𝗦𝗰𝗲𝗻𝗲 𝗘𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁: 𝗟𝗲 𝗦𝗲𝗰𝗿𝗲𝘁

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the secret

"i am taking you to meet the March siblings today Louis, i assure that you will love them, it's near impossible not to," i connected his arm to mine as Teddy trailed behind

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"i am taking you to meet the March siblings today Louis, i assure that you will love them, it's near impossible not to," i connected his arm to mine as Teddy trailed behind. he had ignored me all morning, i decided to not even give him the satisfaction of my attention any longer.

"this is Amy, this is Beth, this is Meg, and this is Jo," i said as we stood with the girls. "it is lovely to meet you all, i hope we can become friends," he said to the girls to which they all nodded,
"any friend of Belle's is a friend of our own," Meg smiled kindly.
"how about a picnic?" i smiled to the group, they all nodded, even Laurie.
"i will run back home and get the cooks to prepare some food, Louis you can stay if you would like?" i asked the boy, before he could even answer Laurie butted in.
"i think he should stay and get to know us all a little better," a looked to Louis who was hesitant but to kind to deny.
"i will be back soon Lou," he smiled as i used his nickname, Teddy just rolled his eyes.

after getting the food packed into a carriage i rode to the March home to pick them all up. "are you all ready?" i shouted into the door, the girls all loaded the carriage and to my surprise Teddy and Louis were to busy laughing on their seat in the lounge to listen. i stood before them and got their attention, "we are leaving now," i smiled, the both nodded and stood. i realised that Teddy had attempted to take my hand at first but Louis was just quicker, his little furrowed brows gave me a smile.

"there just is not enough room for us in here," we all tried to pile into the 4 person carriage, bare in mind there were 6 of us. "two of the ladies can sit on our laps, it will make up for the space i think," Louis said looking to Laurie. Laurie shrugged his shoulders, "i would rather die than sit on a mans lap," Jo said making me giggle. "i don't mind," Amy and i said in unison. before i could move Teddy pulled me to sit on his lad, his arms wrapped tightly around my waist. Amy blushed as she hopped onto Louis lap, however his plan did work. we set off to the area with the occasional bump in the road making Teddy and i giggle as i bounced on his legs. "you look very beautiful today," he whispered into my ear, however it was just loud enough for Louis who was beside us to hear to which he also whispered "i very much agree."
the two boys compliments made my cheeks flush with red. "thank you kind sirs" i smiled. Teddy's arms did not loosen at all on the journey. i did not understand his sudden change in moods however i knew that right now i was enjoying the time i had with him.

we all piled out of the carriage onto the small patch of grassland to have our picnic. the boy set out the blankets as meg and i sorted all of the food onto plates and trays. "the sun looks ever so beautiful today," Amy smiled as she sat with the group, Teddy and i used to come to this area for picnics as children so we knew just the right time to come for the best views. Jo and Teddy laughed together while Louis and i told the girls about Paris, they all seemed very interested.

"so you have really seen the tower?" Amy spoke with wide eyes, we both nodded with smiles. "we actually met at the tower, i was with some classmates and Belle was reading on a bench. i remember thinking she was just the most beautiful woman to ever grace the streets of Paris. my friends convinced me to see her and i guess i just went for it. we became very good friends and often returned to the bench to read together," his recollection of our meeting made me smile, i had missed that bench, especially now the warmer season were rolling in. "so you had a crush on her?" Teddy added into the story, Louis went red in the cheeks. "well, she is a beautiful woman, i obviously did take my fancy to her however she is my best friend, it would be rather odd," he laughed awkwardly. i saw Teddy's expression change as Louis said the word 'best friend'. i knew he would say something about that later. Jo seemed quiet that day, it did bring confusion to me.

"Jo, follow me i have the most beautiful stream to show you," she huffed,
"i do not want to look at streams," i just took her hand then pulled her away from the group. we sat beside the stream and i turned to her, "what is wrong? i can see the change in you," she looked down to the floor and then looked into my eyes desperately. "can you keep a secret?" i nodded and held my pinky finger out for her, she just looked at it and shook her head making me feel rather silly.
"well, people may hate me for this. i think that, no i know that- well- you can not hate me for this Belle," i could see her nerves, i took her hand into mine to comfort her, "trust me, i will not hate you Jo," she took a deep breath in and then looked me in the eyes. "i am attracted to woman," her words quickly but certain. i smiled to the girl, "oh Jo, you do not have to be ashamed. love is love. in Paris i know many men whom love men and women who love woman. it may not be accepted by the general public right now, yet i know know people around here would not mind," she shook her head. "you mustn't tell anyone Belle," i shook my head, "i would never."

we traveled back to the group now having a greater bond than ever. i had been stuck in my thoughts, if Teddy did love the girl it was now doomed. although i was still angry at him for replacing me with her, i did not want his heart to be broken.
my Teddy will be destroyed.

𝗽𝘂𝗿𝗲 𝗱𝗲𝘃𝗼𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 // 𝗧𝗵𝗲𝗼𝗱𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝗟𝗮𝘂𝗿𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗲Where stories live. Discover now