𝗦𝗰𝗲𝗻𝗲 𝗙𝗶𝗳𝘁𝗲𝗲𝗻: 𝗧𝗼𝘂𝗿𝗻𝗲 𝗟𝗮 𝗕𝗼𝘂𝘁𝗲𝗶𝗹𝗹𝗲

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spin the bottle

"i have been looking for you," Sallie said as she sat beside me

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"i have been looking for you," Sallie said as she sat beside me. she looked as
beautiful as ever, no wonder Ned was
head over heels in love with the girl,
"Sallie i think i love him," she turned to me and smiled. she placed a soft hand
onto my shoulder, "i know Belle, i always have," she whispered sweetly,
"but he loves Jo," i sighed, she tilted her head to the right. "i think he loves you both, i see the way he looks at you Belle,
no one can convince me it is not love," i shook my head. "i know he doesn't," she took my hand in hers. "let's forget
about it for tonight, we should be getting off to the big party," she winked and pulled me up. i smiled, i knew the party would brighten my spirits without a
doubt. "good idea," i walked with the girl out of the building and found mine and
Teddy's carriage. i promised to
meet Sallie there and got into
the cart. a few seconds after Teddy came in, yet he was not alone.

"Belle, this is Archie, Archie this is Belle," Teddy smiled. i held my hand out for
him to shake but he pulled me into a warm hug. i knew i would get along
with this boy already. his blonde hair and blue eyes complimented his dark suit and bright smile. "i met him here last year, a top chap i assure you, he fits in with the group just well," Teddy nudged the boy as we set off the the large house for the party. "and don't worry Belle, i sorted out my mistakes from earlier," Teddy smiled, i sent him an air kiss to which i pretended to catch and out in his pocket.

within minutes we had arrived and Teddy helped me out of the carriage however he did not let go of my hand after and held it tight. we walked into the building with
Archie beside us and we saw that
people were already partying, the
atmosphere was just perfect, the reason
i enjoyed these nights so much was due to
the people just letting go for the time
and not being worried about their reputation. the people who attended
always had an agreement, what happens
in the house stays in the house.
which made it all the more fun.

"i will go get us some drinks, maybe a bottle or two or five," Teddy winked as Archie and i stood waiting for him to return.
"i must say Belle, you are a beautiful girl,"
he smiled brightly, i blushed at his words and hid my face, "why thank you Archie,
i must admit, you are rather charming yourself," i replied to which he thanked me. Teddy soon returned with glasses and large bottles of champagne and wine, we found a place to all sit and waited for our friends. the teens around us were acting the polar opposite to how they were only an hour ago in the opening ceremony, they were all letting loose. people were
dancing wilding, laughing at loud levels,
kissing people whom they would
not be caught kissing on the outside,
the occasional pair moved upstairs to progress. we were just acting like normal teens.

"so you went to Paris?" Archie asked on his fourth glass of champagne. the rest of the group had joined and we all sat on the lounge chairs, "she did indeed, gosh you do not even know how much i missed her," Teddy said and wrapped his arm around me, compared to Archie the rest of us had had a lot more alcohol so we were all in slightly drunken states, some more than others. "i missed you too Teddy," i smiled and kissed his cheek making him blush. Sallie sat on Ned lap with a bright smile on her face as Harrison flirted with some girl he had met earlier. "you two seem so close,
i wish i had something like that," Archie said, i nodded and leaned further onto my friend. "we are really close. very really close," i said giggling realising my words were coming out like nonsense. Teddy laughed and smiled down to me, his smile gave me goosebumps, it make butterflies surge around my stomach. we kept
eye contact for a while until it was interrupted by the boys from earlier coming over.

