𝗦𝗰𝗲𝗻𝗲 𝗧𝘄𝗲𝗹𝘃𝗲: 𝗣𝗹𝗮𝗴𝗲𝘀 𝗘𝘁 𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗮𝗴𝗻𝗲

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beaches and champagne

i awoke to a pair of arms wrapped tightly around me

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i awoke to a pair of arms wrapped tightly around me. i had not realised that Teddy and i had fallen to sleep together last night, all i had remembered was waking about the, well the kiss.

i felt him begin to stir and his arms loosens, "good morning ma princesse," he smiled and kissed my forehead,
"good morning Teddy," i replied and moved to sit. "ready for the beach day?" he asked, i nodded my head, "it has been so long since i have seen the beach," in my head i reminisced the years Teddy, Pops, and i used to go down to the beach and play with the sand, we used
to run wild while Pops would laugh at us with a great smile on his face.

a knock on the door pulled me from thoughts, Louis cheeky smile peered into the room and i saw his confusion rise as he spotted the topless Teddy in my bed, i'm sure he soon realised that my bond with Teddy made things like that normal, however retaking a look at my best friend i had realised just how handsome he was like this. his skin reflecting the soft rays of sun that shone delicately through my window, his perfect features framed by his careless yet beautiful curls. he was ever so handsome.

as Teddy and i dressed and prepared for the day in our rooms Louis spent the time communicating with Pops, the two had became very good friends and got along so well, it warmed my heart.
i made my way downstairs hearing Teddy's footsteps follow close behind, my eyes met Louis at the door as he waited for us. "hello Louis," i pulled him into a hug, once turning i saw that Teddy's stare was intensively focused on the two of us, almost like we had done something wrong. to break the awkward silence that was dwelling in the air i spoke up,
"i think i see Harrison's carriage out there," the two boys nodded and we headed out of the door.

Louis helped me into the carriage as Teddy watched with a sour face, to my surprise Jo was already seated in there, i was happy that she had created a bond with our our friends, alike Louis. Teddy climbed in and we set off to start our day.
i sat next to Sallie was Jo on her other side as the boys sat opposite,
"Laurie and Harrison will not stop staring at you," she whispered so quietly that only the two of us could here, i turned to attention to the boys and realised that they were, they quickly turned the their heads when they saw my confused look.

"gosh i have missed the air of the seaside," Ned strifes across the sands with a smile, "as have i," Sallie smiled looking to the ocean waves, "it has been far too long," Harrison nodded, "just look at that sea," Teddy's voice full of excitement, "this beach was never one to disappoint," i ran my hands through my hair as it waved in the wind, "Teddy and i came here with my sisters last spring, it was wonderful," Jo said making my heart momentarily stop, "i have never been to a beach," Louis said making the whole group gasp.

"of course you brought champagne Sallie," i laughed as she pulled out the bottles as the rest of the group clapped at her. we had laid towels across the soft sand and all sat admiring the view. Jo and Teddy joked with each other as i watched with a sad expression, Louis spotted this and pulled me into his arms, "hey mon bourdon (my bumblebee) what is wrong," he smiled holding me close, he could always bring me out of the worst moods, "nothing now i have your attention Lou," i giggled holding him. i sat between his legs as Sallie passed out glasses of champagne to the group, Louis and i clinked our glasses before taking small sips. Harrison motioned for me to moved closer to him and looked like he had something to say so i informed Louis i would be back momentarily and then scooted over to Harrison.

"yes my dear," i said as i leaned my head on his shoulder, he laughed and looked down at me, "i think that Laurie has a crush on you," he whispered before sipping his champagne, i only laughed at his assumption, "he likes Jo," i whispered, his eyebrows raised. "so that means i have you all to myself?" he asked making me roll my eyes with a smile, "you will have to win me over first Harry," i patted his back and moved back to my place with Louis. i had noticed that Teddy had watched the whole interaction and now was whispering with Jo, if i must admit it made me feel very self conscious.

"you okay?" Louis asked with a sincere look on his face, i nodded without a word and drank from my fourth glass, we had all gotten a little taken away and were beginning to become tipsy. Sallie and Ned were flirting like there was no tomorrow which brought my spirits up, they were destined for one and other.
Jo began conversing with Harrison leaving Teddy looking lonely, i did not like the thought of his alone, so i scooted over to him. "why hello Mr Laurence," i bowed my upper half making him laugh,
"i can not believe this will all be over soon, you will go back to Paris, i will go to Europe to study, without a doubt Ned and Sallie will marry, Harrison will have his father business to handle, that group will be fully separated," he sighed, i frowned at his words, that sad thing was is that it was all true. i doubt in that in our adulthood that any of us will have the time of day to all regroup.
"we will still see each other at least, believe me Teddy," i rested my head onto his chest as he nodded, "you cannot get rid of me Belle."

in the carriage back home it had became obvious that the seven of us had had too much champagne. that carriage was full of laughter and silly jokes just like the old times, no composure, no need to uphold a certain reform, we were all just normal again. Ned silenced the laughs and took a breath, "i think we should make bets on our futures," he said making the whole group agree with compliments on the idea. "i will go first, i bet that Sallie and Ned will marry," Teddy said, the whole group other than Sallie and Ned agreed, their faces bright red.
"i bet that Jo will be a famous writer," i said as she thanked me.
"i bet that Harrison will get into politics or something of the sort," Louis added, i agreed with the boy upon an instant, i could image Harrison arguing for a living.
"i bet that Jo and Laurie will marry," Harrison said making my heart hurt, i maybe should not have let him in on Teddy's crush, he was just now trying to make it happen. "no way Laurie and Belle," Ned said looking to Harrison as if he had just broken a crime.
"i know i am a handsome bloke, but i am not marrying everyone," Teddy joked lightening the situation.
"i bet that Belle will be some famous person or something. i think everyone will want to be her or to know her," Sallie said with a proud smile, i smiled to my friend as the rest of the group nodded in agreement.

"bye guys, we will definitely have to do this all over again," i said as i stepped out of the carriage, "we need to," Sallie smiled, "goodbye Belle, see you soon Teddy mate, and you Louis," Ned nodded to the boys. "goodbye guys," Louis waved, "goodbye Belle, i will be sure to see you soon. bye Teddy, bye Louis," Harrison waved us off as the carriage left. i could not help but feel uncomfortable as Harrison made it more obvious that he had a crush on me. "he needs to leave you alone," Teddy said sternly, "i guess," i muttered and walked into the home with the boys.

"his crush is just out right weird," Teddy complained still on the topic of Harrison as we sat in the library. "i agree with Laurie," Louis added making Teddy smile. "will you boys stop being so protective. i can do things on my own," i huffed making them both roll their eyes, "i can not believe you are leaving tomorrow Louis, i am going to miss you," i moved to the boy and sat in his lap, i hugged him tightly. i would miss him too much.
"you have to come visit again," Teddy's words made me smile, only days ago he did not like my friend but now he treat him alike a brother. "i will do not worry Laurie," he patted the boys arm as i watched the two with a bright smile.

"can we tell soon mon princesse?" Teddy smiled, his words made me feel uneasy.
"of course Teddy."

𝗽𝘂𝗿𝗲 𝗱𝗲𝘃𝗼𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 // 𝗧𝗵𝗲𝗼𝗱𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝗟𝗮𝘂𝗿𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗲Where stories live. Discover now