had been there. even better, i has a friend to go with. i wore a white dress and styled my hair for the day, upon exiting my room i saw Teddy waiting outside the door. "good morning Theodore," i smiled weakly and made my way to eat with Pops. "good morning Pops," i sent him a real bright smile, "good morning my little Belle, you seem ever so happy," he stated, i nodded. Teddy joined us at the table, "what are your plans for the day?" the old man asked us both. Teddy looked me me and spoke, "i was thinking we could do something together," he said, i shook my head, "i am ever so sorry Theodore but i have plans for the day. i am going to the town with Meg," i smiled, "i am glad you have made a new friend," Pops nodded his head and i blew him a kiss. Teddy just froze making me smirk lightly. "you should catch up on the work Mr Brooke has set you for math Theo, i am sure upon her return Belle will help you," i internally rolled my eyes. Pops had always tried to get me to help Laurie with his math, yet admittedly we never really worked before, now that our friendship was fractured it may actually work. "i will try to help," i said to the two of them, "now i must leave to meet with Meg, i love you Pops, bye Theodore," i said. i could see Pops confusion when i didn't say i love you to Teddy, and when i called him Theodore. i had always said it to both of them when leaving, yet now Teddy broke tradition, so did i.

i took my faux fur coat and left the home. i saw Meg waiting outside and smiled. we both got into the carriage excitedly and prepared for our short journey. "do you really take a carriage everywhere?" she asked i nodded, i realised that our upbringings were very different, which i feel brought it closer. "i am excited for our day out Meg, Laurie seemed ever so annoyed when i told him i was too busy for him today, a taste of his own medicine," i giggled, causing Meg to smile.

"come on Meg you will love it," i pulled her down a small walkway into the cutest bakery. "i can not, you have already given too much to me and my family,", i just shook my head and bought a dozen fresh muffins. we had a lovely day in the town and i had the idea to buy the girls the muffins, they were mine and Teddy's favourite things from the whole town. we traveled back in the carriage and walked into the March home arm in arm.

"Belle, Meg," Amy jumped up and pulled us into a tight hug. i smiled and hugged the young girl back. "are those Mrs Rigby's muffins?" i heard from room next to me, there i saw Laurie, Jo, and Beth. i nodded to the boy and placed the basket on the table. "why didn't you invite me? you know how i love to see her?" i knew this was the time to use his own words against him, "Meg asked first," my voice calm making him roll his eyes. the tension was thick in the room. "i am sure the my grandfather will want us home by now, it is becoming extremely dark," Laurie said while standing. i said my goodbyes and followed the boy through the door.

"i understand that you are annoyed at me for taking Jo to the party yet now i am feeling that you just hate me Isabella," he stated as we began to walk to our home. "you know i do not hate you Theodore, do not be so silly," we only ever used our proper names in harsh arguments to which there was only one before. "why did you chose her over me?" i asked stopping in my tracks, i needed to know why my life long best friend chose another over me. "she asked first i already told you Belle," he sighed, "stop it Laurie, you tell me it's a tradition for the two of you after only two years of knowing each other, yet what about our thirteen years of living together? what about our nine year tradition? you have replaced me and you know it Teddy," i stomped my foot with the last sentence. he looked to the floor and sighed.

"but you left me Belle. you went to France and lived without me. did you expect me to just wait for you? i had to make some friends, Jo and i just grew close. when you came back i did not want to just drop her, yet now i feel like just as you have came back i have lost you again," tears brimmed in my eyes. "but Teddy, i wrote you. you stopped. you just left me and i came back wanting to forget that yet you did the same in real life. i missed you so dearly yet i feel that i am not longer needed in your life," i had now let a few tears escape my eyes, Teddy looked up to me and realised the effect this was having on me. "i did not forget you Belle, i could never forget you," he placed his hands on my shoulders and gripped them, "but it feels like you have Teddy," he began to shake his head. "i thought about you everyday Belle, every single day," my heart began to bear faster, "as did i Teddy." my eyes shifted to the sky above us, "can we just go home now?" i pouted, he nodded with a small smile. "are we friends again?" he giggled, "ew why would i want to be friends with you?" i joked, to this he lifted me into his arms and ran into our home. we were both in fits of laughs. this was the Teddy i had missed.

𝗽𝘂𝗿𝗲 𝗱𝗲𝘃𝗼𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 // 𝗧𝗵𝗲𝗼𝗱𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝗟𝗮𝘂𝗿𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗲Where stories live. Discover now