𝗦𝗰𝗲𝗻𝗲 𝗧𝗵𝗶𝗿𝘁𝘆-𝗙𝗶𝘃𝗲: 𝗝𝗲 𝗡𝗲 𝗩𝗲𝘂𝘅 𝗝𝗮𝗺𝗮𝗶𝘀 𝗤𝘂𝗲 Ç𝗮 𝗦'𝗮𝗿𝗿ê𝘁𝗲

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i never want it to stop

despite my contrasting thoughts that ran through my head i knocked on the door of the hotel room

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despite my contrasting thoughts that ran through my head i knocked on the door of the hotel room. no reply. i knocked again. no reply. i decided to just walk into
the room, i twister the handle
and pushed the door. there he was,
sat with a sweet smile on a set of arm chairs. "i am happy you have came ma princesse," he stood and pulled me into his arms, his tight grip not only brought back all of the memories, it also brought back the emotions. the love i felt for him.

"i would never let go of a chance to see you Teddy, and i think we both know that too well," i smiled as he looked down do me. his hands griped my waist tightly, almost as if letting me go would mean he lose me forever. i moved from his grip and sat on the bed of the room, the same bed i kissed him so passionately those years ago. he sat beside me and put his arm around me, something that would have usually felt so normal but this time it just, made me feel special.

i looked up and our eyes met. i could have got lost in them for days, "so...," i tried off. "fuck i can't do this any longer," he said, i tilted my head with confusion. he put his hand on the back of my neck and pressed his lips to mine. without having to think twice i kissed back.
his lips were still as soft as before, yet this kiss seemed so different. there was so
much more emotion behind it.
so much more love, heartbreak, sadness, happiness, sadness it was a mix of all the feelings we tried to cover and hide.
i never wanted it to stop.

"Teddy I-" i pulled away knowing it was wrong. "not now Belle, not when i have you here after all these years.
just let me pretend like i am not going to lose you again. just let me pretend you are mine," he whispered while his hand cupped my cheek. "but Teddy, what you don't see is that i have always been yours.
always," i smiled weakly, it was true, look what he had done, just seeing him had
made me want to drop my whole relationship. "don't marry him then," he said, i took a deep breath.
"but why Teddy, i was your second choice so how can you expect to be my first?" i needed to know. "Belle, i told you this 4 years ago and i will tell you again.
i did not and still do not deserve a love like yours. i thought pretending to love someone else would protect you, but it just made me lose you, something i never wanted," my heart sunk. i really did not know what to do. i loved Teddy, i really did, but i couldn't hurt Louis.
i just couldn't.

"i don't know Teddy, i can't hurt Louis. i can't break his heart," i felt tears begin to well up but i saw him begin to become frustrated. "well you need to Belle because he is going to break yours soon enough, you do not know the real him," he sounded annoyed.
"Teddy i think i know the boy who i have lived with for the past five years. stop being silly," i pushed his shoulder.
"no you don't Belle, he doesn't love you. i love you," i rolled my eyes.
"now you are just trying to make him seem like a bad person Teddy," despite my feelings for Teddy and lack of for Louis i still did not like the way Teddy spoke about it.

"he isn't a bad person? well i supposed he also wasn't kissing Jacqueline at yesterday engagement party. yes that's right Belle, after we parted ways out of the guest room i saw him and her.
yet i guess he isn't a bad person," he seemed angry at me when he spoke. i could not comprehend the words i heard. Louis? my Louis? the one who i had given a home, took around the world with me, the one who i had accepted his hand in marriage. "what?" was all i could reply.
my mind went blank.
"i think i need to go back home Teddy. i am sorry for the inconvenience," i said getting up. i needed to know if it was true.
"i'll be waiting here for you if you need
to come back," he shouted as i walked out of the door.

i got into my carriage and travelled home trying to stay composed. Louis couldn't have done something like that to me. but why would Teddy lie about something like that. as we pulled up to my home i quickly made my way to my door. i opened it to a sight i never expected to see.
Louis was half naked with Jacqueline sat on him in my lounge, on my furniture, in my home. i stood silent. no emotion on my face.Teddy didn't lie. Louis was a bad person.he pulled his head away from the kiss and jumped when he saw me. the two jumped away from each other with red faces.

"Belle it is not what it looks like, i am not- she is not- i promise," he said, trying to walk closer to me. i stepped further back as he came closer. i slid the ring from my finger. "goodbye Louis," i set the ring on the table near to door and walked out.
no emotion. i knew where i was heading.
to the boy i loved.

𝗽𝘂𝗿𝗲 𝗱𝗲𝘃𝗼𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 // 𝗧𝗵𝗲𝗼𝗱𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝗟𝗮𝘂𝗿𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗲Where stories live. Discover now