𝗦𝗰𝗲𝗻𝗲 𝗙𝗼𝗿𝘁𝘆-𝗧𝘄𝗼: 𝗟𝗲 𝗚𝗿𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗝𝗼𝘂𝗿

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the big day

"Meg i am so scared," i said

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"Meg i am so scared," i said.
my heart was racing and i was hyperventilating. "trust me, you look perfect, you always do," she smiled.
i looked to the mirror and sigh.
"do you think he will like it?" my voice full of worry, "Belle, i think he likes anything as long as it's to do with you," she said with a small laugh. i smiled, it was true. he really did love me.

"are you ready my beautiful girl?" Pops said sticking his head through the door.
i nodded and hugged him tightly.
we linked our arms and went to the glass conservatory of my paris home. looking out of the glass i saw all of the guests seated, my favourite view of all was the curly haired boy who stood in a suit at the end of it all. my Teddy.
"you are the most beautiful bride i ever have seen Belle," Pops whispered.
i saw tears brimming in his eyes which really did make me want to cry, that man really did hold my heart.

Pops and i began to walked after Meg, my maid of honour, and my bridesmaids, Sallie and Amy. Beth played a song on the piano as i walked arm in arm with Pops.
Jo stood at the end of the alter with Teddy's grooms men. i watched as his eyes widened at the sight of me, he truly was the perfect boy. the closer i got the more i wanted to pull him into my arms and tell him i love him.
Pops sat at the end of the front row as i stood to face Teddy, he sat with
Marmee, "those are my babies," he whispered wiping his eyes. Teddy
and i smiled to each other at the comment. "you look beautiful," he whispered, i blushed, "i must say Teddy,
i do think you are the most handsome man i ever have seen," i whispered back.
"forever?" he said, "and always," i replied.
as the priest began to speak that's
when i knew, this is where i
was supposed to be. not Paris, not Concord, not New York, but with Teddy. anywhere he went was home for me, he was home. i finally had my boy.
my Teddy.

after we said our vows and our i dos it was time for the party to start.
"you look so amazing Belle," Marmee pulled me into a tight hug while Pops was still wiping small tears from his eyes.
"thank you so much for coming," i said,
"i would not pass up a chance to come to Paris, let alone a chance to see one of my girls marry," it warmed my heart that she classed me as one of her girls,
she was the mother i never really had.

i saw Teddy and Pops exchanging a hug and couldn't help but join.
"i can not believe my little boy and my little girl are all grown up," he said,
Teddy and i lightly laughed.
"you know we will always be your little boy and your little girl no matter how old we get," i smiled, he nodded and wiped a tear from his eye. "always," Teddy smiled at the older man.

Teddy and i sat hand in hand watching our guests enjoy their time, his hand tightly laced him mine.
"it feels like a dream," he sighed.
i nodded, "my life has became so perfect Teddy," i kissed his cheek.
"now i i have you Belle, i can not wait to finally begin to live," his voice so calm and content.


five years later

"can you please stop running Violet?" i laughed chasing the little girl on the same grass Teddy and i ran on as kids.
"you are the fastest little girl i ever have seen," Teddy said as he tried to catch her.
"i win," Pops said swooping in and picking the little girl up, she had Teddy's curly looks and beautiful green eyes, my lips and nose, i think she was just perfect.
"Violet look Daisy and Demi are back," i smiled pointing to Meg walking out of her house with the twins. as the three all caught sight of each other the ran to play.

"i think we might possibly have the cutest four year old in this entire world," Teddy said as we walked hand in hand to meet Meg and Mr Br- John, still not got the hang of calling him that.
"i love when you come back go visit," Meg pulled me into her arms. "i love seeing you, as does Violet, all she talks about is seeing 'Auntie Meg and the girls' as she says," i laughed. at the side of us we saw Teddy and John laughing about something, we got ourselves caught in a daze and only snapped out when the boys looked at us with confused faces.
we both burst out in laughter making them even more confused.

the four of us sat on the March's porch as we watched our children play some nonsense game just as we
all used to years ago. "i am going to miss you," i said to Meg before shouting Violet over. our carriage had arrived for us to go back home. we said our dad goodbye and made our way back to Paris.

"it feels like we have been travelling for 7 years," Violet said, i wondered where a four year old could have got that from. Teddy high fived the girl and carried her into the house. "is he coming today?" Teddy asked, i nodded.
"who?" Violet said, the doorbell rang and Teddy carried her with us to meet the ringer of the bell.

one opened there was a little boy and an officiate. "hello," i said crouching to the boys height. "hi," he replied shyly.
Violet held onto Teddy tightly confused as to what was happening. Teddy placed her down and she stood almost behind him.
"thank you for this sir," Teddy smiled to the officiate who nodded back to him.
"Violet this is Pierre, Pierre this is Violet," i said bringing the boy into our home.
they were the same age and i could tell
they would be great friends.
"he's going to be living with us now," Teddy smiled proudly.
Violet came from behind Teddy and opened her arms for the boy. the two shared a hug and let go shyly.
it reminded of the day Teddy and I met, the day i was welcomed into his home.

𝗽𝘂𝗿𝗲 𝗱𝗲𝘃𝗼𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 // 𝗧𝗵𝗲𝗼𝗱𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝗟𝗮𝘂𝗿𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗲Where stories live. Discover now