𝗦𝗰𝗲𝗻𝗲 𝗧𝘄𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘆-𝗦𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗻: 𝗝𝗲 𝗦𝘂𝗶𝘀 𝗗é𝘀𝗼𝗹é

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i am sorry

i decided i was in need of some rest since it was getting late so i said goodnight and made my way to my room

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i decided i was in need of some rest since
it was getting late so i said goodnight and made my way to my room. upon
opening the door i stood
in confusion as Teddy sat on my bed. his
head turned to me and i slowly made my way over and sat down.
"what are you doing in here Laurie?" i said quietly, he looked at me with sad eyes. "i am sorry Belle," his voice cracked as he spoke. "for what? ignoring me for a year? lying to me? breaking the promise? or did you do something else? i would not put it past you," i kept my voice calm, one tone all the way through, he did not deserve to see the hurt he caused.
"i meant to write i really did, i was busy and i-" i cut him off before he could speak any longer. "i was busy too Te-Laurie, but i still wrote to you, every week of the first month and a half that we left, not once did i receive a reply. for all i knew you you have been dead," my heart was wrenching. he looked to the floor and a single tear fell onto his lap,
"i am sorry Belle, so sorry, we are best friends and i should-" i cut him off again.
"were best friends Laurie, were," i whispered, it hurt me just as much as it hurt him but it was the truth. a best friend would not ignore some one for so long like that. not the Teddy i knew.

"can you please leave, i need some sleep," i said and turned away from him.
"i am sorry," he said before walking into his room. it really did pain me to do this but i knew i did not deserve the pain he put me through. no one deserves it.

waking up in my bed was euphoric. i had missed the Concord sun shining through the curtains, i had missed these walls that held my greatest memories, i had missed home. i changed into a lilac gown and made my way down to meet Pops.
"my little flower," he hugged me,
"i am going to surprise the girls today," i smiled, i could not wait to see Meg. she had been more of a best friend than Teddy this past year. "Theo can go with you, he's yet to see them. i am excited for the wedding tomorrow," the old man smiled. i gulped and nodded.
"go get him and take these over to the girls," he said handing me a basket of baked good. "i will see you later Pops," i kissed his cheek and quickly went to Teddy's room. i knocked twice but did not here a reply so i opened the door. he was stood watching the birds out of his window, something we always used to do.

i coughed and he swiftly turned his head,
"Belle," he smiled and looked the the floor. "we are going to see the girls," i said and walked out of the room. without a reply he rushed behind me.
i decided to be polite and make small talk as we walked to the house.
"well done for completing your studies," he smiled, "thank you, i must admit i did here about you in the magazines in Italy, i did not realise that you were so popular over there," i nodded,
"yes, well the past year opened a lot of opportunity for me, my popularity grew a lot more after that," the conversation was boring me. talking about my work was something i had to do far to much back in Paris, but i knew it was unavoidable.

"are you going to do it?" i asked, he looked at me with confusion.
"propose, to Jo," it hurt my heart saying the words, no matter how much i tried to convince myself i had lost all feelings for this boy, i knew that deep down in my heart, i would always love him.
"well yes, her and i have kept our bond, we wrote to each other. i plan on doing the act tomorrow after the wedding," i do not think he realised that he just proved that he lied to me about him being to busy to write back. i always knew he would chose her over me.

as we approached the porch i saw Meg and Mr Brooke, or as he insists i call him, John, outside of the home. they truly did look in love. it almost brought tears to my eyes. i saw her turn around at the noise of our footsteps. at first she stood just staring almost as if she thought we were simply false creations of the mind.
"Meg," i smiled, she ran over to me and screamed "Belle! my best friend! you're back! you're here," her arms tightly around me. i had missed her so dearly.
"i'd come back for you any day,
especially your wedding day," i laughed as she held me close. i had told her about Teddy ignoring all my efforts to contact him so it was obvious she was trying to hold back her anger. "hello Theodore," she said making me want to giggle.

"what is all the commotion?" Marmee walks out with all the girls, as soon as
Beth and Amy see me they run just alike Meg did, Jo ran straight to Teddy.
"oh Teddy you are back," she hugged him close, i must admit, despite my current situation, i still adored Jo, no matter how much it hurt me to watch.
"Belle i have see about you in the magazines, i have it on my wall," Amy said while pulling me into her embrace,
"a magazine in Concord?" i laughed, i really did not know the exposure i got across the world. "i have missed you," Beth said joining the hug.
"i have missed you all so much," i smiled, this was my family.

𝗽𝘂𝗿𝗲 𝗱𝗲𝘃𝗼𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 // 𝗧𝗵𝗲𝗼𝗱𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝗟𝗮𝘂𝗿𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗲Where stories live. Discover now