𝗦𝗰𝗲𝗻𝗲 𝗧𝘄𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘆-𝗢𝗻𝗲: 𝗦œ𝘂𝗿𝘀

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the next 3 weeks flew by like magic

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the next 3 weeks flew by like magic.
suddenly it was mine and Teddy's final week in Concord for a while. we had been
acting just like old times, it was so refreshing to me, obviously it would still hurt me a little seeing Teddy slowly fall more and more in love with Jo, but i just wanted him to be happy. i just tried to ignore any feelings i had for the boy and it seemed to be working.

"Teddy you are the clumsiest boy i have ever met," i held my hand to my chest while crying out with laughter. he looked at me from the floor where he had fell in attempt to jump from my door to my bed.
"i will make that jump one day," he promised himself as he sat beside me, it was the same jump he had been trying to make since we were kids, it never failed to make me giggle when he fell.
he pulled me into his arms and rolled side to side, "can you believe we leave this friday?" Teddy whispered, i could feel his nerves. "i have done this before Teddy, i guess i am kind of used to the feeling of leaving people now," specifically the people i loved.

"i haven't even asked, where are you staying in Paris? your uncles again?" Teddy looked to me with a puzzled look in his eyes. "well, do you remember how Louis told you about my, my um- popularity in Pairs, well i actually made enough money to buy out a small home. i allow a few of my friends to stay there when i'm gone, and a few live with me when i'm there," Teddy's mouth fell agape. "i am coming to your house in Paris one day," he nodded his head,
"you will always be welcome Teddy," i smiled poking his side. he sent me a cheeky smile and poked me back.

"why are you two getting so old?" Pops asked as we sat with him for lunch.
"because we are growing up," i frowned at the older man, whom i owed my whole life to, without him i could have been put into an orphanage, left alone in the world, but he gave me light and i would forever be grateful. "my little babies are leaving the nest," he frowned and rested his chin on his upright hand. "we will be back tho" Teddy said in a comforting tone,
"we will, it won't take two years this time," i joked making him giggle.

"Meg," i smiled running into her room and hugging her tightly.
"i can not believe that you are leaving me in 4 days," she said in a sarcastic tone,
"can not wait," i winked using the same tone. we both laughed together and enjoyed each others company.
"gosh i can not believe i have only known you for a year and i am so sad that you are leaving, you're like a sister to me," she said, instantly smiled. "i have never had a sister," i whispered unintentionally, it was meant to be a thought but slipped out.
"well now you have four," Meg pulled an arm around me as we walked to the living room to be met with Jo, Laurie, Amy, and Beth. i smiled at the group and took a seat.

"Belle i don't want you to leave," Amy said as he gripped onto my arms.
"don't worry Amy i am coming to visit," i said and leaned into her. we had created
a strong bond over my time here, she
understood me, she knew just now it felt to be left out, i appreciated her a lot.
"promise you will come back and teach me some more songs?" Beth said with a weak smile, i nodded my head,
"i promise," i held my pinky out her her and she quickly accepted.

"i have an idea, how about Belle does a show for us tomorrow, we can do something like a leaving ceremony?"
Laurie said, the girls all jumped at the idea yet i could not help but feel anxious.
"i guess so," i said in order to keep the group happy, little did they know i had not preformed for people in a long time, since i had left Paris. maybe i had lost it?
thanks Teddy.

𝗽𝘂𝗿𝗲 𝗱𝗲𝘃𝗼𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 // 𝗧𝗵𝗲𝗼𝗱𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝗟𝗮𝘂𝗿𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗲Where stories live. Discover now