"hey guys we are all playing a game of spin the bottle over there, wondering if you'd like to join," Ned and Sallie shook their heads content with being alone in the moment. the rest of the group nodded and followed the boys. i sat beside Teddy and he held my hand. as the game went on we drank more and became more drunk, making everything more fun.
the bottle had yet to spin on myself, Teddy, Harrison and Archie, so we sat patiently. then suddenly the bottle landed in my direction, my eyes widened, the bottle was spun again and landed in the middle of two people. "the rules for stopping in the middle is the spinner choses one and then it's seven minutes in heaven," someone said and the rest of the group agree. i sat in silence, i knew that choosing Teddy would seem so wrong but i couldn't help it. "come on Laurie," i smiled and pulled him with me. he smiled and opened the door to the small room.

"i feel honoured you chose me ma princesse," he smiled drunkenly, he looked ever so handsome in this light.
"you'd always be my first pick Teddy," i pulled him into a drunken hug as we both tried to regain balance. "we don't
have to do anything you know," he said
as he sat on a box, i took the opportunity to take a seat on his lap to rest my legs.
he placed his hands either side of my waist and held tightly. he had done
this so many time before yet for some
reason this time it felt so much more
different, maybe it was the alcohol, or maybe it was because i was head over heels in love with my best friend. i looked into his green green eyes and never wanted to look away, my eyes shifted to his plump pink lips which soon turned into a smile. i looked back into his eyes,
"what?" i giggled, he rolled his eyes
mockingly, "i saw that," he said quietly.
"saw what?" i asked playfully, the alcohol was definitely helping with my nerves.
"you know what Belle," a small smirk appeared onto his lips. he pulled me closer to him as his tight grip on my waist increased. i moved my lips to his ear and whispered, "maybe i do, maybe i don't," i felt him take a deep breath in. my heart was beating rapidly.

"i think you and i both know what you were doing and why you were doing it," he smirked sending shivers down my spine. "do we now?" i had a smirk of my own on my lips now. i noticed his eye shift from mine to my lips and back again. "yes, and that's why i am going to do this, my beautiful girl," he whispered, his lips brushing my ear. he leaned closer to me and shut his eyes, "do what?" i asked but before i knew it our lips were connected. i could taste the alcohol of his mouth yet his sweet strawberry taste was still there,
his soft lips moved in rhythm with my own as i wrapped my arms around his neck. his hands followed the curves of my body and held only to tightly.
he pulled away with a cheeky smile, i was breathless, "do that," he whispered again before we heard a voice shout.
"times up love birds," i stood from his lap and he took my hand in his. we walked out of the small room together and rejoined the group.

the game had finished and our friends all returned to the lounge and sat,
Teddy had gone to the toilet and i sat beside Archie as the rest of the group laughed about some nonsense.
"you know, i think he really likes you. i remember last year he would not stop talking about you, and he refused any other girls offer to dance," he whispered to me, i smiled but sloppily shook my head. "he doesn't love me Archie, he loves another girl," i said, the words came out like nothing but hurt me. kissing him had only made me fall harder, what had i done to myself? "you tell yourself that Belle, but ask anyone here, he looks at you like something else," Archie said just as Teddy came and joined the group.
"you ready to head back to the hotel ma princesse?" he asked sweetly,
still stumbling into into the sofa, i nodded and he helped me stand.
"bye guys, see you all tomorrow," i waved sloppily and walked away with Teddy to our carriage. as we sat down he rested his head on my shoulder.
"you make these parties a million times better Belle," he stated making me smile,
"why thank you kind sir," i said and pressed a kiss to his cheek.
"i think you missed my lips," he joked, his words made me hold my breath. i knew this would be over in the morning, i had two options. i could stop it now before i let myself fall more due to my drunken state, or i could just carry on with vibe we had right now. i knew what i wanted, i guess the drunken state got the better of me. "i guess i did," i said, he sat up and i pecked the boys lips lightly. he smiled and giggled "bullseye," he said making me burst into laughter.

𝗽𝘂𝗿𝗲 𝗱𝗲𝘃𝗼𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 // 𝗧𝗵𝗲𝗼𝗱𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝗟𝗮𝘂𝗿𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗲Where stories live. Discover now