𝗦𝗰𝗲𝗻𝗲 𝗧𝗵𝗶𝗿𝘁𝗲𝗲𝗻: 𝗣𝗿𝗼𝗺𝗲𝘁𝘀-𝗠𝗼𝗶

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promise me

Louis had just left in his carriage after a heartbreaking goodbye, has was truly a great friend whom i knew i was going to miss dearly

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Louis had just left in his carriage after a heartbreaking goodbye, has was truly
a great friend whom i knew i was
going to miss dearly. Even Teddy had a tear in his eye as the french boy excited the door.

"are we going to talk now?" he asked i nodded and followed him to his room. the soft sunlight shone onto the hard wood floors and across the furniture only breaking as Teddy stepped over to his bed, i joined him and rested my head on his soft cushions. "what is bothering you Teddy?" he looked down and sighed,
"i have plan Belle," i nodded signalling for him to continue but he just took a deep breath and silenced himself for a while. i took his hand into my own and kissed it softly, this showed that he could trust me with his worries. "when we come back, after school, after Europe, i am going to ask her Belle. i am going to ask Jo for her hand in marriage," his voice low, i could
feel a sadness in his words.
"why so sad Teddy?" i tilted my head to the boy making i'm show a small smile.
"i am just confused. it seems as if my heart is at war with itself, along side already battling with my head."
i positioned myself upright and pulled him into my arms. "i know that feeling Teddy, i know it well," i sighed and held him close to me.

"have you ever been in love Belle?" he whispered as he curled my hair around his fingers. "i do not know yet Teddy. i had thought i had been but i'm unsure of what love is. it seems to be almost a foreign concept to me now. it seems my feelings come and go," my words full of truth. knowing that Teddy wanted to marry Jo i could feel my romantic love for him almost slipping away, i had no hope, but was i pushing it away or was it slipping? that i did not know.
"have you been in love before Jo?" my voice cracked while asking the question, he shrugged his shoulders. i just nodded and took in the silence. that only noises were our quiet breaths and the birds from the outside. if it weren't for my heart ache it would have been peaceful, yet inside my head a war was raging.
"does she know yet?" i whispered,
"know what?" i laid back down and replied with a shaky voice,
"that you love her Teddy." it hurt. it really did cause my stomach to tighten and my heart to beat faster than ever. it hurt.
"i do not know, maybe," he replied,
"i am just too confused to know at the moment Belle," he added with a sigh.
if only he knew just how much this hurt me. how as i laid in his arms we spoke of the girl he loved. the girl i would never be.

"i will see you soon mon ange" he waved me off as he left to see Jo. as i sat in the study watch Pops work i smiled. the man in front of me was the sweetest to ever grace this earth. "thank you," i said making he look to me with confusion, "for what?" his focus on his word had vanished. "for loving me, for giving me a home, for being my Pops," the old mans smile grew as he closed his eyes tightly and took a breath, "it has been my pleasure, you are, and always will be, my little girl Belle," he held his arms out for me and i gladly walked into them.
"i am sorry i go off and leave for so long," i said as i held him tightly, small tears escaping my lips, i hated leaving him, it least me guilt ridden. "it's all part of growing up, i can not always keep you here, even if i want to," he laughed looked to me proudly. "can you promise me something Belle?" i nodded, "i would do anything for you Pops." he looked over to the window and admired the sun before looking back to me. "just promise me that you will look after him. when i'm gone i know that you and Theo will be broken, yet he his not as strong as you Belle. just look after him for me," i nodded, "i promise Pops, i really do." i hated the thought of losing Pops, yet his growing age only drew the day closer, which drew me closer to the day when the world would grow a lot sadder.

𝗽𝘂𝗿𝗲 𝗱𝗲𝘃𝗼𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 // 𝗧𝗵𝗲𝗼𝗱𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝗟𝗮𝘂𝗿𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗲Where stories live. Discover now