𝗦𝗰𝗲𝗻𝗲 𝗦𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗻: 𝗖'𝗲𝘀𝘁 𝗣𝗿𝗲𝘀𝗾𝘂𝗲 𝗖𝗼𝗺𝗺𝗲 𝗦𝗶 𝗧𝘂 É𝘁𝗮𝗶𝘀 𝗝𝗮𝗹𝗼𝘂𝘅

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it is almost like you are jealous

"my dearest Louis," i walked to the boys carriage with open arms

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"my dearest Louis," i walked to the boys carriage with open arms. "my little Belle, how i have missed you," he picked me up into his arms and spun me in a circle. "please do follow me, i will show you to your room," i smiled taking him into my home. not to my surprise Teddy was waiting at the door alongside Pops.
"it is lovely to meet you Mr Laurence; i assure you Belle has told me so much of you. i can not thank you enough for allowing me to stay," the two shook hands and offered smiles.
"it is all my please, please call me James," i could see Pops approved of my friend which gave me great joy.
"it is nice to meet you Louis, I am Theodore, but please call me Laurie," he held his hand out and i could see that Laurie was trying to give his strongest shake making me giggle.
"it is a pleasure to meet you Laurie," Louis smiled. i could feel the tension between the two boys so i knew i needed to vacate the situation. i took Louis' hand making Teddy raise his brow,
"i will take you to your room to unpack, we can all get to know each other more after," i said then pulled him upstairs.

after helping the boy unpack we sat upon his bed and decided to catch up on each other's lives and other nonsense.
"Paris is missing you i am sure of it," the boy smiled making me blush slightly,
"and i am missing it dearly," i nodded thinking of all the sweet memories the city held. we heard a knock on the door which pulled us out of the conversation.
"hello?" i said, Teddy popped his head around the corner of the door and informed us that dinner had been prepared. "let's go eat, i am sure they are eager to get to know you," i smiled taking him down to the dining area.

"you're home is most beautiful Mr Laurence," Louis complemented making the old man smile. i knew that he had much pride in this home so compliments really did bring joy to him.
"why thank you Louis," Pops replied all while Teddy stayed quiet.
"may i ask why you do for a living Louis?" Teddy suddenly popped up into the conversation, "well i am currently studying alike you two, then i plan on studying literature at university. i help my father with his accounting business from time to time due to my, well as he calls it, accelerated mathematics skills," Louis did not like to brag however he was proud of his skills. Teddy nodded and began to eat his meal again.

"do you speak French then Louis?" Pops asked, he loved the language and often liked me to read him stories in it.
"fluently, do you sir?" he smiled to which my Pops nodded. i was ever so happy that the two of them were getting along, however Laurie's quietness was bothering me. "Est-ce que tu parles français Laurie?" (do you speak french Laurie?) Louis asked, Teddy's head lifted.
"je fais bien monsieur Beaumont," (i do indeed Mr Beaumont) Laurie's voice strong. my eyes shifted to Teddy, i was unsure as to why he was being so hostile with my friend after i had been so excepting of his and Jo's friendship.

"we must be getting to bed, it is rather late. you have to be exhausted after your journey Louis, i know i was," i smiled getting out of my chair, he nodded and got up, Laurie did the same.
"thank you for the meal James, and thank you again for letting me stay in your beautiful home," Louis said to Pops,
"Goodnight Pops," i kissed his cheek and then made my way to Louis' room.
"if you need me you know where my room is," i smiled to my friend,
"i can not wait to spend time with you tomorrow," i pulled him into my arms for a quick embrace. "goodnight Louis," i began to walk to my room, "goodnight Belle," he replied and shut the door.

as i walked to my room i could Teddy waiting outside of the door. i walked in and left the door open for him to follow.
"he's quite the catch," Teddy said as he sat beside me on my bed, i nodded with a smile. "he is a lovely guy Teddy. i am sure you will get along," i knew they could be friends but i felt that Teddy has been cold to my friend. "i am not too sure, i think he just likes your company," his voice bitter.
"oh shush Teddy, he is just a friend, don't be so silly," i pushed his shoulder light.
"oh i bet," he rolled his eyes. he began to annoy me. "don't be so hypocritical. you and Jo seem to be just as close, maybe closer," i stated with furrowed brows.
"stop bringing Jo into our arguments, it is almost like you are jealous," what hurt the most is that he was right.
i was jealous of Jo. "oh Teddy if you were not so hostile towards my guest we would not be arguing right now," he began to roll his eyes. "be rude to me all you want, i do not care but i mean this Theodore. do not be rude to my friend," my voice stern.
he huffed and got up from my bed.
"maybe you are the jealous one," i suggested, to which he shook his head.
"the conversation is finished," was all he said before leaving.

i heard him jump into his bed through the walls and sigh heavily. i did not like the sudden change of manor he had around Louis, it was not the Teddy i knew. not the Teddy i had grown with. not the Teddy who i had missed so dearly.
Not the Teddy i thought i loved.

i did not know why Teddy had to be so rude to Louis, all he did was come to see me. Louis was being a good friend, unlike Teddy at this moment.

𝗽𝘂𝗿𝗲 𝗱𝗲𝘃𝗼𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 // 𝗧𝗵𝗲𝗼𝗱𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝗟𝗮𝘂𝗿𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗲Where stories live. Discover now