𝗦𝗰𝗲𝗻𝗲 𝗧𝗲𝗻: 𝗟𝗲 𝗝𝗲𝘂 𝗗𝗲𝘀 𝗗é𝗳𝗶𝘀

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the game of dares

"i will be back later, try not to miss me too much ma douce Belle," (my sweet Belle) i waved off Louis

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"i will be back later, try not to miss me too much ma douce Belle," (my sweet Belle) i waved off Louis. he has plans to meet with one of his father associates for the day. Louis was a proud son and his father adored his ever so much, they were a perfect due. i walked back into the house to see Laurie at the table.

"where has lover boy gone to?" his smirk prominent however his rosy cheeks made it too cute to be annoyed at him.
"he is not my lover boy," i rolled my eyes with a smile, "he definitely has the biggest crush on you," he stood and wrapped his arms over my shoulders, "he does not. if anyone is the lover boy around here it is you Teddy," i poked his cheek lightly making him jolt. "Louis has a crush on Belle," he sang making me laugh.
Pops walked in with a smile, "oh it is so nice to see you two back to normal," he pulled us both into a big hug. this is what i'd truly missed. my family.

"we are going for a walk," Teddy stated pulling my hand. "are we now?" i laughed knowing that there was no stopping the boy. "you look nice in red," his small compliment made my heart skip a beat. we made the way to a large tree we used to climb as children. "do you remember when we used to come here with all of our friends and play games?" Teddy nodded quickly with a bright smile, "the summer before you left we all played the game of truth or dare. i remember some big secrets got uncovered," we laughed thinking back to our 15 year old selves in this very spot.

*flashback~ 2 years prior*
"no, no, it is your turn Ned," i protested, Teddy's arm linked tightly with mine as we egged the boy on. "truth or dare?" Teddy asked in a silly voice making the group laugh. "i dare you to kiss Sallie," Harrison said, we all stared at the two, it had been obvious that they had liked each other for years. "no that is not fair," Sallie protested, i winked at her knowing she was secretly happy. "i will only do it on one condition," Ned smirked staring at me and my best friend. "i will kiss Sallie, if, and only if, Laurie and Belle kiss," Laurie and i looked at each other with the same confused expressions. we were never ones to deny a dare, yet this one was different. "Ned you are such a wuss," i rolled my eyes at the boy.
"i will kiss you, only after i have seen Ned and Sallie," Laurie said, for some odd reason my stomach had filled with butterflies. "okay deal," i shook hands with Teddy and Ned nodded. the pair kissed and the full group laughed at the red faces as they pulled away.
"go on Laurie," Ned said with a smirk. for some reason it felt like the two had something they were hiding from us.
"if you don't i will," Harrison elbowed Laurie's side mockingly. i had only rejected Harrison the day before but it seemed he was taking it lightly.
the two of us turned to face each other and began to lean in and as our faces were centimetres apart we heard a carriage pull up. "Theodore, Laurie, your grandfather has asked for your return," the horseman said making the group huff. "you better do it next time," Ned smiled as we began to walk away. i saw that Teddy seemed annoyed at the fact we had to leave mid game. "trust me i will Ned, i do not back down from dares," he shouted back to the boy before we set off back home.
*End of flashback*

"gosh Teddy do you remember when we nearly kissed," i smiled, he nodded with wide eyes. "by the next time we all met you were in France, i never got to complete the dare. Ned always brings it up when i see him," he laughed as he squinted his eyes at the sun.
"we should definitely get the group back together, as Pops called it the Fumbling Five," i did miss the times we all used to spent together, Teddy nodded in agreement. "i am sure that my grandfather has all of their parents contacts on the new telephone machine," Teddy stated, i was happy to be bonding like our old days.

my head rested on Teddy's lap as we watched the clouds pass by.
"do you miss Paris?" Teddy whispered, i nodded slowly, "of course, yet i missed being here while i was there. i think that where ever i go i will miss one day. no where will ever compete with my love for Concord, it is home." Teddy brushed some loose curls out of his face and began to trace circles on the back of my hand.
"one day you will have to show me around Paris, i will have to come see you. this two years has felt like an eternity without you ma princesse. i may have had the March's yet it just hasn't been the same," his words brought warmth to my heart.
"oh Teddy i will show you it all. you can meet my friends. they will love you," i smiled at the image of my friends meeting my best friend.

"you look beautiful today," he whispered lightly making me blush. "you are not to bad yourself Teddy," i kissed his cheeky lightly. he pulled me into his arms making me squeal. "oh i do not know how i have lived without you for these years Belle," he smiled holding me close as the sun shone on us, "me too Teddy," my voice quiet. in that moment i realised truly, i love my best friend. i loved Teddy.
yet he loved Jo.

𝗽𝘂𝗿𝗲 𝗱𝗲𝘃𝗼𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 // 𝗧𝗵𝗲𝗼𝗱𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝗟𝗮𝘂𝗿𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗲Where stories live. Discover now