𝗦𝗰𝗲𝗻𝗲 𝗙𝗼𝘂𝗿𝘁𝗲𝗲𝗻: 𝗡𝗼𝘂𝘀 𝗡𝗲 𝗦𝗼𝗺𝗺𝗲𝘀 𝗥𝗶𝗲𝗻

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we are not a 'thing'

"you know i really do dislike when you stare at me like that Teddy," i said as i pulled on my gloves

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"you know i really do dislike when you stare at me like that Teddy," i said
as i pulled on my gloves. today we were travelling to the city for the Debutante.
Laurie had always hated these events,
alike myself but i knew it was a great time to reconnect with my old friends.
also our friends were attending so it was always fun to see them. the thing we disliked about these events were the meaning behind them, showing off your status, beauty, money, stuff Teddy and i never liked to flaunt.

"i can not wait for this all to be over," he sighed, i sat beside him now fully ready for the travel and opening ceremony, i leant my head on his shoulder and nodded. "lots of the guys will be scouting for fiancés," he added, i rolled my eyes making him laugh, "lucky me," my sarcasm prominent in my speech.
"you will have all of the boys ma princesse, you look beautiful," i blushed instantly, "Teddy we all know the girls have been swooning over you since we could walk," he giggled and pulled me
into a hug. "are we going to go with our usual plan?" he asked. ah the usual plan, something Teddy and i has been doing at these events since we hit ten, we pretended to be interested in each other which stopped all of the other people from trying to start something with us, yet this time i was unsure if i wanted to.
"maybe, depends if i see some husband material," i nudged his shoulder however i felt him go stiff, i thought he'd laugh however in the moment he went
serious for some odd reason.
"i will be checking if they are 'husband material' before you even go within a meter," he stated. i just looked to the ground and twiddled my thumbs.
"carriage is here," Pops shouted up to us.

"i will miss you little trouble makers," he pulled us both into hugs. "it is only two days," Laurie laughed as i held tightly onto the older man. "this is why you are my favourite," Pops joked as he kissed my cheek. "i love you Pops" i smiled as i walked out of the door.
"i can not wait for the after parties," Teddy said looking out of the moving carriage, "i forgot about the parties," i laughed as i began to remember. after each night of the event all of the teens have a party in one of the near by houses, drinks are flowing, and memories are always made. we all let go of the status for the night and just live like normal teens.

"i feel like we have been travelling for days," he sighed as he laid his head onto my lap. "Teddy we will be there in around twenty minutes," i giggled as he took my hand and held it close to him.
"i miss just being with you Belle," he mumbled, "i miss just being with you too Teddy," a sad smile appeared on my face.
i knew his words meant so much more to me than them meant to him, i was allowing myself to fall deeper and deeper for him even though i knew the sad truth, he did not want me like i wanted him.
"you know if the boys make you feel uncomfortable just tell them that you're  engaged," he said, i laughed at his comment however i knew that i would definitely be using it.

"finally we are here," he stretched his arms out and stepped into the hotel where the staff picked up our luggage, he signed us in and got our room key.
we found our way to the room and as he unlocked the door i rolled my eyes
"i swear we asked for two doubles," i sighed, he just jumped onto the bed and shrugged his shoulders. "hey it's not like we haven't shared a bed before," he pointed out, but for some reason i felt nervous. i had shared my bed at home with him countless times, in a house full of staff, and my grandfather, but never alone in a hotel. "i guess," i sat beside him and he wrapped his arms around me.
"i hope the opening ceremony goes fast so we can party quicker," he said making me laughed, "i could not agree more Theo."

we walked through the doors of the venue and braced ourselves for the overwhelming amount of attention we were about to receive. i knew that many of the people would want to know about my ventures to France, i knew i had changed for the better in looks since last came to one of these events therefore the vain boys would be after a conversation.
Teddy wore a white shirt with a floral waist coat and a lilac tie, his grey blazer and trousers fitted to his slim build, i must admit he looked ever so handsome. i wore a pale blue gown with white detailing, along side white gloves and silver jewellery, if i must say so myself, i looked rather pretty.

"Isabella Montgomery accompanied by Theodore Laurence," the man shouted down the steps as Teddy and i walked hand in hand down the stairs to the ball room. all eyes were on us which made me feel extremely uncomfortable in the moment, however i soon realised that it was eyes accompanied by bright smiles which put me at ease. as we stepped foot onto the ballroom floor i realised that people had began walking to us, soon enough Teddy and i were dragged into different conversations far apart from each other. "so do tell me how France was," Edward Sullivan said as we sat down, his friends surrounded, these boys were always the popular ones at the event and only ever spoke to me if i was beside Teddy. i found their sudden interest odd,
"oh it was lovely, i plan on returning at the end of the year. Paris is another home to me," i smiled as all the boys nodded.
"i love Paris, my fathers business has a base over there, maybe i should visit you in the coming year," Blake smiled as the other boys looked at him rudely. Blake was always my favourite out of the group due to his kindness and honesty.
"that would be lovely Blake, oh look Laurie is coming," i said making the group turn to my dear friend. he sat beside me at the opposite side from Edward, he placed his arm around my shoulders making the other boys raise their eyebrows. "are you two a thing?" Jack, one of the boys asked. i began to shake my head but Teddy quickly spoke,
"depends on what you class as a thing," he laughed. i shot him a angry look with my eyes as the other boys nodded obnoxiously. "so you do not mind if i ask her for a dance?" Edward said, his whole attitude make me feel sick along with Teddy's sudden personality change.
"well actually i came to ask her, so maybe another day mate," Teddy replied as he pulled me away by my hand.

"Teddy what are you doing?" i asked angrily, he looked confused.
"depends on what you class as a thing," i said mocking his voice however my face remained angry. "i was only kidding Belle," he raised his hands in the air.
"well your kidding has made me look like i'm sleeping with my best friend. thank you Teddy, great impression," i began to walk away from him but he followed.
"no it doesn't, they knew i was kidding," he said, this time with bitterness in his voice. "no they did not Teddy! you have made me look stupid. you and i have no sort of 'thing' and we never will so why even joke about it?" my own words saddened me. even anything remotely close to a 'thing' would have made me happy for the rest of my life.
i looked back to his face and saw a sad expression, it looked like my words had really upset him. "i'm sorry Belle, i'll go sort it out," he walked off with a frown of his face. i sat alone in the corner as a single tear slipped from my eye,
i wanted him, i wanted him now, and forever.

𝗽𝘂𝗿𝗲 𝗱𝗲𝘃𝗼𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 // 𝗧𝗵𝗲𝗼𝗱𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝗟𝗮𝘂𝗿𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗲Where stories live. Discover now