𝗦𝗰𝗲𝗻𝗲 𝗙𝗼𝗿𝘁𝘆: 𝗖'é𝘁𝗮𝗶𝘁 𝗩𝗿𝗮𝗶

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it was true

"don't you dare Teddy," i screamed as he ran towards the river while carrying me over his shoulder

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"don't you dare Teddy," i screamed as he ran towards the river while carrying me over his shoulder. "it's only some water,"
he joked as he began to tilt so i became closer and closer to the water.
just before Teddy could finally drop me in we heard a splash. Jo had jumped
into the water. i was confused as to why she would do that, especially since all of the others were just eating by the picnic. it seemed like she knew it would
take Teddy's attention from me.
"classic Jo," he laughed as she stepped out of the water. i thought Jo was nice, i did not know she was like this,
out to ruin what Teddy and i had built after so much pain. she had her chance? why wouldn't she let me have mine?

Teddy took my hand and we sat with the others. i was sat in between his legs as his arms wrapped around my torso.
"i am so happy to see you both finally together, we all knew it would happen one day," Amy said, her smile so genuine and true, i always appreciated Amy's honesty, she was my favourite critique.
"i can in fact agree, we all knew it," Meg laughed, "as can i," Mr Brookes said making me laugh. it still baffled me that my teacher married one of my best friends. "i don't know, i didn't see it coming," Jo said, not to be rude or anything, but i really did wish that that she would shove her options up her own- i stopped myself from thinking that,
i didn't want to become as bad as her.
"your opinion is invalid," Amy joked,
it made me happy to see her this confident, back when we first met it would be Jo saying that stuff to Amy without her speaking back, now she was much more confident in herself.

"Meg i swear to god you need to come to my home in Paris, Teddy and i will watch the girls while you explore! you need to come! doesn't she Teddy," i said, i wanted nothing more than for her to come and see my home, it was something i prided myself on. all of my hard work went
into perfecting the place and i knew she would love it. "Meg, all i can say is the
first time she took me there i nearly cried, a good way of course," he laughed,
i smiled at his comment and kissed his cheek lightly. "i guess we could try couldn't we," she said to Mr Bro- John. it was still taking me a while to adjust to calling him that. "you bloody better," i smiled to the pair. i wanted to show them the place Teddy and i lived for the last year and a half. it was by far my favourite out of all the places i owned.


"you are going to make me cry if you don't stop it," Amy said as Jo tickled her in the lounge of their home. Beth ended up having to pull her off of the girl.
"do you remember how you used to cry all of them time when i tickled you?" Teddy asked me with a laugh, i punched his shoulder light and smiled, "i think i remember tickling you back until you begged for mercy." Jo looked annoyed. i couldn't take it any longer.
"Jo i have something to show you," i said walking to the kitchen and closing the door.

"what is your problem with me Jo? i do not understand?" i said with frustration, all i wanted to do was spend time with my friends and she made me feel bad for having fun. "you are blatantly showing off your love for Teddy in front of me Belle," she said, i rolled my eyes. "i think that you and i both know that Teddy and i have always been like this Jo, just now that you 'love' him you can't handle it. he is my boyfriend Jo, he had been for more than a year now? what i don't understand is how you can hate me when i don't even hate you for taking my best friend all those years back. he was mine, for 14 years straight and i felt excluded from his life when i came back. i did not hate you for it, so how can you hate me for this?" i was beginning to become more and more annoyed by the second.
"oh Belle you were just jealous, always have been, always will," she said.
i wanted to do something, i wanted to react but i realised it was true.
"yes Jo, i was jealous because all i have ever wanted was for him to love me back. yet when i found out he did it never fucking worked. there was always something breaking us apart, breaking my heart. so i was jealous, when you love someone you can not help it, they are all you ever want and all you ever need. so Jo, if you please will excuse me, i am going to kiss my boyfriend. a lot," i said before walking out of the room.

𝗽𝘂𝗿𝗲 𝗱𝗲𝘃𝗼𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 // 𝗧𝗵𝗲𝗼𝗱𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝗟𝗮𝘂𝗿𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗲Where stories live. Discover now