𝗦𝗰𝗲𝗻𝗲 𝗙𝗶𝘃𝗲: 𝗕𝗼𝗻𝗻𝗲 𝗡𝘂𝗶𝘁 𝗠𝗼𝗻 𝗔𝗻𝗴𝗲

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goodnight my angel

"my two favourite people," Pops said with open arms, we both happily enveloped him in a hug, "i see you two are friends again," he smiled, i nodded as did Teddy

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"my two favourite people," Pops said with open arms, we both happily enveloped him in a hug, "i see you two are friends again," he smiled, i nodded as did Teddy. "we really must be getting to bed now Pops, it's rather late," i yawned to which Teddy agreed. "goodnight my little flower," he kissed my cheek, "goodnight Pops."

i changed into my nightdress and sat in my bed, no matter how i tried i could not seem to rest. i stood up and whispered through the vent, "Teddy are you awake?" i waited a few seconds for a response however there was not one. i sat back down but then i saw my door opening, i jumped back, "hey you scared me," i smiled looking at the boy entering my room. "i can not seem to sleep," he jumped beside me, "me too."

we sat together talking about what i had missed while venturing in France. "now, you must not tell anyone this Belle," he held out his pinky to which i joined with my own and nodded. "i think that i am in love with Jo, oh Belle, she's just perfect," he smiled, for some reason my heart began to ache. did i have a crush on Teddy? no of course not, that would be silly. "oh Teddy, that's just great. does she love you?" i was secretly hoping for him to say no, i felt awful, why would i want my best friend to be heartbroken?
"i do not thing she does, well, she does not treat me so," he sighed, i interiorised a small smile. yeh i knew that Teddy's happiness was more important than mine in my mind therefore i knew i had to help.

"right so what does she like?" he put his finger up to his temple, "well she is kind of like you, just more, um, boyish," he nodded as finished. "if she is anything like me, the way to win her heart is to make her jealous," it was true, i felt like the more Teddy was hanging around with other girls, the more i missed and wanted him beside me. "how do i do that?" he huffed, this was the hard part, "oh Teddy i barely know the girl, how am i supposed to know how to get her jealous," i was beginning to get annoyed at the conversation only being her. i had missed Teddy ever so much but it seems he was doing just fine.

"enough of me, let's talk about you ma princesse, you must have a crush," he smiled, i rolled my eyes at the boy with a slight smile. "well in France i had a few admirers but i never really liked any of them too much. i also know a group of boys from England who are rather fond of me, then around here there is a few. i just don't really like any of them outstandingly. apart from this one boy. i am unsure of my feelings right now but he rather funny and sweet, yet he is interested in another," it was true, Teddy was the only boy for me.
"how could anyone like another when you're an option Belle, they must be silly," he stated making me smile, little did he know he was simple insulting himself. "oh he can be very silly," i giggled, "you have to let me meet him, who is he?" Teddy took my hand, i shook my head quickly.
"sorry Teddy, that can't happen. we aren't meant to be, i assure you he seems to really like this other girl. i mean, it may just be a silly crush, i will get over it in no time," he looked at me with sad eyes, "you deserve the world and more ma princesse," he pulled me into his arms and held me tightly.

"sleepover?" he asked making me smile brightly, "i have missed our sleepovers Teddy," to which he quickly got up and ran to his room. he returned with a load of his blankets and placed them on top of my own, "now you must read me a story," he stated, "you are so demanding Teddy," i giggled.

"but Teddy i am tired, i have already read three stories," i yawned, "okay then ma princesse, let's sleep" he pulled me close to him. we had always done this yet now it makes my heart race, for some strange reason i began to feel in a daze. "goodnight ma moitié," i whispered to the boy, "goodnight mon ange," he replied.

𝗽𝘂𝗿𝗲 𝗱𝗲𝘃𝗼𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 // 𝗧𝗵𝗲𝗼𝗱𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝗟𝗮𝘂𝗿𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗲Where stories live. Discover now